Tuesday, April 13, 2010

I'm In a Bind and Could Use Your Help

Hello Everyone,

Yes, these are actual binding for quilts that I have already bound. They are leftover. I keep them because you never know when you could use those pre-cut strips. But anyway, onto why I am in a bind....

My dilemma is that I just posted my 12th Podcast!! I can't believe it has been a whole year since I began Podcasting. This is a wonderful episode too. It is the sequel to Karen Griska's first interview in Episode 11. She also has a surprise on the podcast too. You can listen to it here or grab it from iTunes!

But any who... onto why I need your help...

I am celebrating my 12th podcast and would like to share my good fortune with all my listeners of my Podcast and readers of my blog. You ask how???

Well I am going to do a giveaway!! Two lucky winners will win 12 fat quarters of their choice from the fabric that is in my shop!! How cool is that??

So all you have to do is leave a comment on this post, give me any suggestions that you might have for future podcasts and also future blog posts, if you like. Also, if you are already a listener or reader, tell me what you like best about my podcasts or blog.

There must be a way for me to get in touch with you! Please leave an e-mail if you don't have a blog or other way to be contacted. It is open to everyone! I will leave this contest open until the end of April. I know that is a long time, but I would love for all of you to have the opportunity to listen to an episode or 2.

So on May 1 me and Mr. Random Number generator will draw 2 winners.

Please feel free to blog about this giveaway too! The more the merrier! Most of all thank you to all who listen to me and read my blog regularly! I truly appreciate you and the inspiration that you give!

Don't forget today is the last day of the 20% off sale in my shop! Use the code more20 at checkout!

*** The giveaway is now closed, thank you all for entering! Check back on Monday for the winners ***

Until Next Time...



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Fran said...

I've really enjoyed looking through your gallery of quilting work done. Congratulations! I wished you lived near me!


Caron at Michigan Quilts said...

I'd love a blog post or podcast on designing quilts... the pattern, fabrics, etc.

Joanna said...

I keep my leftover binding, too! I'm so glad to find I'm not the only one. What have you used the leftovers for, though? I have ahuge bag full, and have no clue what to do with them!

Andi said...

Congratulations Jackie. What a wonderful milestone!!!
Andi :-)

Mom on the Move! said...

Ilove your blog and can't wait to find your podcast!!! congrats on the year mark.


I love your blog with your sense of humor! And, you express yourself with color! My favorite means of design.

Robin (RsIslandCrafts) said...

I always make too much binding because I don't like having to stop in the middle of sewing on the binding to make more. I keep mine in a plastic container on top of my sewing desk. I love using them for coasters, potholders, or placemats when they match. I also use them for scrappy bindings on scrappy quilts :)

Off to listen to a few podcasts...

Quilts and Cats said...

Having had a selvage quilt featured on Karen Griska's blog it was great to hear your podcast. I'd like to suggest a podcast with a fabric designer, such as Sandy Gervais. What things inspire the designs and color waves for these designers? Love your blog and the shop. Many happy years of podcasting to come! Lynne

Anita in Florida said...

I love your blog...not sure what a 'podcast' is though, will have to check it out!

Lauren The Artist said...

12 podcasts! Congrats. It might be fun to have a post/mention on upcoming shows. Not the big ones that everyone hears about, but the local guild-sponsored quilt shows. I love those shows and seem to find out about them after-the-fact.

Nanna said...

Congratulations! Would love to see a podcast on binding a quilt. I am a beginner.

Anne at Film and Thread said...

I have listened to all of your podcasts and really appreciate the effort you put in for your listeners. I especially liked the enhanced version that you did in #11 because I could stop periodically and look at the pictures so my only idea is to keep doing enhanced podcasts!

Gene Black said...

I haven't checked out your podcasts. Are they audio or video podcasts?
I have time to listen to an audio podcast while I drive but can't watch a video during that time.

However, quilts are visual, so video is very good in that respect.

If you haven't already done it, interviews with top quilting personalities are always enjoyable to us in blogland. (well me anyway!)

Ivona said...

Hi Jackie, I like your blog and also your quilts, there is always something new for me :-) Greetings from Slovakia!

Anya said...

Congratulations, Jackie!I would suggest interviews with fabric designers and other quilting "stars". I love to see the quilts you're working on as well. Eye candy is always good.

Jocelyn said...

Jackie, I always enjoy reading your blog. I'd love to hear a podcast with Lynette Jensen. I've been a fan of her patterns and fabrics for years. Thanks for entering me :-)

vivian said...

I keep my leftover binding and join the strips together to bind charity quilts-gives them an extra sparkle! Congrats Jackie on a year of podcasting!

Vicki W said...

