Hello Everyone,
Are you planning on being in lovely New England this weekend? If so and you are passing through Connecticut, you must stop at this lovely quilt show in East Haddam, CT.
It is located inside of this beautiful church that was built in the 1700's. Here is a little peek at what the church looks like from past year's quilt shows.

Gorgeous, isn't it? So if you would like to attend, click here to get all the information.
The best part is that if you do go.... ASK for Justine and tell her that Jackie sent you! You will get a FREE fat quarter. She is a really good friend of mine who began this quilt show 15 years ago!! Tell her I said hello.
I am planning on going on Sunday.
Now for the fat quarter giveaway. Sorry it took me so long to announce the winner of this lovely Jill Gordon bundle.
Out of 468 comments from Pat Sloan's giveaway there could only be one winner for these lovelies, and the winner is...
Lucky number 186, Patty A. from Patty "The Quilt Lady"! Congrats, Patty!
Until Next Time...

What a beautiful display of quilts in the church.
Hi Jackie,
A beautiful church and a stunning quilt display. Have a blessed weekend. Ros
Gee, looks like I'll miss meeting you - again! I'll be going Saturday, I love this show. I will say hello to Justine!
When I lived in Oregon the local quilt shop had a show in the neighboring church with quilts draped all over the pews. It was such a pretty sight. The church was not as old as this beauty.
Congratulations to Patty.
That show promises to look lovely! Wish I could see it...
What a gorgeous setting for a quilt show!
That is such an original way to display quilts! Love how they drape over the pews. It protects the quilts and yet saves from all the time it takes to hang. And I wish I lived close enough to come, because I would join you in a heartbeat.
Congratulations to my friend Patty!
I'm so glad you posted this! I live just down the road and I had no idea it was happening -- I won't miss it!
It would be so much fun to attend this show...what a gorgeous church! And congrats to your winner!
Oh My Goodness!! That church looks so wonderful. WISH I could be there---
What a beautiful way and place for a quilt show.
I plan on being outside while I can, so no indoor activity this weekend;)
Last years display looks amazing. I haven't been lucky enough to see a show but I think the ones at the churches look wonderful (based on pics I've seen online).
Congrats to the winner!
Great looking quilt show. What a wonderful idea to drape them over the pews!
What a unique setting for a quilt show. I hope you will show more pictures of the quilts at a later date for those of us who are not able to attend.
Jackie - spent the whole day setting up the show & it looks beautiful - thanks for mentioning it on your blog!! You're a peach! Hope to see you Sunday!
What a beautiful location for a quiltshow. Whis I could be there to see those pretty quilts!
At my aunts funeral the family draped all of her quilts on the pews. it was so nice to see all the quilts she had made for family and friends.
Stupenda questa mostra in una chiesa così bella!!!
Looks like a beautiful church and some lovely quilts! Enjoy the show!
Congrats to the winner!
Oh My and I had an invitation to Canton this weekend but my husband had to go away on business! Darn.
It is such a beautiful weekend too.
congrats Patty on your win!
Happy sewing
Oh, how I wish we lived close enough to go -- that looks like a marvelous quilt show!
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