Friday, April 15, 2011

Meet Designer Jennifer Paganelli and Win Some of Her Fabric Too!

Hello Everyone,

On Tuesday, I had a wonderful day! I met designer Jennifer Paganelli!! She is warm, kind, creative, and very talented. She invited myself and my friend Victoria to her home so that I could interview her for my podcast.

Here we are me, Jennifer, and Victoria. We had such and good time and her home was such a treasure trove of inspiration at every turn. What FUN!! So let's take a peek...

This wonderful bed is dressed with fabrics and pillows from her newest line of fabric Honey Child... you can find it in my shop!! But the neat thing is the headboard is dressed with her grandmother's yo-yo quilt! Just genius!

This pillow, in particular, I was just drooling over. PINK... I love it!

Talent and creativity just oozed out of every crack and crevice in her home. This lampshade was made by her and I love it too! Very romantic.

Here are some shelves filled with vintage wallpapers where she gets some of her inspiration for her fabric designs.

Shelves loaded with vintage clothing and linens where she also garners design inspiration.

In the podcast interview she spoke of making these Christmas ornaments as a child, by her Grandmother's side. She continues to recreate them in her adult life. Just beautiful bowls filled with these ornaments.

Look at these wonderful glittery, sparkly trees just sitting in her studio for all to see.

Trinkets, baubles, and lots of creative goodness!

Beautiful clothing made from her various fabric lines hung every where.

Not only was Jennifer open and kind to us, but she was also giving. She gifted both Victoria and I original JP Tunics! You can see Victoria all dressed up in her by clicking here.

So, now you just have to listen to the podcast. It is a treat!!

You will also hear a wee bit from Victoria too! You can find the podcast in the iTunes store by searching for Jackie's Quilting Chronicles. Remember they are FREE. If you choose to listen directly from your computer you can click here and listen in or listen directly from iTunes as well.

You also should take a moment to go over to her website, by clicking here. She has an active blog and flickr site you can link to from there. Also, you will see her new book, Girls World. If you do stop by, tell her that Jackie said hello!

Now, if you are still with me, would you like to win some of her wonderful Honey Child Fabric???

You have the chance to WIN these 6 fat quarters by just leaving a comment on this blog post before Midnight April 21, 2011. That's it!!

But if you can't wait for some of this fabric, you can find it in my shop by clicking here.

Also, don't forget to enter this giveaway too, just click here.

One last thing that I did before I left...

My sweet tooth got the better of me and I stopped at Crumbs Bake Shop for some yummy cupcakes for the family! They disappeared real quickly.

Hope you enjoyed meeting Jennifer! I know I did! Thank you Jennifer for a wonderful day!

***The giveaway is now closed. Thank you to all who entered. Check back for the winner!***

Until Next Time...



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Abby and Stephanie said...

Jennifer designs such pretty fabrics. I would love to paw through her vintage wallpaper and fabric stacks. Wow, what fun! Looks like you ladies had a lovely day.

Joan and Kevin said...

Thanks for the giveaway!

Anonymous said...

Gorgeous fabrics.
What a lovely day you girls had!
Thanks for the chance of winning some of these fabulous fabrics.

Unknown said...

Beautiful fabrics, love the bright colours! Must have been an exciting day for you:o)

kjshowalter said...

What beautiful fabric! The thing i love most though is that a lot of her inspiration comes from memories of her grandmother. For me the love and passion of quilting has been passed down through the generations too, so i see something special in it.

Vicki @ DottyJane said...

I love Jennifer's fabrics and blog, too! I'm glad you had such a fun day together:)

Quiltin' Sandy said...

Hi Jackie, I so enjoyed reading about Jennifer, I love the decorations she made with her grandmother, that is so special and a legacy that will continue, I'm sure. Jennifer is a VERY talented lady. Sandy. :)

Gene Black said...

Oh, Honey Child! Would I love to win some of that fabric? You bet I would.

It is nice to see how other creative people find inspiration.

Victoria Findlay Wolfe said...

Hey girlie! Did we have fun or what? :-)
I love a good inspirational creative day!
Just the boost I needed!!!

Mary said...

Wow - what a great experience to get to see Jennifer's creativity at work in her home...and those tunics are just gorgeous!

Laura said...

