Sunday, June 27, 2010

Cherri House and City Quilts = A Great Interview and A Giveaway

Hello Everyone,

For those of you who don't know Cherri House and her wonderful work, you must go visit her on her blog! But first a short introduction to her wonderful sense of design and color right here. So sit back relax and enjoy! There is a surprise at the end for you when you are finished reading...

1. Your signature style of quilting is simple and streamlined, which is just beautiful. You also use mostly solids. When it comes to designing your quilts, what inspires you most?

Grids...I just love grids, I see beauty in them, and fortunately for me; they are everywhere. There is no shortage of inspiration for quilts though, I'm always trying to turn whatever I see into a quilt.

2. Prior to your wonderful hit book, City Quilts, you had started a pattern business. Do you intend to continue with patterns that can be purchased singly and if so, will they be themed around something particular like your book?

Yes, I'm definitely continuing with my pattern business...I have several coming out in the next couple of months. I'm kind of at a loss in regards to a theme - I was on such a roll with my city quilts, and I still have so many of them in me, but my daughters have forbidden me from doing any more city quilts. They were afraid that I would turn out something called City Dump, or City Tramp, etc. They thought I should move on while on top! So, I am on a search for my new series.

3. Solids are wonderful to work with and come in a great array of colors. Do you enjoy adding pattern with printed fabric as well? And if so, what is your fabric of choice, i.e. batiks, prints?

I love fabric period...I love it all. Solids work best for me in regards to the results I am seeking - timeless, classic, contemporary, and minimalistic. There are some quilt patterns that work best in combining solids and prints, and I always look forward to the dynamic that creates. I do quite a bit of work with fabric manufacturers, and this gives me plenty of opportunity to work with a large variety of fabric types.

4. When it comes to quilting your quilts, how do you go about determining what quilting design will best fit your quilt design? And what type of thread do you like to use, i.e. cotton, rayon, variegated?

So much depends on the quilt, something like City Aviation required incredible quilting, which was done by DeLoa Jones; because the quilt is so "plain", the quilting is really the star of the show. In other quilts such as City Green, or City Play, the quilting played '2nd fiddle' to the multitude of colors in the quilt. Generally if I am quilting a quilt myself on my domestic sewing machine I use YLI's silk's my favorite if I need the quilting to blend into the piece. If matching thread to fabric is needed, and I want the quilting to stand out, I use Gutermann 50 weight cotton thread which comes in such a great variety of colors.

5. Your quilts have a dramatic impact and make quite a visual statement. How long does it take for you to design a single pattern and then decide on the colors and fabric to use?

Generally I see quilts in my mind first, then it becomes a matter of translating the vision to EQ, working out the logistics, then fabric, etc. The clearer the vision, the faster the whole process flows. The most exciting thing is when the quilt is done, and it is exactly what I had envisioned some months before.

6. Now a silly question, you have a dog and three cats, do they tend to "help" you when you are quilting? If so, can you let us in on what they do? Or is your studio off limits?

Well, we might have to redefine "help" in order to make that work. My dog Mickey makes sure that I get up to take breaks (to let him go outside for business), one of my cats, Pinecone makes sure that I stop working by a certain hour so that I can sit down on my bed, so she can lay in my lap. One of my other cats, Finn encourages me to keep my desk clean so that when he comes to visit, he won't knock everything down when he decides to lay across every object in yes, in their own special way - they do help!

7. One last question, how big is your fabric stash?

Not as extensive as I would like! I've worked really hard to keep things managable after watching a few episodes of Horders. Many, many bags of fabric have been donated to the humanitarian efforts through my church. It's so easy to buy it, and so hard to give it away - but it's necessary, and it definitely goes to a good cause.

I hope you have all enjoyed the interview and are inspired by Cherri. Stay tuned for an upcoming Podcast with her at the end of the year!

Now for the Giveaway!! The last two photos are what is up for grabs. Yes, an autographed copy of City Quilts published by C & T Publishing and a Robert Kaufman Hot Spicy Fat Quarter Bundle. There will be two winners!

To enter :

1. Leave a comment on this post for one entry.

2. Leave a comment on Cherri's Blog and then come back and leave a separate comment to let me know for a second entry.

3. Follow both of our blogs and leave a third comment to let me know for the final entry.

Remember, I MUST have a way to reach you (make sure there is an e-mail available). The drawing will remain open through July 4th.

Oh and if you aren't one of the lucky winners, you can purchase both the book (20% off retail) and the bundle on my shop by clicking here. This bundle will make the quilt City Tracks in her book. You will just need to add some Kona Black (also found in my shop)!

Good luck to you all!

