Hello Everyone,
I am planning a new project. With all the projects that I have in the works, why not pile one more into the mix, right? In reality, I have been wanting to make this particular project for some time now. So I thought that I would start gathering my fabrics.
Here is what I have together so far. I love all the different colors and the sweet prints which are true to the 1930s reproductions. Many of you know how much I love these sweet little prints, even though I am a big brights fan!
This is the project from a Fons and Porters magazine. I really like the design, but better yet it is all strip pieced!! Although, I am most likely going to alter the border. The design of it hasn't been decided just yet though.
Here is my dilemma, you can see in the pattern that the 1930s prints are set in white and then with a solid colored triangle. In the magazine, you can see they used blue. I am not much of a blue person, but I still like it. My thinking was that I might swap it out for green.
So on the left is Kona Cotton Asparagus, on the right is Kona Cotton Denim.
Here are my fabrics laid out on the Asparagus.
Here they are on the Denim.
I would love your thoughts and am curious how many of you prefer green over blue and vice versa. So please leave a comment to let me know your thoughts.
Oh, and don't forget to enter my giveaway here.
Until Next Time...

***Don't forget today is the last day of the batik sale $7.25 per yard***

I'm a huge fan of green and I think either would work but the blue seemed to really show of the prints very well. What a great quilt. I love the 30s prints too.
Denim. The fabrics pop against the blue.
I really LOVE green, but this green... mh, can't tell you why. But also prefer denim with your fabrics.
Best wishes
I think either one would be fine, but if it was me, I'd go with the green! :0)
I agree with the other ladies. Blue just seems to make the other fabrics sing.
30's prints look so great with any of these solids. I'll be eager to see which one you pick :)
I am a "blue" boy so I automatically picked the denim. But honestly I really like the asparagus too.
Go with your gut.
I'm a blue person, but I have made a quilt with '30's and green. It was a great match. Go with your heart! Either will work wonderfully.
The colors really pop against the blue.
The colors really pop against the blue.
If it were me, I'd go with the blue. It just seems to go with everything. Before I saw the photos and was thinking of what would be best, I was also thinking blue since it's a primary color and my thought is that it would go better with the rest of the fabrics. That probably doesn't make much sense, but that was the first thing that came to my mind.
I see all of those beautiful prints you bought.. a whole line of green beauties.. but when you put them on the asparagus, the sort of disappear. I'm sure you want to see them, and you can really see more of them on the blue.
Hi Jackie...beautiful quilt...since you like brights pick the green....though you could do another one and use the blue; which looks very nice with it...Blue would be my choice..
This will be great! I'm partial to the blue myself ...
I think the blue is too bright for the repros...the green seems to fit more, even though it's more subdued.
Something about the blue just makes the colors more colorful! I don't know why - I would normally pick the green- but it just doesn't work with these fabrics as well as the blue!
Oh I love when peeps ask my opinion! The triangles seem to give space to the twirles.... either color would work the same, sooooo it would seem the color to use is the one you like.... ahhhh, isn't denium blue? and you don't much care for blue? so it would seem LIME !
To me the blue has more punch , really brings out the prints .It is a beautiful quilt , good luck .
Oh, so nice to see that someone else loves these fabrics as much as I do! I'm making a quilt from the same fabrics! :o) My favorite color is green, but looking at your photos, the blue really does make the prints stand out more. But either one would work and you should go with your first instinct. Can't wait to see how it all comes out!
The placement of your print fabrics on the solids make the blue look the best. There is a row of green prints that get lost on the green solid. Maybe if you mix them up a bit? I like both, but I'd go with the blue.
Green is my absolute favorite color but for your quilt I would go with the denim. I think it makes the other colors sparkle.
Caveat: I like blue.
With that said, I did not like how the greens got lost against the Asparagus & I thought the prints sparkled against the blue.
Get more ORANGE!
I am liking the blue better with your fabrics.
Though choice...
I am a green person, so I would immediately say green. But the fabrics look just as great on the blue. I do tend to agree with all that is said before me: the blue does show the colours better than the green.
I would had to say green!
Make one of each jackie - lol ! Seriously though I must say I prefer the blue - have a lovely weekend xxx
I like the blue better -- some of the prints blend in too much with the green.
I think the blue in the magazine photo is way too overpowering and the green would be the better choice. I think the 30's type quilts should be soothing, not jarring.