Jennifer is certainly one of a kind. Delicious fabrics and those are some lovely cupcakes, too! Yum!

Willa said...

The fabric is beautiful. Looks like you had a fun day and the photos are a mini tour. A tiny taste.

Lisa England said...

Wow, that does sound like a wonderful day. Such a lot of creativity all in one place!

Anonymous said...

What beautiful fabrics! And those cupcakes look absolutely delicious! Why did you have to tease me so early in the morning?! LOL

yorkie mom said...

Beautiful fabric! Thanks for a chance to win! Allison gougeonathome@charter.netdiescedi

LT said...

Jennifer creates such beautiful fabric. Thanks for the peak into her life and creative process.

Kenton and Marianne Ogg said...

Please excuse me as I mop up the drool from looking through those fabrics! I love that her grandmother was such an inspiration!

A.J. Dub. (Amy) said...

What a beautiful place to be! Thanks for sharing that with us. And thanks for the chance to win some gorgeous fabric!

Bethmd said...

Oh my! These are very beautiful fabrics!

Leslie's Itchin to be Stitchin said...

Love the colors, what a fabulous line. Thanks for the giveaway

Jessica said...

Great post and gorgeous fabric - thanks for the chance!!

Jenny said...

ooooh, love to see all the stacks of vintage wallpaper and fabrics as inspiration! how cool!

Glenna @ Hollyhock Quilts said...

Wow, Jackie! What a day! Victoria, Jennifer, a tunic and cupcakes!! Does it get any better??

Renegade Quilter said...

I love that fabric and I would love to have some. I would also love some of those cupcakes - they look yummy!

Randi Skaggs said...

I love the super saturated colors in her fabric! Thanks for the chance to win!

Andi said...

Wish I could have been there with you all!!!
Next time my place?

Stray Stitches (Linda G) said...

Beautiful fabric! The cupcakes look devine - yummmmmm! Thanks for the opportunity to enter your giveaway.

Kasey said...

Such beautiful fabric- and I love seeing where she gets some of her inspiration! (I also LOVE cupcakes!) Thanks for sharing.

Gwyneth said...

those colors!!!! they are so deep!!

also, those cupcakes look Amazing!!!

Barb said...

what a fun post!
I love her sparkly trees and ornaments.
I'd love to win some of her beautiful fabrics...oh and the cupcakes, yum!

Yole said...

I am a faithful blog reader of yours. Hope I win!


Diane said...

Love Jennifer Paganelli & her fabrics!! Thanks for the chance.

Nedra said...

How wonderful to be invited into Jennifer P's home! Lucky you! And I love her fabrics!

Lisa said...

Hi Jackie! Those fabric look so yummy! Glad you had such a wonderful day with your peeps!

audreypawdrey said...

I love that headboard covered in yo-yos! Beautiful fabric!

paulette said...

What a talented lady!! Wow! Such inspiration...and love her fabric! Thanks for the chance to win some!!

deserae said...

I love her fabric!

scottylover said...

Such vibrant colors! Would love to have them for my stash!

Sandy A

Diane N said...

Pretty fabric! Thanks for the giveaway!

JuneBug said...

YUM. The cupcakes AND fabrics look so yummy!

Lori said...

That looks like a super inspiring and fun filled girls day out!!!
Now, I gotta go find the podcast...

Karen said...

Pretty, pretty fabric. Thanks for the giveaway!

wishes, true and kind said...

Oh, look at you three beautiful and creative women! And Jennifer's home is is so pretty, feminine, and -- magical! Like every little girl's (and big girl's) dream!

Anonymous said...

Jennifer designs such beautiful fabrics. My cats would "love" that lampshade. Thanks for the giveaway.

VickiT said...

You must have both had such fun seeing all of that awesome stuff in her home. How exciting too. Her fabrics are just gorgeous and so full of color. They are one of my favorites and each seems to be better than the last.

I would love to win the grouping you have shown. Those colors are wonderful. Thank you so much.

Gretchen said...

Hi, Jackie!
I haven't listened to the podcast yet, but the fabrics are amazing! I would be thrilled to win them. Thank you for your podcasts and this opportunity to win some fabric!

Delores said...

Gorgeous fabrics! Thanks for offering them for a giveaway - would love to win!!

Robin (RsIslandCrafts) said...

Those cupcakes look delicious.