Until Next Time...



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Peach Rainbow said...

Beautiful Quilts!

Peach Rainbow said...

I commented in cherry's blog

Rafael's Mum said...

Thanks for a great interview Jackie! So interesting to read a bit more behind the quilts. Lovely prizes too! love the colours in that red bundle!

Peach Rainbow said...

I follow Cherry via google reader and you via GFC

Rafael's Mum said...

I am allready following you (as you know!) and now also following Cherri.

Rafael's Mum said...

Oh, and I have left Cherri a comment saying I was sent by you.

Lesly said...

I love those stunning designs with solids! What a great book = I hope I win it! Thanks for the chance, Jackie!

Lesly said...

I follow your blog via Google REader

esquiltingpassion said...

What a generous give away, a great book and a fat quarter bundle of Kaufman fabric. I hope I win.

esquiltingpassion said...

I have been a follower for awhile, just surfed over from Cherri's blog where I left a comment. I also downloaded Soda Shop Pattern.

Abby and Stephanie said...

She has a wonderful sophisticated simplistic style and I enjoy how she uses solids. I have a couple of her patterns. Just left a comment on her blog. What a generous giveaway.

deserae said...

Great giveaway!!! :)

deserae said...

I commented on her blog

deserae said...

I am following both blogs!

Michele said...

I've been been following both your blog and cherry's for some time. I use Google Reader which makes it easy to keep up with new entries.

I just purchased the Kona Sample card from you and already have her book. Only question is which quilt (and what colors) to start first-- of course, if I win, decision made!

Michele said...

This is a wonderful giveaway.

Michele said...

I just left a comment on cherri's blog.

Peter Piche said...

I enjoyed your interview and will stop back afetr checking out Cherri's blog

Andi said...

Great giveaway.
I just bought the book yesterday (waiting on delivery) so I would LOVE to be in the running for the fabric stack.
Thanks so much.
Andi x

Unknown said...

Wow....City Quilts and Kona Cotton? Great Giveaway!



Unknown said...

I posted a comment on Cherri's blog and even got a cute free pattern.

Unknown said...

I'm a follower in Gooogle reader on both of your great blogs! Thanks

Anonymous said...

I love your quilts.

Gene Black said...

Wow that red bundle is just what I need to show this summer heat in my projects! Those are as spicy as the Thai salad I made for supper last night (yummy too, I might add.)
Thanks for sharing the interview with us.

SandyQuilts said...

I love the look of Cherri's work. I haven't tried it yet ... too chicken I guess.

Gene Black said...

I popped over to Cherri's blog and left a comment. add me for a second entry.

Cyndi loves to stitch said...

Wow, I love meeting new artists and this one is fantastic.... her sense of of design and color are gorgeous. Thank you for the introduction and interview. Cyndi

Cyndi loves to stitch said...

I am a follower of yours, now having seen her works will be following her too. Will be back after I go wander around her blog for awhile.

Asiyah said...

I recently embarked on a challenge to make quilt projects using only solids. I've never heard of City Quilts but love the featured quilts. Thanks for the giveaway and intro to Cherri House.

lristaneo said...

Even if I don't win, I will absolutely be buying this book in the very near future! I love that quilt with the kona solids! What a perfect way to use up all my kona charm packs!!

lristaneo said...

I have been following both of you on Google Reader for a long time! Love you both!!

Cardygirl said...

Great interview...inspiring quilts!

Jocelyn said...

I love Cherri's quilts! They are so stunning! Love how she makes the best use of color. Thanks for the sweet giveaway :-)

Jocelyn said...

I went over to Cherri's blog and left a comment. I love reading her posts.

Anonymous said...

Great giveaway! Thanks!

Anonymous said...

I left a comment on the Cherry House Quilts blog.

Anonymous said...

I follow both blogs with google reader. Thanks!

Mystica said...

Lovely giveaway. Thanks.


Nanna said...

I need some fabric for my stash!

Nanna said...

I have commented on Cherri's blog.

Cyndi loves to stitch said...

Wow, so much going on over there, I alomst forgot to come back. I left several comments over there. the blog tour coming up soon looks fun too.

A Peppermint Penguin said...

Count me in! Such a lovely book, I hope I win, but I'm sure I'll find it on my bookshelf sooner or later even if I don't!

Thanks for the generous giveaway.

Anonymous said...

Enjoyed the interview, love how dramatic her quilts are.

Anonymous said...

Have left a comment on Cherri's blog.

Anonymous said...

Am a follower of both blogs.

A Peppermint Penguin said...

Back from Cherri's blog - such lovely quilts to see there.

Lovin the solid colour bundles - like mini rainbows.


