Hello Everyone,
Whew, what a great weekend I had!! My friend Victoria (a.k.a. Bumble Beans) came for the weekend with her daughter... B. We had a wonderful time sewing and chatting. I am looking forward to seeing her again in just a few short weeks!
Anyway, here is a sneak peek at what I worked on...
Yes, I finally got to play with all those silks that I bought a while back, a little twisting project. And I just love them. I think I need more.
Here is Victoria working. Look at how fast she is sewing, you can barely see her one hand it is a blur. Wow!
Guess who else stopped by? I bet you may have seen this quilt here. We wish she could have stayed longer, but it was oh so good to see her.
Here is Victoria laying out her design on my very handy design floor. By the way, she didn't work on what she had planned on working on, I kind of messed that up for her by giving her a significant part of this design.
Here is how my project started. Beautiful silk squares bordered by black silk. But wait that doesn't look like pinwheels... keep on reading...
Ooops, another curious visitor. My Pavi needed to see what we were doing. I think we had his cat seal of approval.
Here Victoria's beautiful creation. Now what got her started was the circular wagon wheel behind the Virgin Mary. That was my fault. But I just knew that she would transform it into something wonderful. She isn't done yet either. Looking forward to seeing more of this.
This was my creation. All silk dupioni and I just love it!! There will be a tutorial on this one coming very, very soon to this blog!! Also, the tool that I used can be found in my shop, here.
By the way, thank you all so much for you input on my last post. Victoria had to throw a monkey wrench in that and told me she really liked Kona Mango with it... I guess that was only fair, as I messed up her original sewing plans for the weekend.
*** This week's special in the shop... All 1930s repros are marked to $6.95 per yard***
Until Next Time...

I love your silk "twist" quilt. I made a very similar one not long ago but not in silk. Now you've given me an idea as I still have heaps of silk scraps.
I just LOVE those dashing colors of the silk.
What a fabulous weekend Jackie, and with a wonderful friend. V's creation is amazing as is your twisty silky quilt, yum! xo
Judging by the projects you ladies worked on I'd say you had a fantastic weekend for sure. Your silks are absolutley rich looking and gorgeous. Now to see your quilting magic!
I will be looking for that tutorial on the twisting. I have seen the finished product before but your nice clear picture suddenly made it "pop" in my head. I might even figure it out on my own.
Isn't it wonderful to sew with friends? It looks like you had such a creative day.
I bought both Twister tools (big and small), and am wondering if you will be using those? I haven't had a chance to play with them yet, and it makes me wish I could drop by too. (just like Karen G.)
I looked at Victoria's blog last night and saw what you guys had been up to. Wow - looks like you got a lot of work done and the silks look beautiful!
I was about to ask you where you got the twist pattern, but then I read your post to the end - great, I'll be waiting for your tutorial :)
Hey Jackie! This weekend was so JUST WHAT I NEEDED!! I had a great time, so did B, thank you thank you! Now let's go buy more silk! ;-)
Your silk twist turned out gorgeous! I love black with solid colors.
This twist piece is so intriguing. I look forward to the tutorial.
Love those silks! Just makes me want to pet them! Last week I purchased a large twister tool so your post is making me want to rush into the sewing room and get going!
beautiful!!!Can't wait for the tutorial....should be quite interesting...love the silks
Great assortment of projects. I have used that 'twist' pattern and love the results. Next time I will be more accurate in my seams.
Looks like a WONDERFUL weekend that you ladies had! What fun! Love the silk twist and turn. Your piecing on that is amazing! V looked like she was having a great, productive time despite a change of plans. :-)
Oh my! It looks like you had a wonderful weekend! Love the pinwheels and the fun quilt Victoria was working on.
Love Victoria's piece, really creative and beautiful.
The silks look beautiful in that pattern, beautiful design.
Both projects are spectacular! I love the silk quilt and I can't wait to see how you finish it.
What a fun sewing day! And of course I had to order that ruler...I've been looking at it for awhile now!
Your silk quilt is wonderful! I especially like the black. I pre-wash most of my silks ... it really helps control the ravelling, removes excess dyes and sometimes you get new colors to add to your stash. I think my how-to is on my website but I should add it to my blog too :)
Your Silk Twister is beautiful - the black really makes the colors POP. Oh no - not mango!!! I STILL vote for GREEN!!! See you Weds.-weather permitting.
What fun - wish I lived nearby and could join in. The silk colors are fantastic - they positively glow! Looking forward to the tutorial - it's a very cute pattern.
Wow! the colors! I love it!
I love how your silk quilt came out! The border is perfect. I wish I was still there to see you finish it.
And V's quilt is awesome too. What a powerhouse of creativity!
That silk quilt is the coolest...you always choose just the right medium to add a fun effect.
Your silk twist quilt is gorgeous. I love the bright colours and the movement against the black.
Both of your creations are super cool! I love the twister pattern and 'trick' with the template. It is especially effective in those silks, Jackie! Victoria's quilt is just awesome and I've been following along on the selvage blog, watching that beauty come to live as well. Stunning!
Both of your creations are wonderful. How fun for both of you to enjoy the weekend sewing together.
love the silk twist quilt! I'll be waiting for the tutorial!
It's gorgeous Jackie! I love the silks -- what a fun quilt!
The silks are stunning. Your pinwheel quilt is beautiful! Victoria's piece is divine! The star block couldn't have found a more perfect spot :)
Great work with your silk!
I have a lot of silk but I can't decide what to do with it...maybe an improv style quilt....I'll think about it! ;)
awesome. beautiful. lovely. and the quilts are very nice too!!
I"ve been thinking about this pattern since I saw the post. I NEED TO DO IT!!! What about in repros with white instead of black? Would you accu-cut the pieces for me, too? I can pick fabrics when I get the tops you are working on now.
What a fun and inspiring weekend! Both of you quilts are breathtaking!
Oh I look forward to that tutorial Jackie! I saw a pinwheel quilt in a book recently...of course it didn't even give a pattern...and I really wanted to make one!
You both had awesome projects!
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