Hello Everyone,
I saw a beautiful Bobcat! I came downstairs for some tea on quilting break and saw this wonderful Bobcat. Be sure to click on the pictures for a closer look!
Then the UPS man pulled into our drive and she ran off. That was a real bummer, I was enjoying my break admiring her. I hope you enjoyed too!

Love that bobcat. It looks small and like a regular cat till you click on the photo!! Very cool.
This is amazing. Thanks for sharing.
I really enjoyed seeing these photos. I guess it's good that these cats take off quickly when they hear a noise, though, or it could be disastrous for humans if they walked out suddenly when one was around. As gentle as that "cat" looks, I'd not want to get into a fight with it!
How interesting is that??? All we get are annoying chipmunks and our other foe, squirrels.
Thanks to for that nice message on my Monday blog. :)
Wow Jackie -- that's amazing! Could we perhaps cut a deal with your bobcat and my squirrel???
She is so beautiful. What a treat you had today.
That's pretty neat! I don't think I would want to face one any more than I would want to face the opossum in my yard. It is fun to look out and see the wildlife though.
What a beautiful animal! I was excited the other day when a fox crossed the road. :o)
that's amazing...I am a cat lover...so that's cool to see.
oh-uh - hope the UPS man made it out okay :)
Wow...the bobcat looks so sweet...not at all like I thought. I think we have them nearby, but I've never seen one! We do hear coyotes howling at night, though!
How cool is THAT?!!! I've never seen a bobcat before!
What a treat! Glad you had your camera and could snap some pics.
Well I hope the UPS man brought something worthwhile because it's a shame your beautiful bobcat ran off.
Amazing, so how big is a bobcat Jackie?
Cool photos! I love wildlife sightings. The best thing we've had in our yard was a family of foxes a few years ago. The babies were soooo cute.
You're very lucky! Bobcats are very private animals and rarely make themselves known...or that's the way it is in northern Ontario. Perhaps yours are more sociable :)
Beautiful pics, even through your window.
Wow! How cool is that!
Wow, very interesting to see your bobcat. Looks like a cat and yet...not like a cat.
It's beautiful. I never knew they looked so much like a regular house cat. My best friend has a cat that is part house cat part Bob cat. I can see why her mommy got confused!
Oh my!! That is amazing! We don't have those here.. but I think further south. Do you suppose he was waiting for the Easter Bunny?.. :-D
Wonderful photos Jackie!
Thanks for sharing!
Jackie..thanks for sharing it was so nice to be a part of this window watching. I love anything with cats and I was thrilled!! thank goodness for blogging!!!
just loved it pics were sensational!!
That is amazing. I have heard the bobcats in our woods and once saw one from a distance at the edge of the woods, but never out in a yard like that. Thanks for sharing the pictures.
I never knew what a bobcat was so this was very interesting to see, how great is that to capture the pictures.
Wow! How cool is that!?
So gorgeous. We had one in our RV community but I never got lucky enough to see it.
How cool! He is gorgeous.
omg why do i always miss all of the things that come in our yard? it looks like a large rolo.
WOW!!!! >^..^<
Sure beats seeing a squirrel any day!
Hello: I am from Argentina. And I love the patchwork, your blog is beautiful, and your hands are perfect, I do not speak Englishman. I congratulate you, a greeting Vero
wow! in your yard? that is wild, literally and figuratively! :o)
that is a awesome quilt break sighting
I grew up in the country in NH. I saw deer, fox, racoons, porcupines - but no bobcat. I bet I would have thought it was a cat (looks like a Maine coon cat that used to live next door). I have seen a moose - I needed to move to the city to see it. It was walking down the street, right in the middle of a residential neighborhood. Quite a site first thing in the morning!
Wow. That is just incredible. My kids loved the pics and think he is just so beautiful.
That is neat. Though I don't know that I would like it in my yard. We had a moose once that was pretty exciting.
What a beauty. Are they very fierce?
Jackie, it looks just like a sweet little pussy cat to me. I guess I wouldn't know any better coming from Hawaii, huh? LOL We just don't have the same kinds of animals that you all have. No bears, snakes, moles, squirrels, etc. Thanks for posting pictures. It was a thrill to see it.
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