Barbara said...

I follow both of you through Google reader

Bunny said...

Loved the interview. I am a follower and will pop over to Cherri's

Barbara said...

I have left a comment on her blog - visit there every day !

Barbara said...

and I LOVE your blog - one of the more pleasant readings in the quilting realm !

Linda at Roscoe's Ma said...

I have always had trouble with solids. I love this interview and post. I want to go play with some solids!

Linda at Roscoe's Ma said...

I left a comment on Cherri's blog.

Bridget said...

These quilts and their inspiration remind me of when our daughter lived in NY city. I miss visiting there.

Linda at Roscoe's Ma said...

I follow both blogs! Thanks for the giveaway!

krisgray said...

Just left a comment at Cherry House and got a cute free pattern! What a day!

Bridget said...

I have been following you for quite some time, and am thrilled to say that I am not following Cherry's blog as well.

Thanks for doing this giveaway!

Melissa ;-) said...

I just love the pixelated 3D look of those quilts!

Melissa ;-) said...

I left a comment on Cherri's blog!

Melissa ;-) said...

I follow your blog!

Mom on the Move! said...

I would love a chance to have her book - looks great! THANKS!

Mom on the Move! said...

I left Cherri some love on her blog!

Nancy said...

I am really drawn to her "modern" style of quilting...and would love a chance to have her book...

the fabric is wonderful!! I love solids...

GerryART said...

That Fat Quarter Bundle
certainly has caught my eye.

Cherie in St Louis said...

I found Cherri's blog via her daughter Lizzy's blog and was immediately drawn to her style. Great interview (she even has style with pet names!)

cathy said...

Thanks for the inspiring interview. I really want to do a quilt in her modern style.

Gill said...

What fabulous quilts!


Nancy said...

well, you know I am a follower of yours....and thanks for introducing Cheri....

i added her to my daily reads..

cathy said...

I enjoyed visiting Cherri's blog. I love the soda shop pattern and plan togo back and read the earlier posts.

Nancy said...

left a comment on cheri's blog...

cathy said...

I follow your blog. Now I have added Cherri's to my list on google reader.

Cherie in St Louis said...

I've left Cherri a comment :)

Diane H said...

Thank you for such a wonderful interview - love Cherri!

Diane H said...

Left a comment over on Cherry's blog.

henny said...

Thanks for sharing her beautiful works, Jackie!

henny said...

I had left comment on Cherry's blog

Debra said...

Great interview. Love the FQ's. Now will take looksy at Cherri's Blog.

Debra said...

Am now a follower of yours ! !

henny said...

I follow her blog, too!

Needled Mom said...

She has such a fabulous eye for her solids. They are so dramatic. I saw her book the other day and was looking through it. It was wonderful.

Exuberantcolor/Wanda S Hanson said...

That was a great interview!! That fat quarter stack is fabulous!

Angie said...

Wonderful interview Jackie. Please count me in on the give away!

Angie said...

I follow both blogs on my google reader.

Exuberantcolor/Wanda S Hanson said...

I just checked out Cherri's blog. I need to go back now and read some older posts.

Winona said...

Great interview. Also a great giveaway. Please enter me. Winona

Needled Mom said...

I left a comment and got her Soda Shop pattern.

Needled Mom said...

I follow you and am now following Cherri.

Cathy said...

Wow, her fabric's are fabulous! What depth of color. Love your blog and podcasts. Don't forget us longarmers who love to hear about your longarm tips!

Winona said...

I just left a comment on Cherri's blog. Winona

Debra said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Debra said...

I am now a follower/subscriber of Cherri's Blog.

Debra said...

I stopped by Cherri's Blog and left a comment. (If this post wnet in twicw I am sorry but I misspelled a word and re typed my comment

Evelyn said...

I love that book, and already have one of those quilts in my inspiration journal. And that stack of reds is so beautiful. Thanks for another awesome giveaway!

Anonymous said...

Wow i love her quilts. I hope I win!!! thanks for the give a way.

Anonymous said...

I now follow both blogs

Anonymous said...

left a comment on her blog. Thanks for the give a way

SheilaC said...

I would love to win this book!! (or the fabric)

thank you for the interview and the give away!


SheilaC said...

I follow you


SheilaC said...

I subscribe to Cherri's blog


SheilaC said...

I commented on Cherri's blog... I love that free pattern..


Anonymous said...

Love your blog and give away. Adore the Hot Spicy bundle. Thanks for the give away.

Anonymous said...

Left a note on Cherri's blog.

Dresden Quilter said...

The quilts are gorgeous!

two hippos said...

Great interview!

paulette said...