Congratulations on your podcasts! Let's see future topics.....how do you determine if a pattern is a "good" one to make - what about it sings to you.....pick a particular type of fabric (kaffe-style, vintage, solid, hand-dyed, whatever) and interview a few artists that primarily work with that fabric and ask them why they use it, tips for working with that type of fabric, what styles of patterns work best, etc.......how do you manage your time and keep discipline around your work.......your favorite fiber art sites on the web....

Annette said...

Very pretty bindings and a good bind to be in. Congratulations on some great podcasts and a super blog. I have really enjoyed it. You have a great eye for using color. That would make a good podcast I think.

Grazia said...

Congratulations Jackie!
I'd like to share quick quilt layouts with strips or scraps...
I love your blog!

Sharon@LoftyQuilts.com said...

I'm interested to learn more about creating interesting borders and/or interesting (ie; scalloped) edges

Quilts on Bastings said...

Congratulations Jackie on a year of podcasts and a wonderful blog.

Terry said...

Congratulations on your 12th podcast! I just love your blog because I'm always inspired when I come by here. There's always lots of loveliness to brighten my day! Thanks for the giveaway! :0)

Robyn said...

I would so love to help you out of this bing ;0) and take those fat quarters off your hands. It's my duty.

Nancy said...

I follow your blog... Such great goodies to read about... and great information..

Nancy said...

I would love to hear about color...anything about color...how to use it, how to match it...etc..

How about new trends in quilting..

Monica B said...

Congrats on a year! I love your blog!

trash said...

Crumbs! 12 podcasts! Many congratualtions on a year of theis successful venture. Interviews are always interesting I think.

Sandra Henderson said...

I keep my leftover binding also. I've used it on doll quilts, bags,etc. Congratulations on 1 year!

Willa said...

Best wishes on this milestone!

I would like to hear more about color choices and fabric choices.....how does value affect the choices?

quiltingnana said...

I am one of your followers and love your blog...I guess it is the variety of topics that I really like...always something interesting

RWL said...

I'd love some tips on designing your own quilts. I'm terrible with that kind of stuff but would love to do it! Thanks!

Tong said...

Congrats! I just recently found your blog through my Google reader and really enjoy reading it! I would love to see a post or podcast on pattern design, I'm graph paper and coloured pencils kind of girl, I wonder what other people do? Thanks for the giveaway!

Melanie said...

Atta Girl! on your 12th post victory! There's so many things to talk about...even write about in your blog. I'd love to see more photos with quilts and different ways to display them. You've got us all on the roll of making them...we need different ways to use them now.LOL.

mascanlon said...

A podcast on how you go about developing a new design. On paper, on computer or just sit and sew and throw it on the design wall? And how to select fabric. Using a collection is easy but what to think about when you're off the grid so to speak.


Thanks for the opportunity to win FQ! WOW! Yeah ME! Congrats about the milestone!! YEAH YOU!~! I Would like to see & hear some info on panographs & home mid arm quilting, any tips suggestions, thread types, needles, what works & what DOESN"T. ( I feel it is important to learn from other people's mistakes) etc.... Thanks!~!

mom2three said...

I really enjoy your blog - I like to see your completed projects and w.i.p's too - it's inspirational for me to see! I have a whole lot of w.i.p. and very little time to complete them... but I keep starting new projects! So, I like to see what others are doing and get ideas for little changes to the patterns i'm already working on. Thanks!

Melissa @Lilac Lane said...

How very generous of you!

Pam Geisel - For Quilts Sake said...

I love the title of this post!

Barb said...

I love coming to your blog...as far as podcast go...please don't stone me, I don't know what podcasting is.....am I bad or what?
I don't know if I would change a thing....your blog is very inviting and informative...so keep it coming.

CJ said...

I love your blog and have been following you for awhile! Your work is beautiful and so is your fabric! I am excited about this giveaway! Hope I win!
Cynthia at: cynabar@sbcglobal.net

PunkiePie (Jen) said...

I have never listened to your podcasts. I'll have to check them out. I would love some instruction on designing a quilt block and then putting that inspiration into a whole quilt top.

Thanks for the chance! you are being more than generous!

Katie B said...

Thanks for the giveaway! I'm looking forward to this new podcast. I'd love to hear your tips on fabric choice--how to mix and match fabrics from different lines successfully. Thanks!

clair said...

I love to see photos. They help me see what it should look like and how I should do the project.

jenj said...

I'm so happy to hear about another quilting podcast -- I'm downloading your latest episode right now and will certainly subscribe!

One thing I like to hear in podcasts is reviews of things. Books are the most obvious. And I want them to be honest reviews -- a 100% positive review is not all that useful. Also, just talking about what's new in the quilting world (so-and-so has a new line of fabrics, I just found this great new quilt pattern, etc...) would be great.

I think I might have to go and treat myself in your sale now (can't resist quilt fabric sales...it's an illness!)