I love the top and bottom fat quarters. Just something about the designs and colors.

Sherri said...

What an amazing day that must have been! I'm going to have to listen to the podcast!

Michele T said...

How thrilling!! Love this bundle of fabric too!

Linda E in NM said...

I think Jennifer should be renamed Ms. Vintage!!

Judith, Belfast said...

What an inspiring designer. Her fabrics are scrummy! I'd love to make a quilt from these fat quarters. Thank you for the chance to win them. Jxo

Donna~~ said...

Looks like you had a fun day--so many visual goodies. And then to finish up with the cupcakes--wow--just too much! ;)

Anonymous said...

Love the podcast...keep up the great work!

free indeed said...

My sister would love all the glittery goodness of this post! Her fabrics are yummy too!

Cathi said...

Oh, what fun!! That lampshade is absolutely fabulous -- as are her fabrics!

The Calico Cat said...

I can see how all of that wall paper is inspiring!

Avon said...

Sounds like you had a great day!!!
So... enter me in the contest.

Anya said...

Love her fabric! Thanks for the chance!

craftytammie said...

i love seeing what inspires designers! thanks for sharing!

April Shae said...

I really enjoyed your blog posting on Jennifer! Thanks for sharing!!

Jeanne Gwin said...

If after reading what you wrote and listening to the podcast, if ones creative juices are not flowing, well you just might be ill. I didn't know whether to make trees, pillows, a coverlet, or cupcakes. Thanks for a fun time for me living vicariously through you!

Anonymous said...

I love this collection and would be delighted to win, thanks for such a generous giveaway!

Hoola Tallulah said...

Ah this collection is so lovely, count me in and thank you!

SNubile said...

Sis Boom fabric and cupcakes in one day = perfection.

Jocelyn said...

What beautiful fabrics! Thanks for such a generous giveaway. And those cupcakes....... oh my!!! They look SO yummy!

Peggy said...

Love her fabrics and her patterns. Many thanks for the great tour and giveaway.

goecker said...

What FANTASTIC fabric, she is a very talented lady. Really, really enjoyed meeting Jennifer...thanks for making this such an enjoyable read...

Kristy said...

What a fun time! Thanks for the chance to win some of that super yummy fabric! Almost as yummy looking as those CUPCAKES!!!! :)

~Michelle~ said...

I don't know what looks more yummy - the fabric or the cupcakes! I have the Sis Boom Jamie dress on my immediate to-do pile :)

Linda said...

The Giveaway sounds awesome! Please count me in.

trudys_person said...

Jennifer's fabrics are always pretty, but I particularly love this colourway! Thank you for the giveaway!

Phaye said...

Thank you for the peak into Jennifer's world of all things pretty. I love the fabric and hope I am the lucky one.

Denise said...

Oh--love these colors. Thank you for this chance to win some.

Meri said...

I love all the "design inspiration" Jennifer! I know you had fun visiting.
Thanks for a great giveaway and a chance to win!

Tamie said...

I'd love to win the fabrics or the cupcakes- they look wonderful!! Thanks for the chance.

Janet said...

You must have had a wonderful time at Jennifer's home. It looks like it is full of beautiful things. Thanks for a chance to win some of her fabric.

robin said...

Great fabrics - thanks for the chance to win them! :)

Marcia W. said...

Such a lovely tour today -- old wallpaper is definitely inspirational. Thanks for the giveaway for the lovely fabric from Sis Boom!

Annmarie said...

What a wonderful post - thank-you! Jennifer is so creative & versatile - a real treat to see her creations. Great giveaway fabric too!

Poppyprint said...

I wouldn't have expected all that bling in Jennifer's studio. Thanks for sharing those great to listen now.

Lana said...

Love those fabrics!
Lroghair (at) aol (dot) com

Stephany said...

How fun is her place??!! :) Inspiring and creative!

Christine M said...

Certainly looks like you had a great time. Those cakes look very yummy!

JustPam said...

I love to see what inspires people and what their creativity comes up with. Great!

Lynn said...

Would I like to win some Honey Child fabric?! Of course!!! Can't wait to listen to the interview. I'll go download it to my iPod right now.

Venus de Hilo said...

Yes, I'd love some more JP fabric! Look forward to listening in on the interview...

WandaFish said...

