Hello Everyone,
This post is long over due. On May 21st, I had the honor of helping our guild and another guild make a very special delivery to the Hole In The wall Gang Camp!! This is what we delivered...
Thank you to all of my readers that helped us to achieve our goal! So many of you from close by and far, far away sent tons of pillowcases. You will all be happy to know that EVERY child will go home with a pillowcase and a quilt!
Here we are all ready to go on a wonderfully sunny day. It was truly a magical day.
The cars were packed to the roof! We had two fearless leaders with two packed cars!
Unbelievable, isn't it?
Here they are all stacked and ready to be unpacked.
Now just a little detail. While there, we were given a tour. This was enlightening. Every child goes to camp for free for one week. They are a self sustaining camp run only on charitable contributions. This camp is fully staffed with all the physicians, nurses, staff, and volunteers needed for each child's specific needs. The amount of forethought that has gone into the building and maintenance of this camp is astounding.
The children all come with a variety of medical problems ranging from Hemophilia, Sickle Cell Anemia, Cancer, and a multitude of other ailments. They come from all over the world. However, there are Hole In The Wall Gang Camps located literally throughout the globe. To find out more about this amazing facility, that was started right here in Ashford, CT by Paul Newman, and the other facilities throughout the world, please click HERE for their website.
To see more beautiful pictures and a more in depth look of the camp from our visit, click HERE to view my slideshow. Turn on your volume, there is music.
And once again, a HUGE heartfelt thanks to all!!! We continue to collect pillowcases throughout the year to be delivered in the spring of 2011, e-mail for information.
Until Next Time...

Jackie --This is an awe-inspiring effort by you and your friends. Thanks for sharing it with us.......I really was moved by the photo show, too.
Absolutely fantastic !!!
That is great organization! Kuddos to you for helping!
Have a great rest of the weekend!
what a wonderful post to read on a Sunday morning...congrats to your guild
It is amazing what you guys put together. Thanks for asking for help. I'm glad I could be a part of it.
Thank you so much for posting your slideshow for all to see. I am involved with a quilt guild in MA. We also just sent a lot of quilts and pillow cases down to Whole in the wall. It was great to see the quilts on the beds just waiting for happy campers to sleep with!
Such a great organization!
You all deserve special stars in Heaven for the work you have organized and donated.
Thank you!
As a side note, Hole In The Wall is right here in Southern Utah, near Moab. Paul Newman (and Robert Redford) filmed part of Butch Cassidy in St. George and nearby Springdale.
Simply wonderful, thank you for the tour.
Wow, what an amazing effort by your group for an amazing organization!
I've also enjoyed catching up on your posts this morning.... You've been very busy! Lovely flowers and quilts! :)
Congrats to you all! What a great job you guys did.
Butch would be proud of you. *S*
What a wonderful cause! You've done a lovely job of bringing smiles to children's faces -- Mr. Newman would have been proud.
It's really unbelievable. This gives me such a warm feeling!
How wonderful Jackie, and what an achievement for you gals too. Lovely to hear about it. xo
what a neat thing to be involved with. I bet all those kids love taking a quilt home with them. Neat looking camp!
Way to go gals! What a wonderful experience for you and the campers!
What a wonderful cause.
Maybe I can do some things for your next delivery.
I plan on working more on practicing my machine quilting, so hopefully I can get better at making quilts and finishing them.
Congratulations... you inspire!
That is so cool!! A huge donation to a worthy cause!!
Okay. I have another year to make a pillowcase or two. count me in!
So cool! And that is so great that each camper will go home with a pillowcase and quilt. Awesome!
send me the details I would love to help for next year a few pillowcases, maybe even a quilt. I love making quilts to donate to causes like this.
what a wonderful cause.
A big WTG to you and your friends. I am sure the happiness you delivered along with those quilts and pillowcases was reward a plenty for your efforts.
What an incredible accomplishment. You know we can't take our quilts with us when we die but we can take our good works with us. This one is going with you someday.
Absolutely amazing, kind, and wonderful. Thank you for the video, it was so nice to see the camp.
Congratulations to you and your fellow guild members for accomplishing your goals and for supporting such a worthy cause. I think quilters are some of the most generous people in the world.
I came across your blog and it touched me on a couple of levels....One, my Mom was a quilter and her quilts are the things that I treasure the most....She passed away a few years back, but everytime I look at one of her quilts....Well, they are a beautiful reminder of her!
I have visited the Hole in the Wall Gang Camp in Ashford, CT on many occasions and have seen the beautiful quilts and heard how much they mean to the campers who receive them.
I have been involved with Team Hole in The Wall, and raising money for Camp for several years now...and now my 15 year old daughter is doing the same....It's amazing how a visit to such a wonderful place can touch so many lives...Paul Newman did a great thing starting this camp and you ladies are doing a great thing too!
Bless You all!
Pamela Robbins
PS. There are some things on my blog about camp! www.penguinpamruns.blogspot.com
Oh, my goodness. I've just found your blog, and I'm reading this while tucked up under a quilt. From Hole in the Wall. Our family has been to HitWGC several times, for their family weekends. The quilts that we've been given there are our family treasures. And, tonight, both of my boys sleep under their "camp quilts."
The quilts are a wonderful symbol of camp, of the warmth, the homegrown, handmade caring - I can't tell you how much they've meant to us!
keep up the wonderful work....
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