What a great interview!! Enjoyed it!!

paulette said...

I follow both your lovely blogs!! I am your biggest fan!!

Barb said...

I love those quilts and would so love to win a copy of "City Quilts"! Then, I will have to come back to your store and shop for solids! How much fun would that be--for both of us! YEAH! Thanks for the opportunity!

Ruthie said...

I follow both blogs on bloglines and would LOVE to win either prize.

paulette said...

Hi Jackie!!

I left a comment on Cherri's blog...maybe two as I visited earlier..but this way she is done!! Thanks for having this lovely Give Away!! Take care!

Taya@TypeB said...

Great interview. Cherri's designs are really beautiful!

Taya@TypeB said...

I already follow Cherri and I follow CVQW via Quilter Blogs!

Ann Marie said...

Love Cherri's quilts.

Kim Q said...

Those quilts are all just drop dead gorgeous! Prints can hide a lot of things as well as add to a design, but using all solids takes guts! (Gosh I'm a wimp....)

Taya@TypeB said...

Left a comment for Cherri!

Yumm yumz by patticakes said...

I have had my eye on this book for awhile and would love to be inspired to work with solids!

Thanks for the inspiring interview!


Betty said...

I enjoy your blog. I would be very happy to win one of your great giveaways. Thanks

Betty said...

I have become a follower of your blog.

Ann Marie said...

Left a comment on Cherri's blog. Nice pattern she's giving away.

Betty said...

I have left a comment on Cherry's blog.

Betty said...

I have also become a follower on Cherry's blog.

Mary Grace McNamara said...

Cherri's quilts are fabulous! Now I'm off to check out her blog! Back soon!


Sequana said...

Thx for the nice interview with Cherri.

Mary Grace McNamara said...

I left a comment on Cherri's blog!


Sequana said...

I'm left a comment over on Cherri's. I discovered I already had the Soda Shop pattern.

Mary Grace McNamara said...

And I'm a follower of both blogs...don't want to miss all the fun!


Sequana said...

I follow both of your blogs already - either as a "follower" or in my Bloglines, or both.

OK, you can draw my name now. *L*

Messy Karen said...

i must make something from City Quilts. great interview.

Mary on Lake Pulaski said...

I've been drooling over Cherri's book since I first heard about it!

Mary on Lake Pulaski said...

I follow both your and Cherri's blog Jackie!

Simone de Klerk said...

What a wonderful interview and what a great thing you actually sell her book!!!
I just love those solid quilts. Something very different.

~Kris~ said...

What a fantastic prize. Both are great.

Apple Avenue Quilts said...

Wonderful prizes! Very interesting interview. I always love to hear where designers get their inspiration.

Apple Avenue Quilts said...

I left a comment on Cherri's blog.

Apple Avenue Quilts said...

I already follow your blog and have become a follower of Cherri's.

~Kris~ said...

Thanks for the link to Cherri's blog. She does beautiful work. I enjoyed visiting her blog.

Sharon M said...

I am very familiar with Cherri's book. I absolutely love every quilt in there. Love the paper interview and will look forward to the podcast.
Sharon M -

scottylover said...

How pretty! Love her quilts. Thanks for sharing the bio with us.

Sandy A

wishes, true and kind said...

I love Cherri's designs and her use of solids!

scottylover said...

left a comment on Cherri's blog!

Sandy A

wishes, true and kind said...

I left a comment on Cherri's blog.

scottylover said...

I follow your blog, but couldn't find a way to follow Cherri's. I did add her as a favorite!

Sandy A

Eli, Cattails Quilts said...

I have to say I love the image of Cherri's city quilts & the inspiration for the quilt. What a great idea!

Kona cotton = YUM! I'd love to win this pack!

wishes, true and kind said...

I am a follower of your blog and Cherri's blog.

Jan said...

What a cool give away. I'd love to win.

Jan said...

I left a comment on Cherri's blog, promising to give the copy of her book, that I already own, away on my blog; if I win a signed copy.

DianeY said...

Nice interview! I think I'd like to see City DumP! lol

JB said...

I was not familiar with Cherri's work. Thanks for providing a link to her site. This is exciting.

DianeY said...

I'm a follower of both your blog & Cherri's

DianeY said...

I left a comment on Cherri's. Her trip into the lake was the funniest story I've heard in a long time! Glad she could laugh about it after!

Willa said...

Enjoy your blog.

The giveaway really appeals. I seldom work with solids so this would be a step forward for me.


Willa said...

Okay, I visited her blog. So I get a second chance?

Willa said...

I subscribe to both blogs thru google reader.


lesthook said...

great interview!

lesthook said...

