Thursday, January 30, 2014

Rainbow Feathered Star Is Quilted!!!

Hello Everyone,

I am sooooo excited!! My Rainbow Feathered Star is quilted!!!!  I was able to finish it the day before I got sick.  Thank goodness too, because I don't think it would be finished now if hadn't finished it then.

As far as the quilting, I am in LOVE with it!!!  Let's check it out....

Lots of glorious feathers.  I used mostly Superior's Magnifico for the thread.  Although, I did switch a couple to a variegated poly.  Love the sheen on these thread.

Flame like stitching in the spikes.  The quilt as you can see is heavily quilted.

More gorgeous feathers!  Swoon!!

Here you can see the flames a little better.  I did change the colors out with every spike.  I wanted the threads to "blend" with the fabrics.  The effect that I wanted was achieved.

Can't say much more, but... 

This has got to be my most favorite quilt that I have made.

I will be teaching this class as a retreat at Olde City Quilts in Burlington, NJ in April, 2014.  You can find out all the information here... Just scroll down.

If you can't make the retreat here are the stats on this quilt and how you can make it yourself.

1.  Queen Size Feathered Star 96" X 96" ~ Pattern can be found here.
2.  Rainbow Feathered Star Quilt Kit can be found here.
3. All batiks were used in this quilt.
4.  Black batting was used.
5.  Superior Threads were used to quilt this quilt.
6.  Digitized pattern from Quiltworx was used and can be found here.

Until Next Time...



Karen said...

Jackie, what a fabulous quilt. I can't imagine doing one so big!

Nedra said...

Congratulations on such a beautiful finish. I can see why this is your all time favorite quilt. Your quilting is wonderful! I see you are heading this way soon. We will be at the AQS Show in Phoenix when you first arrive, but would love to get together for lunch after that if you have time.

Vicki W said...

It's spectacular. Every thing about it is perfect from the color placement to the feathers.

Jane S. said...

Wow! That is just gorgeous. I love the black background, and the feather quilting is perfect. :)

Borderline Quilter said...

Fabulous your colour your it!!!
Best Wishes
Kay in Scotland

Judith said...

What a gorgeous quilt! I"m thinking that I need to make one and then take a road trip to your store to get you to quilt it!

You are a fantastic quilter! And I wish that you were coser to Winnipeg!

Michele said...

Wow! Just wow! It is just stunning.

Kim Mullins said...

Great reading your blogg post

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