I tend more towards blues when doing this sort of thing, and I do think the fabrics look great on the blue. But I also think they look great on the green, so if you like green better, go with it. Either way, the quilt you make with all those beautiful fabrics will be stunning!
The blue pops! The green is nice but no pop.
To me, the colors seem to sing with the blue. I am a little biased to blue but I really do think the blue looks better. Love the 30's fabrics!
I prefer the green, but the blue does make the colors pop. The green for a mellow quilt, allowing each print to shine, if that makes sense:)
I love blue and green, you really can't go wrong!! If you are going for a vintage look, green might be the way to go. Here are pictures of two of my vintage quilts.
They are both solid green on the back too!!
Blue is my favorite color but to me the green is what those sweet fabrics need. It sure makes them sing. Just my honest opinion.
I know you're not a fan of blue; but, the denim seems to make the colors pop. The green is good too; but, the denim just makes those colors stand out.
The green you have selected doesn't work. Why not try Leaf or Laurel for a green that will bring out all the colors, or better yet, why not Tangerine - it is close to the color of the year! JILL
I say green Jackie!
On my monitor
the Denim really !!POPs!!
Everything just shows itself better on the blue this morning.
I have some 30's fabrics waiting for a project here too! Yours looks great.
I love green but I have to say these seem to stand out more on the blue background.
Good luck deciding!
That is going to be a wonderful quilt, love the fabrics.
I love green, so always lean towards that, when I buy fabrics, but there are a lot of beautiful blues out there, so need to expand my color schemes.
For me its blue!
I'm a blue fan!
I am a green fan and definitely not blue, but I must say, I would choose for the blue kona here! It seems to suit the prints much better!
I am not a fan of blue either - but I must say I think the 30's prints look much better on the blue.
I just love the asparagus; but it also will make a difference in the final surroundings of this quilt. Those large color pieces will really shout out.
Love, love the green. Blue is okay, but I'm always going to pick the green for anything. What a fabulous collection of 30's prints you have. Looking forward to seeing the finished quilt.
asparagus for sure... I just adore that green.
The blue does look better here but if you are not a blue girl then go with what you like, green.
I think the problem is the green you are using -- with 30s prints why not use that "30s green" color you always see in vintage quilts like the ones in kt's flicker sets. I bought some a while back to go with my repros and looking at my Kona color card it is closest to Kona's "Aloe" green (#197).
Of course, if Asparagus is what's already in stash, I can also understand wanting to try work with that. Decisions, decisions!!
Both are nice. I think something softer than the pattern picture will work just fine. Personally I would go for pink, but your softer blue or green would work very nicely.
Asparagus! The Denim makes the rest of the fabrics look very traditional/vintage - Asparagus makes them pop!
The green in the picture with your fabric selections looks grass green and I'm not liking it as much as the blue. If the green had more yellow in it like is has in the first picture I might like it better. I want to like the green better because I love green but the blue actually shows off your fabric selection better, IMHO.
Blue is my choise.
I'd go for the green, especially if you are not quite in love with the blue. But I am biased cos I love anything green!
I agree with the shade of green you picked being a little "off". Also, most of the 30s prints snown seem to be green, a larger assortment than the other shades. I also agree that the blue makes the other colors pop. In this case, I would vote blue. It will be pretty either way. Can't wait to see it done.
I wanted to love the asparagus, but I don't. The blue makes the colors pop more. That's my vote.
I wanted to love the asparagus, but I don't. The blue makes the colors pop more. That's my vote.
I saw the same pattern but I am not a blue person either. I vote green. I think it is a more relaxing color.
I like the blue. The colors seem more "alive" next to the blue.
I'm not sure if this is the right place to reply, but I'll give it a try- I recently purchased a whole bunch of Aunt Grace Authentics 1930s repro fabrics from you and am doing the free quilt pattern offered on-line by Marcus Fabrics (its very much like Hunter's star, but with a bunch of colors). Anyway, I think you are seasoned enough quilter to have a better sense of the colors you like, but i did notice in the Feb 2011 issue of American Patchwork & Quilting magazine an article called "Going Green" with vintage feedsack prints and I really liked the mint green that they used. That may not be your style, but why not throw a monkey wrench into your whole decision-making process?? I'll be curious to read others comments/votes/suggestions on this matter and to see what you ultimately decide!! I'll be watching your post!! Have fun!