Thanks for sharing your day out - such fun! Jennifer is such an inspiring lady and I just love her fabrics. Thanks for the chance to win some, just beautiful!

Victoria said...

Jennifer has long been one of my favorite fabric designers. I love the hand of her fabrics and need some sweet honey child fat quarters to fondle. Hope you pick me!

sandra said...

I love Jennifer's fabric,the colors are glorious . Thanks for the sharing of your day with her and a look at her home and studio.

Nancy said...

Such deliciousness in the whole post. Fabric and yummies!

Stephanie Hughes said...

Jackie, I just love her fabric! Thanks for the chance!

harleywife57/ Mickey White said...

Thanks so much for giving us the chance to win these pretty pretty pretty fabrics !!

gag7949 said...

Jennifer's fabrics are truely yummy! Thanks for your podcasts. They are very entertaining.

Go-Go Kim said...

How FUN!!!! Beautiful fabrics and a lovely lady :o) Thank you for the chance!!!!

Angela D. said...

what pretty fabric! thanks for the opportunity.

quiltmom anna said...

Wow Jennifer sure has lots of different sources of inspiration. I enjoyed the beautiful photos and seeing her gorgeous fabrics.
Regards, Anna

Beth said...

Such vibrant fabric! Thanks for the spotlight on one of my favorite designers.

wordygirl at earthlink dot net

j.g.prescott said...

Jennifer has some lovelies for inspiration. Thanks for the chance to win some goodies. Beautiful.

Oops-Lah said...

You really had a lovely day! I'm green with envy ;) but happy to have the chance to win those wonderful fabrics.

Terrie said...

What lucky girls! Jennifer is wonderful and her house a treasure! Love her fabric and ideas. I would love to add more of her fabric to my stash!

babiesdoc said...

I have made a few quilts from Jennifer's fabrics. they are so bright and cheerful

thanksfor the give away

debgins said...

Thanks for a great post! I've purchased some of Jennifer's fabrics from you in the past - would love to win this grouping! Can't wait to hear the podcast!

LisaT said...

Beautiful fabrics, and absolutely beautiful lampshade and Christmas decorations. Thanks for sharing!

Cathy (Corbin) Keevill said...

There is nothing quite like a peek into a designer's studio to inpsire a person to create something fabulous. Thank you for the tour and the inspiration. said...

Holy kamoley, 107 comments? That's a lot of readers!
I would love to win her fabrics....if I don't I'll just have to order them :)
Those cakes look wonderful!!!

Eileen said...

oooooh! such wonderful fabrics and all the fun things in her home--those beaded balls and trees remind me of my mother and the fun we had making things together. my daughter recently made a tree with buttons--simple and darling. thanks for the opportunity to win some fantastic fabric--have a great day!

stichnRN said...

great fabrics!!!!!!!!!!!!

Life In A Pink Bunny Suit said...

Beautiful home...beautiful fabrics!

Bec Clarke said...

Oh she has the yummiest fabrics. I have a small FQ bundle from an older line and can't bear to cut them up yet.

Cathy @ CabbageQuilts said...

What a fabulous day Jackie! I adore Jennifer's Grandmothers yo yo quilt on the headboard, fabulous!!! I was going to leave a message earlier, then got distracted subscribing to the podcasts. You interview such great peeps! xo

Bailey said...

Oh, Dear LORD, those cupcakes! Can you send some of those to the winner as well?! Love the fabric, too!

Digital Misfit said...

How fun to visit with Jennifer in her home. I WANT that yoyo quilt headboard - what a beautiful use for Grandma's quilt!
I am about to start making the Sis Boom Jamie dress, but I would love to make some Honey Child accessories too!

Karen said... about inspiration!!! Loved the glittery trees! Thanks for the giveaway!

Nana Jo said...

Wow! What lovely fabrics. Would love to win them.

Unknown said...

Love all the pretties, thanks for sharing your experience. Would love some beautiful fabrics!

judyjj said...

Delicious fabrics! Oh, yeah, and the cupcakes!

Jean said...

wow, love the fabrics and her home is gorgeous!

Nancy said...

Lovely, lovely, lovely! Thanks for the giveaway!

deborah said...

What a lovely line of fabrics! Her home is an inspiration with the vintage papers and textiles, I'm sure you had a lot of fun looking!

