Hello Everyone,
I am making progress on my daughter's college quilt. However, I have exactly 2 weeks to complete the top, quilt it, and bind it. I need to kick it into high gear!!!
Today I managed to get the I on the design wall.
Not too bad. Tomorrow, I will start piecing this together.
Then I will join it to the R and the P. Once that is done, I will have RPI. Several of you asked what college RPI is... It is Rennselaer Polytechnic Institute. My daughter will be in the College of Engineering. I can't tell you how happy that I am for her in her new endeavor and that she inherited her dad's logical, scientific, and mathematical, senses!
Although, don't they say that your children's intelligence is from their mother? At least that is what I heard...
Until Next Time...

Go, Jackie! You'll get it done in time. There's a lot of math and science in quilting, too!
Give me an "R",
Give me a "P",
Give me and "I".
Go Jackie Go!!!
Of course they get their intelligence from us, the world would be lost if it was the other way, LOL. Proud mother of a girl getting her doctorate.
Oh, you're not logical and mathematical? Seems to me it takes a lot of brains to make the quilts you do. You go girl! Great quilt.
Wow, that's impressive. Both the quilt and RPI. My favorite math prof in college was from RPI. A very impressive school and not easy to get into, certainly.
Congrats to her on the next huge chapter of her life and to you on finishing the quilt!
A very fun layout and fabric choices. Can't wait to see more.
Have a great day.
Always, Queenie
What a fabulous one-of-a-kind quilt that's going to be!
That looks fun! Looking forward to checking it out more!
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