I am a blue person, but I vote for the green.
I love blue and I think the blue works best with the fabrics you are using. The blue makes them pop.
BLUE!! Without question for me. I makes all the other fabrics so much prettier. The green looks too minty.
If the colors are true, then the blue definitely makes everything pop!
I am a blue person myself, but keeping my likes to myself, stood back and looked at both, and the colors popped more with the denim. But if you like green do green and then add more green to the stars, because in the quilt pictured it seems a lot of the stars have a lot of blue in them. But you might want a darker green, because I think that is why the colors pop on the blue because it is darker.
For me, green! The blue makes the colours seem brighter, the green makes them softer and more vintage-y as if they've been in the family for a while. So blue for crisp and green for soft LOL
I'll have to agree with the majority and the fact that the colours pop up from the denim really well!
My choice would be the denim.
Oh green! I think the blue in the magazine is way too dark. Your blue is pretty, but...
wait, I'll see them in person tomorrow. Can't wait.
I think I like the blue. What issue is that from? I've been subbing to that magazine for a while but don't remember that one (doesn't mean I don't have it).
I would say the green makes all the colors pop out. Looking forward to the results.
I love asparagus, Jackie, but I think denim would pop the fabrics more? How about one of each?
Well, I like the green! but whatever color you pick, this quilt will be a fresh as can be. I love the look of 30's, they just make me smile.
I would try lavender. That little purpley print pops right out at me. i'd love to see them laid out on lavender.
It seems that most everyone likes the blue. So do I. It seems that the whole row of green disappears with the green background but they pop with the blue.
I like the green better. The blue is sort of boring to me.
It depends waht look you are after, the blue is bright, while I think the green gives it a softer look. What will yoiu pick? Hmmm,
LOve the fabrics! I would go for the green!
I love the blue, but I would pick the greene. It maks the lovely 1930'fabs sparkle! I´ve just finished a 1930' quilte myself. Tou can find i here:http://allmomasquilt.blogspot.com/2011/01/timeglas-quilt.html
So many lovely fabrics! The quilt you want to make is a beautiful one. My choice is denim, I love blue ;-))
I think Asparagus is the winner -- it's a much warmer tone and is more complimentary to the fabrics.
What fun fabric to be playing with during winter!! I think the green would as good as the blue.
The green seems more YOU. Bright & cheery.
The denim -- the colours seem to really pop against it! What a wonderfully cheerful quilt this will make, no matter which you choose -- perfect for this time of year.
Wow...just love your 30's fabrics!!!! At first I was going to say green because I like the green better than the blue when pictured together...but with the fabrics coming into play they seem to stand out more w/the blue. But I really love that green...
I love green but I really like the contrast and zip that the blue gives your fabrics. I don't know for sure that the blue won't jump off the quilt so to speak but I am wondering if the green will make it to mushy looking - Just something more for you to ponder. I think Gene said go with your gut - that sounds like pretty good advice to me.
It is going to be a terrific quilt Jackie.
I like the blue better...It just goes so well with the other beautiful fabrics you chose.
I don't know if it's because you have the green on the edge and the blue in the middle but I have to agree with the others the blue is making the fabrics pop more. And I usually prefer green over blue.
I really like the way the fabrics look with the blue. The green is pretty, but seems to blend more with the fabrics. I think it will look really pretty.
I'm on a green thing, so aspergras has my vote! Love the 30's it's on my list too!
I admit I do like blue, but I also love that gentle shade of green - which is perfect for the 30s prints. But as many others have already said, the blue really makes the colours pop - so Kona Denim gets my vote.
The green, please
Actually, I am more of a blue person than a green, BUT I like the solid green with your 30's fabrics. Either one would work, however.
On its own, I like the green better, but with the other fabrics on top, it just POPS with the blue. I can't wait to see the finished product. It will be lovely.
I like the blue better than the green. I 30 fabric really look great with the blue. The finished quilt will be beautiful.
The Asparagus! It's so soothing and it's very retro. The picture of the blue with the fabrics makes it look very Royal blue and I think it's too strong. Yes it pops but then I didn't notice the fabrics as much. That's my two cents!
I'm a fan of the green but wow they did pop on the blue. Take the greens off and see how it looks then. I just love green.
LOVE the blue but I tend to use a lot of green in my quilting. Either is fantastic-----drooling over your 30s stash. =)
Asparagus all the way!!!
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