Fran said...

Gorgeous fabrics, lovely to find out about the designer.

Projects By Jane said...

I would never leave Jennifer's home and her fabric is so delicious!

FabricDonkey said...

Gorgeous fabrics! I love the deep purples.

Sylvia said...

pretty fabric, thanks for the chance to win!

Jane said...

what gorgeous fabric. i would love to make a quilt with it!

Heartsdesire said...

What beautiful fabric. Such wonderful rich colours. I think pillows would be in order for this fabric.

ktquilts said...

Jennifer Paganilli is the designer I would most like to meet. She designs my favorite fabrics!!

Carla G said...

What beautiful fabrics! Thanks for a chance to win!

Christy said...

Beautiful fabrics and very creative ideas!

Riel Nason said...

Thanks for the chance! What awesome fun to be at her house. JP is one of my favourite designers. I just finished a quilt using her fabrics.

JaneRH said...

So great to see the woman behind the fabric design, and to see where her inspiration comes from.Thanks for sharing.

Diane H said...

Thanks very much for a chance - love Jennifers fabrics. Great post - really fun to see where she creates, lucky you.

Mary on Lake Pulaski said...

What a fun time with Jennifer and Victoria Jackie!

Leena Salleh said...

Love JP's fabrics...and the yo-yo headboard is just genius!


Selvage Quilter said...

That sounds like a wonderful visit! So much inspiration. Thanks for keeping your camera handy.
I love her fabrics so it's interesting to see what inspires her.

Kathy MacKie said...

Such a sweet giveaway and I don't mean the cupcakes but they look pretty yummy too.

9patchnurse said...

Lordy me that was a fun tour!! I love the little trees. Her fabrics are delicious and that cupcake with the nonpareils made me drool! Thanks!

GerryART said...

Great post, Jackie.
Jennifer has a certain flair, doesn't she.
And those FQs, just eye-popping colors and designs.
Wouldn't I just love to add them to my stash.

Sandy said...

Wow, what great inspiration and yummy colors! Would love to win those fat quarters...thanks for sharing, Jennifer!

emgower said...

I am always so inspired after visiting your site!!!

Lucky Duck Dreams said...

What a wonderful inspiring space!

Kim Reid said...

I'd love a chance to enter!!
Thanks :)
kimberlybreid at hotmail dot com

Juli said...

I would love to win this fabric.

Shirleyquilts said...

Jennisfer's fabrics are lovely, and I'd love to win the fat quarters. Shirley

BillieBee (billiemick) said...

hmmmmmm.....yummy fabrics. Toss my name in the hat.


Kathleen C said...

Jennifer has donated beautiful fabrics-perfect for a modern quilt- for one lucky quilter to win. Thanks for telling us about Jennifer; I'll check out the podcast, too.
Thanks, Jackie,

Pauline said...

Delicious fabric, please draw my name for these. Lot's of great ideas and wonderful looking desserts. Mnnnn, I'll be keeping up with you!

Patty said...

Great looking fabrics, but those cupcakes look yummy.

tellad said...

How unique! I love the fabrics - thanks for a chance to win! Teri Dingler

Cecilia said...

Pretty fabric. Thanks for the giveaway.

MollyP said...

I cannot imagine walking into a home full of so much color and creativity! How wonderful! Thanks for the tour!

quiltma said...

Beautiful fabrics. Thanks for the giveaway.

Anonymous said...

Lucky Girl! Her house looks amazing and her fabrics are yummy!

Debby, crowefan0517 said...

This fabric is beautiful. I would love to win it.

Chester, NY

DianeM said...

What a great interview. Please enter me for a chance to win Jennifer's beautiful fabrics.
Smiles, DianeM :)

Carol said...

What a wonderful collection, I can't pick a favorite. Thanks for a chance to win some samples.

Vroomans' Quilts said...

I just passed on the last of My JP fabrics to a young mum for her 2 little girls. Aren't these just gorgeous!

Deb said...

I would be delighted to win those fat quarters! Thanks for the chance.

Kathy H said...

Those fabric colors are just beautiful. ANd those cupcakes were a work of art also. I hope you got to enjoy looking at them for a few minutes before they disappeared.

Hilachas said...

What beautiful fabric. Thanks for the opportunity to win it.

Anonymous said...

