Hello Everyone,
Several months ago, I was thinking about doing a BOM for FREE for all my readers and more... on my blog. But I really wanted to make it interesting. So I thought about it for a little while and decided to invite some of my very talented quilty blogging friends to be part of this program. They are all designing the blocks and doing the tutorials for you to follow in making the blocks each month.
Blogger's BOM was born. (You don't need to have a blog to join in on the fun!) About a month or so ago I sent the following fabrics to the designers...
From top to bottom: Guinea Flower - Gold, Paperweight - Purple, Aboriginal Dot - Grey, Clover Dots - Green, Spot - Magenta, Shirt Stripes - Green.
I wanted the final quilt that we created to have a cohesive look. These fabrics are all from the Kaffe Fassett Collective and available in my shop.
But you do not have to use these, you can use your own fabrics to create this BOM.
This is meant to be a scrap quilt, so we don't have yardages for the total quilt yet as we don't know exactly how it will finish. Each designer will tell you what you need to complete their block.
Here is how it will work...
1. On the 25th of every month (except December, it will be either a day or two earlier or later), you will come to my blog and see which blogger's month it is for the block.
2. I will link you to their blog for the tutorial. Then you can go ahead and make the block for that month. The blocks are all 8.5 inches square.
But wait, that is not all...
3. Each month, on my blog, I will have a Mr. Linky and you can link back to your blog showing off your block from the previous month. In fact, you can link up this month to show us that you are participating!! Just scroll down to Mr. Linky, we would love to see you there.
4. I also have a Flicker group set up so that anyone participating can post their blocks there as well.
5. We all would like you to spread the word about this wonderful FREE Blogger's BOM, so grab the button below and link back to this post. That way, more people can find out about it and join in on the fun! The more the merrier, right??
The BOM will run from September 2011 - October 2012. The last month will be the setting or finishing layout of the quilt.
It is meant for ALL levels of quilters. It is ALL pieced.

<div align="center"><a href="http://cvquiltworks.blogspot.com/2011/09/bloggers-bom-quilt-along.html" title="Canton Village Quilt Works"><img src="http://farm7.static.flickr.com/6070/6149318355_8ab1bb94b1_o.jpg" alt="Canton Village Quilt Works" style="border:none;" /></a></div>
The reason for the Mariner's Compass block in the button is that... we will be your guides for the BOM.
I bet you all want to know who the talented designers for this BOM are...
September - Sherri McConnell - A Quilting Life
October - Vicki Welsh - Field Trips in Fiber
November - Stephanie Dunphy - Loft Creations
December - Pat Sloan - The Voice Of Quilting
January - John Adams - Quilt Dad
February - Amy Smart - Diary of a Quilter
August - Amy Ellis - Amy's Creative Side
September - Sarah Fielke - The Last Piece
This is a wonderful and talented group of individuals. We all hope that you will join us in the fun!!
Come on and link up below!
Linking doesn't mean you are committed.
I'm in! I love your selection of fabrics and will probably use some Kaffes in mine, too. That's a stellar list of designers, so it should be an awesome BOM!
Can't wait to see what everyone else comes up with! My block is done! (you got it right?) Hugs!
Oh wow! Of course curious me has a thousand questions (fabric, design)...but I'll keep my trap shut and wait to find out as your plan unfolds. Thanks Jackie, great idea!
I'm in as well! Looking forward to it Jackie!
I've never done one of these before and I want to be in, but as a new blogger and fairly new quilter, I seem to be having commitment issues. LOL. Do we need to link up now?
How fun! I may abandon my Farmer's Wife for this quilt along. That's an impressive roster of designers...
that will be fun, I'm in :))
Sorry, I made a mistake, I linked twice.
I'm in. How much fabric do I buy?
As usual, I'm allready thinkg about how to make the same but different, and more modern than traditional. But I am soo in :)
Sounds like a blast...I'M IN!!
In stitches,
Teresa :o)
This is right up my alley! I did the Blockapalooza QAL last year and LOVED it. I'm in big!
Sounds like fun! I'm in.
Can't wait. I hope I am not overcommiting. I am employed full time, but this sounds like such FUN!
I am in!!! hugs from Brasil!!!
If I don't have a blog how do I link up? This looks like fun and I would love to participate but am a newbie at this - help :0)
I'm so totally IN!! You had me at Kaffe Fassett... :):) This sounds like FUN!!! Thanks for pulling all this together!! Hugs--Sandie
I've always said that I would do a block of the month someday and this looks like it will be a lot of fun!
I'm in and super excited! I think I can manage a block a month ;)
Can't wait to get started!