Mary Grace McNamara said...

What a lovely collection of bindings you have there! I thought maybe you were going to give those away! Congrats on reaching this milestone. I haven't listened to your podcasts but will be checking them out now that I know about them. If you haven't already done this one, how about one on needles and threads. I'm always wondering if there is something better out there than what I am currently using.


Amy said...

I love to come over and drool on the keyboard as I look at your beautiful quilts. I'm a way beginner quilter and wish I knew how to square the quilts better. Mine always seem to be a bit skewampus(is that a word?) Anyway I enjoy reading your blog and one day I should listen to a podcast. Maybe it would give me pointers.

Karen said...

Congratulations on your 12th podcast. To be honest, I've never listened to one, but I think it's wonderful that you provide this form of communications for those that listen to them. I'll have to try them out when I have a few quiet moments. I have a couple of ideas for your leftover bindings if you want to send them my way, LOL!!!!!!!!

wishes, true and kind said...

My only suggestion is to keep up the goodwork! I love the podcasts because quilting is usually so visual, but it's great to have interesting content to just listen to while my hands and eyes are busy with other tasks.


Carla said...

Love to read your blog! How about an interview with a fabric designer for you blog or podcast? Thanks for the giveaway!

Mystica said...

Thank you ever so much for this giveaway. And by the way that binding looks scrumptious.

I follow your blog.


Laura said...

I keep my leftover binding pieces too :-). They are great for small projects.

Re: future podcasts, I would love to hear interviews with fabric and/or pattern designers as to how they come up with their ideas and patterns and also how they got started in their quilting career. I think we all have dreams of how we can make quilting our full time job LOL.

Melisa Bakos said...

I love your blog! I think storage of stash and finished quilts would be a good topic. Also if you do fabric prep on brights that may run and what you do ...for colours like Reds. Washing and maintaining quilts quilts could also be thrown in there.
Melisa Bakos

allsewnup said...

I really enjoy the variety you bring to your blog. I know I'll find something informative and inspiring every time.
Thank you for the chance to win.


Nancy said...

I love the pretty colors in your bindings. I'm sure the quilts they went on were lovely! I never pass up a chance to get more fat quarters!

Abby and Stephanie said...

Congratulations Jackie! I love how you share tools you use for your projects--like rulers--on your blog. No suggestions for the future except to say keep up the great work.

Paleo said...

I too keep my extra binding. I keep them in the bin of strips. cause they could be ironed flat for quilty bits or used to make a patchwork binding or small projects ect.

stuff you have done in the past that I have found immensely useful have been the pod casts on batting and threads. they tend to be afterthoughts to alot of people, me included for along time, mostly cause I didn't known the technical information about them. I am a better quilter from having learned that knowledge.

em's scrapbag said...

So happy for you Jackie. I love your blog. The way you use bold beautiful fabrics is inspiring.

Chris@Cats On My Quilts said...

I love seeing what you are working on. It's very inspirational to see someone's work who has an eye for color and pattern and you definitely have that.

Corrie said...

Congratulations on your podcasts! I love your blog and all your beautiful creations!

Mary on Lake Pulaski said...

Congratulations on a year of podcasts! They are great when I'm on the treadmill at the gym! How about nitty gritty about quilt market for a podcast in the future?

patty a. said...

Thanks for the giveaway! Twelve podcasts are something to be proud of! How about blogging about what you are going to do with the leftover bindings!? I save my end pieces of binding, but I only have small pieces - maybe 3" to 10".

Kim D. said...

Congrats on your 12th podcast and one year doing them Jackie. I've never listened to them before, but you did an outstanding job on number 12. Would love to see a video of you and your guest. Love reading your blog too. Thanks for the great giveaway.

Luke & Kelsie Frazier said...

Congrats! I enjoy reading your blog and just seeing what other quilters are doing, especially with more traditional quilting. If I suggested anything it would be to add in little tips or definitions for newbies. Nothing super intricate, just simple stuff that you've found helpful.

Just JaiCi's Crafts said...

I also save my bindings...I use my left-overs to make a fun, colorful binding on my "for-fun" quilts.
I love reading your blog, and love getting ideas...

GerryART said...

I've been 'follow'ing your blog for a while now - Today I listened to my very first podcast - your interview with Karen G.
I learned abut Karen's selvage edge from a quilter in Kansas 'Q is for Quilting'.
Your podcast allowed me to listen to your conversation with her - thanks.
BTW, I use my left over binding to bind my placemats. Piecing the shorter lengths allows for design elements not otherwise used.
Thanks for adding to my creative world.

liberal sprinkles said...

Wow congratulations! I love to see your designs on your blog.

Sally said...

I love the variety of your quilting topics. Leftover bindings are great for a scrappy binding, or use them as your own jelly rolls if they aren't bias.