I am already a follower of both blogs.

julia said...

Hi Jackie,
thanks for sharing the interview with's just great to read!
I'm so glad that I found you again (I just lost all my rss feeds last weeks and I'm only slowly finding all my favourite blogs again...).
Cheers, Julia

tesuque said...

Visited Cherri's blog.

Mego said...

great giveaway and a FABULOUS book! I just rec'd it in the mail and I LOVE it!

tesuque said...

I'm now following both blogs (hopefully).

Mego said...

Just left a comment at Cherri's and NOW I have a new pattern, SODA SHOP! Thanx for pointing me over there today!

Fran said...

That book looks great ! What
beautiful quilts....nice colors
& beautiful designs. AND the
fabric.....LOVE those colors !

Meg said...

I never really appreciated solids the way I do now until I stumbled across Cherri's work. She's brilliant!

Meg said...

I've left a comment over at Cherri's blog, too!

Meg said...

And I'm a long-time follower of both blogs. Thanks!!

Fran said...

Just left a comment at Cherri's blog.
Thanks for the wonderful giveaway &
I've found two great blogs this morning ! Thank you.

tellad said...

Breathtaking! I wish I had the talent! Teri Dingler

Kate said...

Love the fabrics! I am just making a small quilt out of some Kona solids- love it!

Kate said...

Left a comment on Cherri's blog...

Barb said...

I am returning to let you know that I have posted a comment on both your and Cherri's blog! I love her story--glad the quilt was safe!

tellad said...

I left a comment on Cherri's blog - makes a second entry! Teri Dingler

tellad said...

My third entry is because I am a follower of yours and of Cherri's blog! Thanks for a great give-a-way! Teri Dingler

Barb said...

Once again I am returning to let you know that I am a follower of your blog and a subscriber of Cherri's blog! Thanks for the 3rd chance! I hope that the 3rd time is a charm!

Robin (RsIslandCrafts) said...

Wonderful interview!

Robin (RsIslandCrafts) said...

I left a comment for Cherri :)

Robin (RsIslandCrafts) said...

I'm a follower on your blog and I follow Cherri on bloglines because I didn't see a follow button....

Meredith said...

What beautiful quilts - such clear lines and gorgeous colours! I've been wanting to play with solids for a while - would love to win either the fabrics or the book.

Hannele said...

Interesting interview and marvellous giveaway - who could resist it?

Shirleyquilts said...

Wow! Just posted this morning and already 175 posts. That's quite a following.

Doina said...

Great giveaway! Please count me in!

Doina said...

I follow your blog.

Meredith said...

Back from posting a comment on Cherri's blog.

Doina said...

I left a comment for Cherri.

Meredith said...

I've already been following Cherri's blog for a while, and started following yours when C&T first announced the give away - so much inspiration to find everywhere I look!

Hannele said...

I wrote a commet on Cherri's blog - and hope to win :)

Shirleyquilts said...

I left a comment on Cherri's blog

Shirleyquilts said...

I subscribed to Cherri's blog, too.

Kathleen C said...

I've always loved Cherri House's quilts that I've seen online; City Quilts looks like a wonderful book. One of my goals has been to work with solids; thanks for this generous giveaway.

Kathleen C said...

I left a comment for Cherri, and I'm glad you sent me to her blog. I'm subscribing to her blog feed (I receive the feed to your blog, too).

Kathleen C said...

I'm a follower.
And I should have said Elizabeth instead of Cherri in my comments, but that is how I think of her and her blog!
Thanks for the great interview; the book and the fabrics both are wonderful.

Anonymous said...

My 2 fav things....Cherri's patterns & Kona. Thanks for the chance. Best regards from Gail in Wa State
gsteves @ hotmail . com

Sylvia said...

Pretty! Thanks for the chance to win.

Sylvia said...

I left a comment for Cherri on her blog!

Marcia W. said...

This is a really good interview and enjoyed it. Thanks for the giveaway of the book and material. mlwright29 (at) hotmail (dot) com

gag7949 said...

Hi Jackie, thanks for the Cherri House interview and fantastic giveaway!

Gayle Grier

gag7949 said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
gag7949 said...

Third entry in your giveaway...I am reading your blog and Cherri's blog. Thanks.

Gayle Grier

Unknown said...

Hi Jackie!
I am an avid follower of your also a great fan of the solid fabric quilts! These are just gorgeous! Yes, please consider me in! I would love the book and the fabric!!!

hugz, Pam

Sherri I said...

Great giveaway! Either would be wonderful to win. Thanks!


Sherri I said...

I left a comment on Cherri's blog. Thanks for the extra chance of winning!

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...


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