Of course I join :o) And maybe I can use some of my Kaffe-fabrics! Do you have a clue on how much fabrics we need? Is is ok to use several colourways or do we have to stick to one?
This will be fun :o)
Looking forward to lots of fun and wonderful designs! Thanks to all involved in this BOM!
My name is definitely on the list.
I can't wait either, will blog and link tomorrow. You are fabulous Jackie!! xo
Sounds like fun! Waiting for the 25th.
This looks like great fun and can`t wait for the first block! Thank you so much for hosting this.
Very fun....can't wait!
Wow, great list of designers! Joined in - and messed up my name. But I AM IN! That's all that matters...
I'm in. When will we get fabric amounts? I'm ready to shop. Thanks.
This is something I'm looking forward to. thanks much
This will be fun.. Count me in.
Blogger won't let me put the button for this BOM onto my blog page. I must be doing something wrong.
I'm in! Sounds like so much fun!
I'd love to join in. Looks exciting.
Can't get the link to work on my blog.
Hi, Just what I need to get me back to my sewing machine.
My link doesn't work either. Can I edit my information?
I´m in too! I just love BOM.
Me gusta la aventura, seguro que quedara precioso me apunto mi correo es masuva9@hotmail.com .Muchas gracias un besito Angeles
Never joined a BOM till yet but this one looks nice and so I'll try it.
Thanks so much
This is so exciting! I don't have a blog but I do have a profile created and will follow you along for the BOM and quilt and sew along! This is so exciting! Thanks to you and to Alison at Cluck Cluck Sew for steering me over to your blog! Love the fabrics that you have selected!
Sounds like sew much fun! Can't wait!
Id love to follow. Im a no-blogger but will follow along. THANKS!!
Wow, Jackie, you found some great and very talented blogging friends for this BOM.
Very very tempting, so, I think I should join (o:
I just couldn´t resist the upcoming BOM. I have several different fabric from Kaffe Fasset´s design screaming for a new project.
I will be doing this BOM. I don't have a blog but I will post pictures on my flicker site.
One question: you must register for BOM blocks or be free in every blog?
I would appreciate your response to vegagladys09 (arroba) gmail (dot) com!
A hug!
Looking forward to it!
Hola ya llevo el boton a mi blog. Gracias
¡Que cute proposal! I scored the BOM
my mail: andreaclr093@gmail.com
Sign me up as well.
Me gustaria apuntarme, me encanta la idea.
Mi correo
I´d like to join the BOM.Thanks for share!
Best regards
Hola me gustaría apuntarme a este nuevo trabajo,me parece muy interesante,mi correo es "pinolopz@hotmail.com.
Great idea, I can't resist, please singn me up .I can't wait!
I can't wait to learn how to make quilt blocks....I'm new in sewing a quilt!! Thanks for having this ...
Although I do not have a blog, this sounds like great fun. I have tried several times and ways to sign on but I have not been successful. I will just keep checking in and assume that by leaving a comment that is like signing up. I ordered some fabrics from your site so I am ready! Thank you.
how nice to see all your blocks!!!!!! i shall do mine best.
greets from me!(Marja).
I've been to your Mr Linky and signed up but it doesn't come back to this blog so will you sign me up.
Sign me up!
This sounds like fun! I don't have a blog, so I will keep checking in to your site for the latest BOM.
I just couldn´t resist this BOM. Have no idea what fabrics I'll use, but I do know it will be something from my stash.
I can't resist BOMs. Count me in!
It sounds so good.I think I will give it a try. Trish
I love BOM, so I will take part of it.
That Sounds like fun! And I have enough fabrics in my stash. So count me in.
I'm in
I'm in - it will be fun seeing what fabric combinations everyone else picks. Should be great fun :)
So happy I found this, I love block of the months and I have alot of Kaffe fabric. woo hoo
I finished a bag yesterday with the Kaffe fabric (first one) :-)
I tried to link up but failed..
Please, join me!!!
Down Under
Sounds like so much fun! Count me in! :)
This looks like great fun and can`t wait for the first block!
Greatings from Spain Bettina
I'm in! Eager to see Block 1 and start playing with the scrap bins.
I am sew in!
Wow, I am so loving the all of the bloggers who are making the blocks as well as those who are following!
I'm in.
This is my first BOM!
This is my first and I'm so excited! Can't wait.
Una idea fantastica, que emoción ya se que hoy es 26 pero.... no podré esperar hasta el 25 de octubre.
Es posible recibir el de este mes.
Eva (Barcelona) Spain
What a great group of bloggers you've assembled!
