Yesterday was the 6th day of our Teacher Certification Retreat with Judy Niemeyer. I would like to clarify a few questions.
1. A commenter had asked if Judy's quilts can only be made with batiks. The answer is no. In fact, I have made several in regular cotton fabrics. You can see mine under my workshop page by clicking here. Judy's quilts look fabulous in any fabric, but batiks are fun to work with for sure.
2. Someone asked when the pattern will be available for purchase. It will not be available to the public until January, 2013 and will only be able to be purchased from a Certified Instructor (Me) or a Certified Shop. In the meantime, you can purchase Judy's patterns in my shop, by clicking here.
Now onto the changes in the quilts from yesterday's post...
Mine is nearing the time to start piecing the units together. I will begin this process tomorrow and can't wait!!
Cathie really made TONS of progress. Her color way was all based on peacock's feathers. See them pinned into the middle?
Ginny is working on a special technique, that Judy demonstrated, for the ropes. It is time consuming, but the result is stunning.
Andrea's 50 Shades is really coming together so beautifully!
Tammy is still beaming over changing out her reject units! This is coming along sooo nicely!
Sue actually finished a lot more, but the units are stacked on the table as she will be moving to a different design wall because of space, but you can definitely see a difference.
Don't you just LOVE Jodie's version. The compass points really POP! Look even the ironing board cover matches.
Cat also changed out some pieces and had to rework some of the units. This will be a stunner!
Linda is testing the colors on the compass points and has been sewing away. I think that tomorrow you will see a drastic change!
Lisa was busy today and got her sails complete. She is just in the middle of trimming them down and then will put them up on the wall. She did get preoccupied with a little shopping today... ;)
Some of the girls decided to take their reject pieces and create a new quilt. The actually don't look too bad together!
Carrie is one of Judy's employees and does so much for her and for us. Today after a hard day's work, she came downstairs for some sew time! She is delightful and we are so glad she could join the crew!!
We also had a trunk show from Judy today and I will be posting those photos on Flickr. I will let you know when they are up.
Tomorrow should be a good day! Lots of piecing the units together!
Until Next Time...

These projects are unbelievable! What a week you must be having!
Wonderful xo
Eash day I am just blown away by these quilts in progress. I hope to take one of those classes some day.
I can't decided which one is my favorite as they are all so fabulous.
Amazing progress. I love the idea of a Compass Reject Quilt.
not for sale until july??? boo hoo, did you create this in EQ? all the quilts are just awesome!!
What a group!!
Which color way are you planning to kit and sale come January?
I can't even imagine! But I sure am enjoying the daily show!
You are doing a fantastic job, and so are the others. WOW is all I have to say. Can't wait to see tomorrow's post!
Hi Jackie,
You have a very nice blog with beautiful Quilts.
I will definitely look clean often. I like your local store too.
Greetings Katrin
All that I can say Jackie is WOW they are all so beautiful.
They're all amazing.
I really like Ginny's colors though.
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