Anonymous said...

So what are you going to do with all the binding leftovers? They could be a give away, too. But then what would WE do with them? I bet I could think of something...
Love your posts; they always make me smile since they are full of colorful pictures.
Cherie H

What Comes Next? said...

I follow your blog, and get your shop newsletter - love looking at your quilts and projects - so inspiring, and I'm always droolng over your fabrics. I enjoy reading articles about the design process for a quilt - right from the piecing through the quilting - and not "quilt as you like"!

Bella Linguini said...

Congrats on the 12th podcast! I didn't know you had a podcast so now I know what I'll be listening to this afternoon!

Always Sewing said...

Congratulations on your 12th podcast! Your quilts are beautiful. Thanks for sharing your quilt journey with us in your podcasts.

Meg said...

I love seeing all of the different colors and fabrics you incorporate into your quilts.

I'm so timid about making bold moves, and it's quite inspiring to see someone so good at color combos.

Lisa Bee said...

Congratulations on 12 podcasts! I'm going to have to go listen to them now because I don't know what you've talked about or not.

I can't think of anything that would lend itself particularly well to a podcast about quilting. Some of the ideas in the earlier comments were good. I like the ones about aspects of design - that's one area that I have trouble.

WoolenSails said...

Congratulations on the podcasts.
I bind by adding a border and folding it to the back of the quilt. I had a way to do it right and lost it, would love to learn better and the different ways to bind quilts.


Meg said...

Congrats on a year of podcasts, Jackie! I love seeing what you're working on, and your long-arm work--I'm always interested in seeing more! Thanks for hosting such a great give-away!

Amy Sp said...

Would you believe I've never watched a podcast? I think I'll try tonight after the kids are in bed, if my internet isn't too slow. I love your blog and seeing lots of pictures. That's what really inspires me, so keep it up!

Gwyneth said...

terrific giveaway!

Marcia W. said...

Thank you for this giveaway. I like checking your blog because you know how to use the fabric you sell. RE: the podcasts - have attempted to listen to them in the past and think my internet 56k connection may be too slow. Is there special software that may need? Noticed that someone else posted a concern over slow connection. Podcast content: I like interviews of fabric / quilt pattern designers so understand where their ideas originate and their design process. mlwright29 (at) hotmail (cot) com

Kat said...

Love your blog! I especially love all the pictures; it would be nice to see some tutorials. Keep it up! Kat.

sandra said...

Congrats on your 12 podcast I wish I could figure out how to download them onto by mp3,I have tried but I don't always get something. I love your blog fairly new to it and I have been listening to you speaking with Karen. How about interviewing Maria Peglar on colour. Sandra davidson.sandra0@gmail.com

Tracy T. said...

Congratulations on your podcast dozen! I'm interested to hear about free-motion quilting, as I have an ever-grwoing pile of tops and need a faster way to quilt them!

Liz B. said...

That bias binding makes me droooool. Thanks for the chance at your giveaway!

ilovebabyquilts said...

wow, you are so generous!!! 12 fat quarters is a dream come true! I love your shop, I browsed around a bunch and we have the same taste :) Thanks for the chance.

Janet said...

Jackie, I've been meaning to send you a note about this - now I get to do it and be entered in your giveaway! Any words in your blogs which are links to other places in cyberspace don't show up on the coloured background on any computer I use. I don't know if I need to do something different but this doesn't happen on any other blogs I look at. For instance you say "My dilemma is that I just posted my !!" That is what it looks like to me and if I click in the space I am not redirected anywhere. On occasion your writing runs over to white space on the right side of the page - in those instances the links do show and I can use them to get where they are.
So any suggestions? Is there something I need to do differently or something you can change to rectify this!

free indeed said...

Can't do podcasts, but I read your blog. I'd like to see a quilt along maybe using special rulers or templates like that winding ways you have pictured above. I'm not confident to tackle this myself, but with a group and maybe a special on the ruler/template it would be fun to do together? Tried my hand at freehand quilting and decided I should invest in a few basic stencils, so I'd like tips on how to mark a quilt with stencils in preparing to quilt with my domestic machine....videos would be nice.
enter me for those fqs....

Anonymous said...

Congratulations Jackie. Hmm suggestions, I'm with Nancy, color anything to do with color, combination's etc. I'd also love to hear about different uses that are not just for quilts for the fabrics you stock.

Crystal Hendrix said...

Congradulations! You must be one popluar lady!! Thanks for the giveaway!

Nancy said...

For some reason I can't access your pod casts, so if my suggestion has already been done- I'm sorry. But I'd be interested in information on using pre-cut fabrics. Thanks and congratulations.

spackattak7 at hotmail dot com

Lynn Osborne said...

Congratulations! Thanks for the chance to win.

paront1222@comcast.net said...

