Hello Everyone,
If many of you are wondering why e-mails have gone unanswered and my presence commenting and visiting blogs has been so small in this last week, it is because we have been helping our very sick kitty, Rolo.
For those of you who don't know Rolo, he is my sweet kitty who is not only large, but has a large and gentle personality. Rolo is 11 years old and has been with us since he was 7 weeks old.
It all began this week, when I noticed little droplets of blood throughout the house. We needed to find which kitty was bleeding (we have 3). Quickly, we found out that it was sweet Rolo. He was bleeding from his tummy. Interestingly enough, we couldn't find a cut or a visible puncture of any kind.
We quickly called the vet and they were closed. It was after hours, so we needed to take him to the emergency vet. Not far, but because he was bleeding and it didn't seem to be stopping we needed to go.
So my daughter and I went. After examining him and shaving his entire belly, they noticed his belly was extremely red and inflamed. They determined that it must be an allergic reaction to something he either came into contact with or ate. Although this was perplexing to us. He is an indoor cat and nothing in his environment had changed.
Needless to say, he was given an antibiotic shot and we were asked to give him Prednisone to bring the inflammation down. Now with quite a radical haircut and still some oozing from his belly, we took him home.
Much later that evening, we noticed his front legs beginning to fill with fluid. This was around 1:00 am. So first thing in the morning, I call the ER Vet and gave them the update. The tech checked with the vet and this was definitely not normal.
So off went my hubs and son with Rolo. At this point, it was a different vet. He found that Rolo's heart rate was extremely elevated and his blood pressure was very high. Because of this, he ruled out an allergic reaction and gave him some heart meds for blood pressure and to regulate his heart rate.
This seemed to do the trick. The inflammation is coming down slowly, but the vet said that we will need to take him to our normal vet today for a complete heart work up to make sure that is really the cause of his problems.

In the meantime, he isn't his normal self. He is hiding in the basement, comfortably on the couch. We have set him up with his food and water. His litter pan is already there. The good thing is he still has an appetite!
Normally, I don't post about things like this, but I know that many of you out there who have pets know that they become part of your family. You love them and they love you back. I also don't often ask things like this either, but if you wouldn't mind sending good thoughts or prayers (if you are the praying kind) for our Rolo to get well.
We all love him so much!
Thank you!
Until Next Time...

It's just the worst when a pet is ill and you can't figure out what the problem is. I will certainly be sending well wishes for Rolo - I hope your vet can make a quick diagnosis and put Rolo on the road to recovery!
Oh, it's so scary when a pet is sick! I wish they could tell us what's wrong with them. I hope your regular vet can sort this out and get Rolo on the road back to feeling good. Please keep us updated on him!
Oh no! I hope Rolo feels better soon! Poor sweetie!
I hope Rolo will soon be himself again! I will light a candle for him and please keep us informed.
Dear Rolo. Wishing him a speedy recovery. Pets are family members and they love us unconditionally. All good thoughts coming your way.
I hope Rolo makes a speedy recovery! It's so hard when a pet is hurting.
Praying for you Jackie and Rolo and wisdom for the docs and you as well.
of course you are worried about him. Hope the doctor will have good news for you.
I am so sorry for him and for you. I know how frustrating it is not beeing able to help him. I hope you will find a good enough doctor to get you kitty back.
Prayers for Rolo & all of you. It tears your heart out when the animals you love are sick. Hoping & praying for a speedy recovery.
I know Rolo has such a special place in your family's heart. I hope all is well very soon!
A prayer for Rolo and one for you, too...
Prayers and good thoughts to Rolo. It's so hard when our furry friends are hurting.
Poor Rolo! I hope you get everything figured out at your vet today. Extra special prayers being sent for your very special little furry friend.
Oh no! Poor Rolo! I have said a prayer for Rolo and will continue to say more. Sick pets are no fun.