What a treat you had visiting with Jennifer and then a yummy treat of cupcakes to boot! Would love to win for the fabrics. Thanks for the opportunity.Great meeting you at the meet up on the 9th!

Teri said...

Love the purple toned fabrics! Pretty. Thanks for the giveaway!

Anonymous said...

Such beautiful fabric! Thank you for a chance to win!

Brita said...

Honey Child comes in the most gorgeous blue! I'm not a blue person, but I'm positively drooling over that!! Great blog, thanks for sharing all the good stuff :-)

The Hungry Crafter said...

I don't know what looks yummier -- the fabrics or the cupcakes! Sounds like quite the treat for you all around...

Jen said...

Wow, what an artist! Thanks for this great post!

Anonymous said...

Beautiful fabric... thanks for the inspiration and chance to win!

Deborah in Atlanta said...

Wonderful fabrics. Beautiful colors. I want 'em. Oh yes, I can see them nestled against my breast as I smile with satisfaction. Oh how lovely. Thanks for the givewaway. dmj53(at)hotmail(dot)com

Spontaneous Threads said...

everything in the post is inspirational

Kathy G. said...

Pick me, pick me, pick me! I read Jennifer's blog all the time, and now I will be reading yours! Thanks for this give-away.

krisgray said...

What a collection of wallpapers and clothing for inspiration. Love the deep blue in Honey Child.

moonsword said...

sweet bananas! what a fantabulous shop! So many beautiful fabrics!
Many thanks for the wonderful giveaway...cheers!

Slovenka said...

Great giveaway. It is so inspiring reading about other people's lives and their drives. Beautiful fabric, lovely Christmas decorations. Thanks for bringing it in your blog.

FrancisMoore said...

Lovely fabrics.

Victoria Paige @ Boutique Uniquely said...

Those fabrics are to die for! So are those cupcakes! Yummy :)

Valspierssews said...

The fabrics are amazing. Thanks for the look around Jennifer's place.

Peach Rainbow said...

Thanks for the chance :D

Susanne said...

These fabrics are lovely! :D

Rhonda the Rambler said...

She's got quite the collection. You can see inspiration everywhere. Maybe that is my problem...I need more collections. hehehe

Treasuresofjoy said...

Oh YUM! (to the fabric and the cupcakes...)

Jessica said...

Great post! I also love the headboard and lampshade... and the cupcakes... :) Thanks for the chance to win!

patty a. said...

Honey Child - what pretty fabric! Thanks for the giveaway. The cupcakes look so tastey!

Catskill Quilter said...

Love the fabric! Seeing the ornaments took me way back -- and I loved her decorated trees!

mascanlon said...

Love these fabrics, the royal is just yummy!

Anna said...

I love Jennifer's fabric! thanks for a chance to win

epban said...

Really love Jennifer's fabrics! Thanks for a chance to win some of the new ones.

Bunny said...

What lovely, vibrant fabric. Jennifer is a very talented designer.

Debbie said...

Great bold fabrics! Thanks for counting me in.

Kim said...

Oh thanks for a chance to win.....I almost missed out on the giveaway!

thanks for the great interview..very inspiring.

Happy sewing and college hunting.

Anne said...

Lovely fabrics (the no-calorie treat)!

Henrietta said...

Beautiful fabric! I love that yo yo quilt too!

hensnest at windstream dot net

hookinct said...

Love the fabrics and her decorations remind me of things my Mom would do in the 60's!! She was waaay ahead of her time and we would laugh at her. Now I am turning into her!!!

Unknown said...

Such pretty fabric, would love to win.

Lisa said...

I didn't know you had a podcast, don't know where I have been! but I am adding it to my list. Looks like a great time!

Anonymous said...

What a wonderful day you must have had, inspiration around every corner I'm sure.

Denise said...

Thank you for the opportunity to win some of her lovely fabric. said...

Jennifer is just about my fav fabric designer. Would love to win some of her new fabrics! Thanks! The blog about her is very interesting too.

Anonymous said...

Jennifer's designs are stunning. It is great to see where some of her inspiration comes from. Thank you for the opportunity to win some of her beautiful fabric.

Char said...

I LIKE Jennifer's fabrics. I still have some of the Bellbottom line I haven't used yet.

Kitty said...

Wow! Those colors are so pretty!

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