I keep leftover bindings too and when I make scrappy tops I connect them all and make scrappy bindings...they're fun and look awesome on a quilt!
Peggy in NJ

Quiltin' Sandy said...

Congratulations Jackie, what a great giveaway! The leftover bindings are so pretty and colourful- I imagine that the quilts were gorgeous, I recently read a tip, that was to sew leftover binding on to previous leftovers and keep a continuous strip to use for binding scrap quilts, which I think is a neat idea.
Keeping my fingers crossed for the draw. Bye for now.

Betsy said...

Thank you for the chance to win. I would really love to learn to work with inset seams and curves,.

Poppyprint said...

I must admit to never having listened to any podcasts! I've got the attention span of a gnat, so without images, it's tough for me to stay focussed, but I will go and have a try! Promise!

I'm very happy to have found your blog and find your posts very positive and energetic with great quilts, too!

Thanks for this fantastic giveaway (and by the way, if you want something to do with all those bindings, cut off your jeans and bind the bottoms for cool summer capris!).

Lori said...

Hi Jackie,
I read your blog often. I enjoy looking at your Yummy fabrics most of all.

Your 30's fabrics make me drool most. So, your Star Crazy and your Hexie quilt post make me insane(in a good way)

After, I finish a few more UFOs I am placing an order. A little reward! I have 3 more... before I am allowed to reward myself. Don't sell them all on me okay?

Angelina S. said...

Thanks for this great giveaway! I definitely need to look up your podcast!

Emily said...

Fun giveaway! I will add your podcast to my list! Congratulations on your milestone!

Cardygirl said...

I love visiting your blog as it is always fun & interesting...and you share your generous creative self! Congratulations Jackie!

Val Miller said...

Great blog .. great giveaway ... I am now going to have to check out your podcasts!

Patty said...

I always appreciate lessons on how to pick colors. I find that one of the hardest things. I always seem to have too much matching colors and not enough contrast.

deserae said...

Great giveaway! I will have to listen to some of your podcasts now!

Unknown said...

I read your blog everyday, but haven't seen a podcast. I would like to see more of the quilts that you have quilted!

Megan said...

What a great milestone! I must have missed the podcasts.....I didn't even know they were out there. I'll have to go and listen to those!

Diane J. Evans said...

Here's hoping that #104 is the lucky number! I really appreciate your sharing your trials and successes with your current projects -- you always have something helpful to pass along to us.

Thanks so much for the giveaway!


Jamie said...

Wow! What a generous giveaway! Thanks for the opportunity. I've been loving your blog ever since I discovered it. Recently I have been enjoying your African fabric posts. Thanks for sharing all of your knowledge and talents with us!

Tara said...

Oh, I love your blog! I haven't listened to any podcasts, but I'll ask my hubby to do it for me tonight! I love that you love 30s repro fabrics as much as I do! I love that you share your difficulties as well as your successes! All around it's just awesome! Thanks for the chance to win and may congratulations to you!!

Judy V said...

Congrats on your 12th podcast. I listen to them faithfully. I would love to win the fat quarters. Thanks

Sequana said...

I've just started listening to your podcasts while I work in my studio. You have a very pleasing voice for a background, but still keeps my attention.

You did such a good job with that first set of interviews that you should do more. Not just with pros - like designers or teachers, but also with bloggers. There are a whole bunch of familiar names in blogland that would be good interviews, I bet.

Dandelion Quilts said...

Congrats! I would like a podcast on paper pieced quilts like NY Beauty and then how to choose a good quilting motif for that pieced block.

teaginny said...

Just finding your blog via Jaybird Quilts - podcasts on quilting!? awesome - can't wait to check them out. Great giveaway too. Thanks!

Ann said...

Just found you via Quilt Dad. I will comment now and definitely check out your podcasts! Thanks.

Debby, crowefan0517 said...

i would be happy to help you out of a "Bind" by taking some fat quarters off your hands, lol
I have been listening to your podcast from mthe beginning & really enjoy it. One thing i thought would be intresting would be for a round table type group podcast where one podcaster interviews another podcaster.

-debby siccardi

Jill said...

Off to listen now.. congratulations...you know I love to listen and have learned so much from you and your guests! Keep up the great stuff!!!

Thimbleanna said...

Wow! Congrats on the podcasts Jackie! What a generous giveaway! And gosh -- how does one put a finger on all the things about your blog -- it's YOU and that's what I love about it!

two hippos said...

congrats on #12! as for podcasts, anything about the design process is great.

Barb said...

Wow, congratulations! Just found your blog via Quilt Dad...so I've never checked out your podcast. But I will! I'm thrilled to find a quilting podcast!

Annie said...

Your quilting is very inspiring. Thank you for sharing! Thank you also for this generous give a way.