I'm planning to play, too!
my first BOM! So many of the people i follow are going to play along... i am finally going to commit and jump in too
One block a month...I can do that!
You can count me in!
Groeten, Corry
I love your blog. I am always visiting and getting inspired by it. I would love to join you in the BOM. But I am unable to link it.
I am from India so I won't be able to use the materials you have chosen. I will use what is available here. I hope to keep use similar colours though.
Sorry for the 2 linky links! The first one didn't work for some reason- so I went again. You can delete 298 if that is possible. Sorry! - Letty b
May i join? What must i do?
I am signed up and will now attempt to load a button on my site. there is first time for everything!!!
Love the concept of a BOM!!!! this sounds like so much fun :)
Can't wait to finish this one!!
I apparently forgot to link up saying I was joining! But I posted your button on my page, & I got the first block done last night! This is my very first BOM & I am quite excited about it :-)
Thanks for organizing this!
~ Meagan
I just found out about this idea but the link is closed and when I went to your first BOM person I couldn't find any info about the block. Am I too late to join?
Sounds like fun.
Im going to try to join in :) Im a new quilter and this would be a great way for me to work on multiple techniques. Now I just have to pick out some fabric... six will do?
OOh! Am I too late to join in - I see the linky is closed? Well, I have done the first block, and I do hope I will get access to the next blocks too?
I just found out about this wonderfull idear / BOM. Can't really find the "sign in" anywhere. Is it too late?. Just joined your facebook group too - and hope to be updated in time next time. Love and Quilting hugs from Anita Lindgreen, Denmark
I can't fight it any longer! I just started this BOM. Hope it's not to late to join :) I posted my first block on Flickr. Such a fun block!!
I would love to join in, but can't figure out how to get the link.
Looks like fun. Will check the Flicker site.
I'm definitely in! Already have block #1 done, can't wait for #2!
I am on a second #1 block because I want to make a quilt for my cousin and she's TALL!
Silly question time! Why is there 14 months/blocks for this BOM? Usually BOMs are 12 months/blocks. Just wondered!
Better late than never? I'll do it!
Preparadisima para comenzar¡¡¡¡¡
Mi correo es:
I'm in. Always late. Ha, ha. Have my little blocks cut and ready to stitch...hopefully tonight and then I'll be ready for block #2. :)
Hola, te escribo este comentario porque estoy apuntada a este trabajo pero no me llega los patrones.
Mi correo es pinolopz@hotmail.com.
Hola escribo porque me anote y no me llegó nada te dejo mi correo
Count me in.. really love to try new block every month.
I have a blog site, but I am very new to blogging. How do I link the button? I'm naive when it comes to computers. But I love BOMs. I belong to 9 right now. Jeanne
I am new to blogging...but not to quilting...I am not sure how I found this (!) BUT I love the look of this B_O_T_M ...so am going to join in...if thats OK? I will be making the first block tonight. As I am technically challenged I have to get son to attach button to my blog!! x
Blocks made...button added....telling every one!! Thank you again xx
Hi! My 1st BOM ever & very much interested indeed. Count me in. Thanks for this great opportunity.
kewl idea
having a hard time posting this comment
Hello, Jackie!
is it possible to join your wonderful BOM now? :)
I've just red your post ! and since September it past a lot of time....
Thank you!
Hola! acabo de encontrar este blogs,,me encanta, si fuera posible participar,auqnue lleven algunos meses trabajando,`prometo ponerme al dia. abaesitos mi correo
espero tengan en cuenta,y acepten una mas,,saludos. ( ely la canaria)
Hi MY FIRST BOM TO EVER but would love to learn more please count me in as i am new to quilting only for a year though lol. email is beverley-812@hotmail.com or u can find me on fbook beverley roberts
Hi! I just wanted to let you know that I joined in just a week ago and I'm already caught up with the first six blocks. So folks - it's NEVER too late to join in the fun! And let me tell you - these blocks are FUN! Great project! Thank you :)
I gotta get into this.. Trying to figure out the Badges. I will work on the squares.. this will be fun, I love Kaffee, I have alot of Riley, I want a KING sz quilt.
Am I the only one that can not find Pat Sloan's December block??
I just found this link. Is it too late to do this BOM? If not, where do I find the patterns for the September, October and November blocks?
Could someone tell me how to find the patterns for the blocks htat you have already done for the free BOM? Thanks!
Debbi and Team Fetty... You can find all the links to each Blogger's BOM by month on the right side bar under the heading " Blogger's BOM Block Links" . They will remain there indefinitely, so you will always have access.
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