I hope sweet Rolo is back to his old trick soon. Scarey when the kitties are sick.
Prayers for your Rolo, Jackie. Pets do become our babies. We have a 6 year old Min Pin named Jazzlyn who is the love of our life. We would be sick if something happened to her.
What a sweet kitty Rolo is! I hope and pray he recovers soon and gets back to his normal self.
Sending Rolo and you lots of warm, strong thoughts from Norway! Hope he gets better soon. I know what you are going through, Cora was sick and had an operation last spring. It was some tough days.
Hugs from Merete
It is always such a worry. I do hope that all of the tests come out fine and he is on the road to recovery quickly.
Poor Rolo. I hope he gets better soon. And I really hope your vet can figure it all out. Keep us posted.
I am thinking healing thoughts for your precious Rolo. I hope he gets over this very quickly.
The first thing I thought was heart, good to get a full check up. We had a big old kitty and he ended up with diabetes from being over weight, then his heart went. He was 16, so it was his time, but if I had known, I would have put him on a diet. I will have Rolo in my prayers.
My thoughts and heart are with you. I hope he gets better soon.
I am so sorry your kitty is unwell. I hope that he gets well soon.
So sorry to hear about your sick kitty Rolo. I hope all is well soon. He is well loved. :)
So sad for Rolo! I totally understand the frustration of not knowing what's up with a kitteh. My Gracie was very sick with ear problems for a very long time before it was finally discovered she had a rare bacterial infection in both ears. After two treatments, she was cured and hasn't suffered a relapse since.
Oh Jackie. Poor Rolo. Thoughts and prayers are with you. I hope the docs figure out what's wrong with him.
I'm sending all my kitty get well mojo to Rolo! Best wishes!!
Gosh, I'll be sending positive thoughts Rolo's way.
Sending Rolo and you my good wishes. xo
I'm so sorry about Rolo. I hope he improves quickly and that the vet will know just how to help him.
I'm so sorry to read that your sweet Rolo is unwell. I will definitely be keeping him in my prayers for a speedy and full recovery. I have two cats (and a dog) and they ARE my children. One of them is a diabetic and I give him insulin shots twice a day, so I understand how you feel. I'd do anything for my babies!
I always feel so helpless when my pets aren't feeling well. I'll say a prayer for the little (or not so little!) fellow.
I'll certainly keep Rolo in my thoughts and prayers. He has the same coloring and my Jacki had. She was 15 and developed lung cancer last spring. Because she was always a quiet cat (unlike our Growltiger who never stops talking!) we didn't realize how sick she was until close to the end. The cats are actually my son's - I'm allergic to them - but they live with me because he can't have animals in his place. Now it's just GT and I, and I really miss the old girl. Here's hoping Rolo is back on his feet quickly.
Wishing Rolo a speedy recovery. Will send positive thoughts and prayers.
Hoping Rolo is feeling better today. I'm saying a prayer for him right away!
Sending Rolo healing thoughts today!
I'll be thinking of Rolo until you post another update. I hope he's doing well and they find out exactly what the problem is.
All my prayers to Rolo. I have 4 cats and no kids and I can relate to that amazing bond we form. Get better soon Rolo!
When our cat, Hank was sick this summer, we called Vets on Wheels and the vet came to our home and took Hank in for x-rays and delivered her back home again in a few hours. Thankfully a bladder infection was cured with antibiotics.
The girls and I are sending get-well wishes.
Oh my gosh that is horrible. I'm so sad about this. I know similarly this happened to one of our favorite cats. It was so so sad. I love the pic of Rolo in the quilt covered up. Poor baby. Hoping he gets better.
Hope Rolo gets better soon...and that you are able to get some rest as well!
Poor Rolo. I truly hope he is better today. It is awful when our pets are not well
Sending love and hugs to you and him.
Our pets do become one of the family and so it is sad when they become sick. Hope he feels better soon!