Marianne said...

Congratulations on an even dozen! Never had time to listen to any, yet!

Mary P said...

I appreciate the work you put into the podcasts--you can really tell you work hard at them.

Kathy said...

I like your blog because of all the visuals......and I am dreaming of the day when podcasts will be online videos with closed captions....I am deaf and can not listen to podcasts and currently online videos are not captioned. Oh well....some day....

Trudy said...

thanx for the great giveaway

Anonymous said...

Congrats! I'm always interested in tips for quilting on a standard sewing machine. I can't afford a bigger one and don't want to hand quilt!

Holly Days Closet said...

I really love your blog I can't think of anything I'd like to see since I'm new to quilting I'm enjoying everything I see.

Jan Dee said...

Love your blog and seeing the great photos. I visit it everyday I even have it bookmarked. Do you ever do anything with reproduction fabrics?

AnnieO said...

I haven't yet listened to any podcasts but you have me intrigued now! If you haven't already done so, I would love to see more about marking quilts for quilting.

What a generous giveaway, and congratulations for a year of podcasting!

Anonymous said...


carmel said...

i follow you for a while now and i like going throgh diffarent psts looking throgh pictures getting insperational

and i blogged about your giveaway

2ne said...

Congratulations,this is a great giweaway. I cant get into your podcasts even I tried....? I link in my blogg too :-) Have a great day.

Vicki @ DottyJane said...

Wow, Jackie, great giveaway! I love your blog for all the great inspiration.

Dena said...

Wonderful giveaway. Glad I found you. Off to go listen to the podcasts.

Treasuresofjoy said...

Congrats and I am always up for some free fabric. Love your blog!!

Cathie said...

I would love to hear you do a podcast (or series) on color theory - indepth on designing with color. I know you touch on this - but what I love most about your quilts is your exquisite use of contrast - it just makes them so appealing. I also liked the idea someone else mentioned on a brief "what's coming in future podcasts." I'd like to mark my calendar~~! Thanks so much for the opportunity to learn from you AND of course for this most generous giveaway! I know it will be "colorful!"

bellaandmolly said...

Congratulations on the 12th! I am off to subscribe to your podcasts. I would loe to see one about creating your own fabric designs.

Lori said...

Hi Jackie, I have a hard time getting to all the blogs I want to read, but plan on listening to your podcasts. I'm sure there chalk full of fun informative goodies!!

Paula said...

Yeahhh... I want to know how desingning works!!!

Teri Dingler said...

For those who hand quilt, how about a podcast on how to decide what quilting pattern that will best complement that particular pattern? Thanks! Teri Dingler tdingler@bellsouth.net

Mom of two said...

I love reading your newsletter. I found your store and blog thru the shop hop. Thanks for your giveaway!!!

Anonymous said...

Love your site!
CONGRATS on this milestone!
Wonderful Giveaway!


Quilting_Chris said...

Congratulations on your milestone. I just found you from QuiltDad and I'll be visiting again.

shariwild said...

Congrats!!Really big milestone.
Love to hear a podcast or 2(and see a blog or 2) about not being afraid of the A word(applique).getting people to sign up for Applique workshops(for my guild) is like pulling teeth(I suppose, since I'm not a dentist).Takes time yes, but it's like meditating or entering nervana. It's so relaxing and you can do it ANYWHERE!
Shari shariwild@yahoo.com

Heather @ Camp Slop said...

Congrats on your milestone! I just discovered your site and am so glad I did!

Zlaty said...

Jackie Congratulation on a full year of broadcasting!
What a fun reward is to pick your own prize!
Thank you a lot for your generosity!

I like seeing your latest projects on your blog and your new fabrics!
Maybe it will be fun to know how you decide what fabric to get for your store.

Happy sewing!

Michele said...

what a fun giveaway! I'm new to your blog and podcast and can't wait to catch up!

ThatDamnCat said...

oh wow, how awesome wouldn't it be to win that one? I alwayssave scraps "just in case", but some are so small it´s pretty ridiculous. :P

Elizabeth said...

Maybe you should have a podcast on things to do/make with leftover scraps/fabric. Thanks for the great giveaway!

kelliemorgan said...

I will check out the podcasts. Thanks so much!

julieQ said...

I really love podcasts...surprisingly, I can listen to them at work, and just really enjoy them. I would like to hear a little about fabric selection, that is hard for me.

momto2wasd said...

That is such a nice giveaway!! Your shop is great, too. You have my dream job, by the way! I'm looking forward to listening to some podcasts!

Jane's Fabrics and Quilts said...

Oh Jackie, that is so wonderful. Congrats!! I finally have a computer where I can listen to them, so, I am going to start at one and listed to them all, maybe then I will come up with an idea, but I think you probably have covered so much already!

Deb said...