Hope you find out what it is and get Rolo better soon! Positive thoughts and prayers are winging their way over the ocean from us. <3
Poor Rolo....I do hope he is on the mend..
Coming out of the woodwork to say that my thoughts are with you and and your sweetie Rolo. He's a very handsome boy! Hoping he feels better soon :)
Hope Rolo is improving!
I hope Rolo gets better quickly.
Millie is purring for Rolo and I am sending positive vibes your way.
Lynne & Millie
I hope kitty is well soon. I'll pray for him.
That does sound scary. I'd be worried sick. Hugs to you & your family and Rolo will be in my prayers.
Ohhh...rolo - hope he's feeling better soon. Pets are amazing and my two are definitely part of me. Riley and Oscar (aka Fat cat) send kitty greetings and some purrs to make Rolo feel better! :)
So sorry that Rolo isn't wll. Hope he feels better soon. My thoughts are with you.. Take care!
Good luck to you with Rolo and I hope he's well soon.
Sending healing thoughts to Rolo! Hope he gets well soon.
Oh Jackie, I am so sorry, they are family, I know that and I am the praying kind,so i will be for your sweet kitty.
Sending good thoughts your way, please keep us updated. My animals are such an important part of our family. I hope your own vet can figure this out.
Jackie, I am so sorry about Rolo I know how much I have loved all my cats and my latest one is so spoiled and I would be devastated if anything happened to him ,so I will definitely send prayers and healing thoughts his way. Blessings Sandraem
Poor Rolo. It is so disturbing when a pet is sick and can't tell you exactly what is wrong. I will put Rolo and his loving family in my prayers.
Poor Rolo, I wish him a speedy recovery. We've always had cats and they are so affectionate. Hugs to you both.
Sorry to hear about Rolo. I'm praying he gets well soon.
Dear Jackie, I'm so sorry to hear of Rolo's poor health and will pray for you all.
These things are difficult.
Just wanted to say I'm thinking of you and your family xx
Rolo is such a cute kitty.
I hope Rolo feels better quickly. Give him a nice gentle scratch for me.
Hoping Rolo feels better, as a mom to two kitties, I feel for you. We do tend to hurt when our babies are sick don't we? Please keep us posted.
I hope Rolo feels better really soon. They are a special part of our lives. I'm glad you shared your story.
Of course Rolo will be in my prayers! I have four cats myself & I know how much you must be worried sick about him. I hope to hear good news from you shortly.
chester, ny
Good healing thoughts are being sent to Rolo. I hope he recovers quickly.
Jackie, I'm so sorry to hear about poor Rolo. It must be frustrating to not know how to help him. Hope he's well soon!
My house is full of furkids, including four felines, so I definitely know how you feel! I will keep all of you and Rolo in my thoughts and prayers.
Greetings from Norway! I just stumbled across your blogg and saw that your cat is sick. So I just wanted to send Rolo goodwell wishes from a catlover in Norway. :)Take care.
Oh No! Poor Rolo (what a cute name!) -- I hope he's feeling better today. It's so hard to watch our kitties be ill -- if only they could talk!
(((Jackie))), tears came to my eyes as I read about poor Rolo. I do hope the vet was able to successfully come up with a solution and that he is on the mend.
Poor Kitty.
I'll keep good thoughts for your sweet baby.
Hugs, Gerry
All the best to Rolo. Thinking of you all as you support your loving friend.
Thinking of you and Rolo
Oh our fluffy little ones. . . they have our hearts, don't they!? I will certainly be praying for little Rolo & for you & your family. I can tell you are doing all you can (& more) & they you love him so very much. . . & I'm certain Rolo knows it too. He's a very blessed kitty to have you as his humans. . .
xo, Bren
I really hope Rolo is feeling better and that all went well at his visit to the vet. I know how you must be feeling ... I am a weeping mess whenever Molly or Oliver are ill. Sending lots of good thoughts your way.
How is Rolo feeling??
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