Sorry, but I can't listen to podcast because it needs fast speed and lots of bandwidth, which I don't have...although our local library could be a possibility if I could get there and spend time listening.

Bog idea: I'd love any type of quilting tutorial...a pattern tutorial or whatever.

Megra said...

What a lovely giveaway! I just came across your blog and shop. They look absolutely wonderful. Unfortunately, I can't view podcasts - still on dial up but highspeed soon. Congrats on your 12th podcast. Suggestion for podcast: anything related to machine quilting - I'm a newbie so any tips or tricks are definitely beneficial for me. Can't wait to read more of your blog

Honeybee Quilter said...

Congratulations! Your shop is great and I love the podcasts!

Lynne (Lily's Quilts) said...

I always like other people's top quilting tips - maybe a podcast with a collection of those. Other people always think of great short cuts and ways to do things which simplify!

Mary Beth said...

Maybe once Violet is at school I can listen to some podcasts. As for your blog, I love the color, your eye for color and fabrics, your Fassett fabric obsession (like my own), your frequency of posts. What to change? Not a thing! Yours is my #1 blog!

Hi! My name is erica. Would you be my friend? said...

Wow Jackie...that's a great giveaway. I also collect the ends of my bindings...of course I don't have as many as you! lol

I like that you share what you're working on, your stash, little bits of your life. And I think it's important, now that you're getting such a great online business started, that you keep this personal. I go to blogs not only to be inspired, but to have a friendly 'chat' with the person. And I've found a lot of ladies are going all commercial, and I have less desire to follow that. I care more about people than things (says the girl surrounded by lots of things and no people) :D lol!!

Nanbon44 said...

I guess I would like a podcast on how to choose the right color/pattern combinations for fabric. I spend hours trying to decide

Anonymous said...

There's a very less chance of me winning... (Honestly even if there were 2 people participating, I'd surely loose... LOL).. I'd like to tell you, that I love your quilts... And about the leftover binding, why dont you give them away!!! People might mix and match them for their quilts...
Thanks for the giveaway though...

Fleurette said...

Congratulations on your 12th podcast.
I'm a follower and love reading your blog, interesting, inspiring and beautiful bright visuals. A podcast/blog on "How important is labeling a quilt" - non of mine are.Does each quilt have to have a title/name etc. Thank you for a wonderful giveaway.

SoozeM said...

I love your bindings, the colors are so bright and cheerful, you must have some gorgeous quilts to go with them!

Debbie said...

I've been listening to your podcasts since the beginning, Jackie, and I think that once a month is not enough! As to suggestions for subjects, how about doing an interview or having a discussion with other podcast hostesses! Have a great weekend and thanks for counting me in.

Sew Create It - Jane said...

I love reading your blog and seeing all the wonderful things you are working on.

alobsiger said...

Congrats on all of your lovely podcasts, Jackie! I'd love to see/hear your thoughts on deciding how to quilt a quilt or how you and your customers decide how to quilt a quilt (i.e., picking a quilting design). Looking forward to more!

Needled Mom said...

I would love to know how one decides what quilting will look best with designs. I always find that is my most difficult part.

Rafael's Mum said...

I had found your blog but funnily enough not your podcasts yet... I was going to wait and listen and then comment but knowing me.. the window gets closed and by the time I remember the giveaway is over! So commenting now and promise to find them and have a listen when the busy-ness dies down!

velveteena said...

Jackie love your podcast :) first time to your blog, it is great!! Love the pictures!! I enjoy interviews, hearing about quilters specialties,I also enjoy hearing about quilt shows and projects that my quilt guild could use. Again Congratulations and love the podcasts!!

grendelskin said...

Hi Jackie, loved your latest podcasts. It soudned like you and Karen had loads of fun and it was great to hear about new Quilty happenings! Keep it up, and keep adding images when you can, it makes a big difference from out here!

Julzie said...

Hi, having only recently found your blog and your podcasts I haven't listened to them all, so I apologise if this has already been covered, but I'd love to have a podcast or blog entry on the designing a quilt process.....my problem is I have loads of ideas in my head and usually an image of the finished quilt but I sometimes don't know where to start so the ideas stay in my head and I can't quite master the art of getitng the ideas out of my head and onto paper - any help gratefully appreciated :)

Chelley said...

Thanks for the great giveaway! I haven't listened to your podcast yet, but will definitely check it out. I'm always looking for new ones!

Becky said...

I just discovered that you have a podcast. I love listening to podcasts on my drive home from work. I especially love hearing about quilting experience and projects of other quilts. I also love hearing what quilters do for inspiration. Take care! Thank you for this gift of your podcast!

ladmquilter said...

Hi Jackie I have been subscribed to your feed for a while now and I love it. Love that batik quilt you've made it turned out great. I have not check out your podcast but am heading there now it sounds like I will love it. Thanks for the chance to win and congratulations.

Anonymous said...

Hi Jackie--congrats on your pod-iversary!! I would love to hear a podcast interviewing members of a quilt guild (local to CT or otherwise) on their experiences with guild events, how to keep a guild going, and what they've learned from guild friends or functions. Thanks for all you do to advance love of quilting!--Nora in CT

moira said...

Well done podcast-wise. I'm new to this and would love guidance on colour choices and design

Anonymous said...

Congratulations on podcasting for 1 year! I really enjoy reading your blog and will definitely check out all the podcasts! Thanks for the giveaway!

sharon said...

Congratulations! For future podcasts I would like to hear from some new designers. I think there are actually quite a few talented ones on some of these blogs! Thanks Sharonj

thegoose said...

Congratulations. And great giveaway!! For the podcasts, I would like a mini course on color theory and how color choices affect the mood of a quilt and would like to know if they have an influence on how you quilt.

isa & marta said...

Fabuloso El regalo Que ofreces, no puedo "Escuchar Tus podcasts Por Mi Equipo, me encanta blog el, la Frecuencia de la publicacion de Las Telas y coloridas.

Liz said...

I am excited to have stumbled upon your blog (and store!) As a beginning quilter I am inspired by your many beautiful creations (4th of July quilt, "Simply Fun" quilt). Your use of batik fabric is awesome.
thank you and keep posting, please!

Anonymous said...

What I like best about your blog is hearing about a long arm quilter's perspective. And I like your guests, I'm excited about the online quilt museum.
Keep on podcasting!

Anonymous said...

Emily forgot to leave her email:

Betty said...

Congratulations on your success. I love your bright colors. Will check out your podcast soon. Thanks for offering the nice giveaway.

sang said...

Congrats! I love looking at your lovely quilts for inspiration.

Lilly said...

And congrats!!! I'd like to see more tutorials or pics of your beautiful work.
Thanks for the chance and have a wonderful week =D

FlourishingPalms said...

Something fun to blog about is your sewing room. Who doesn't like a peek into private spaces where talented people work? We especially enjoy (feel better!) knowing that everyone makes messes.

Patty said...

love your podcast, and love looking at the quilts on your blog! keep up the good work

Anonymous said...

That batik stars quilt is stunning!

Dresden Quilter said...

I love seeing the customer quilts that you work on and reading your blog. I will have to check out a podcast!

Caro said...

Congratulations! I'm off to your podcast. Bye for now.

PrairiePeasant said...

How about a podcast on quilting on a budget and being environmentally friendly? e.g. using "found" fabrics, reusing, repurposing, thrifted, vintage clothing, etc.

SewLindaAnn said...

I am most inspired by pictures and info. on quilts done and being done, going to flicker groups to get a large sensory dose of color and composition throughout my days. I prefer to read rather than listen. Like another commenter, I love seeing how other people set up their sewing spaces and learning what inspires them. Perhaps an ongoing feature could be pictures of rooms and just everyday blog people info.

Grandma G said...

I'm new here, but I'll be coming back... looks like a wealth of information for me to grab!

The Scotts said...

I follow your blog but had no idea that you had a podcast. I will try to search it out through Itunes as I am in Mexico and don't get much information on quilting other than through blogs. Or many material choices so please do enter me in your giveaway!! Thanks for your sharing information with those of us who love to quilt.

Exuberantcolor/Wanda S Hanson said...

Congratulations for sticking with the podcasts. It's easy to start something, and something else to continue. I love seeing your older quilts so show us more.

Cindy from Its a Sew Sew Day... said...

I am glad I am not the only one to save every usable scrap, even binding leftovers. I keep thinking one day I will need them for something, and I have been able to fall back on the scraps a few times when I need just a couple more pieces of a certain color. Congradualtions on your podcasts!

Happy Quilting!

Sam said...

Love that African Elephant. Your blog is always chock full of delightful ideas and virtual candy.

Unknown said...

Congrats on you podcasts!! Maybe do a scraps podcast....that would be neat!

Jean said...

Your blog is fun and inspirational. Thanks for the chance to win!

Mary from Ohio said...

Just found your site today...LOVE your quilts! I listened to a podcast and hope to listen to the others soon.

I love anything to do with quilts and quilting, and would love you to share insight - yours or someone else's - about dealing with all the "STUFF" we collect from stash to tools to books - and how to keep from letting it overwhelm!


Kathy - mom of many said...

Your blog looks great. I look forward to listening to your podcasts. Congratulations on #12. I'd love to be one of your winners.
Thanks, Kathy

Anonymous said...

Hi Jackie, Happy Spring!
Thanks for sharing,love,Linda


Erin M. said...

You have some beautiful fabrics in your store. Thanks.

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