Hello Everyone,
I have been playing a little more with my AccuQuilt. This time with a Drunkard's Path die. Who knew there were so many layouts for this pattern. What I did here is used more modern fabrics and a modern layout. Let me know what you think...
These are the quarter circles. See the little notch in the center for matching the pieces. Please pardon my dirty ironing board cover. I must get a new one.

Pillowcase Update: I just wanted to let you all know that so far I have collected a whopping 193 pillowcases for the Hole in the Wall Gang camp. I brought them to guild the other night, bringing their total to 553. This is above their goal of 500 and there is still more being made!! Thank you everyone. These kids will just love them!
Go check out my gallery, it was recently updated and will be again on Saturday. Have a terrific week and until next time...

The Drunkard's Path is wonderful, I love the colors. In the past I've been a little intimidated by curved edges and lining them up, but the notch is a wonderful idea. Thanks for sharing!
Wow, that is beautiful. Must have been quite a chore just to put them all on the wall, then take them down and sew!
Your precision is amazing!
I like those colors and prints. Very modern.
Aha! Thanks for showing this, Jackie! I was envisioning the notches going into the seam allowance rather than poking out. Love the colors you're using--very vibrant, lots of action in that fabric. I'm pondering having you cut me some hexagons...
I love drunkard's path but admit I avoid it due to templates. :o) Pretty quilt.
Terrific on the pillowcases! Congrats to you and your guild for your accomplishment.
AccuQuilt... ahhh...it sure is like a miracle...right??? :o)
Just beautiful, the notchs remind me of Home Ec. I love that idea so much, and by the look of your quilt, I can see they are great to work with.
It looks great! The AccuQuilt sounds great - I don't like cutting out the drunkards path with a template. So fussy.
wow - i love the colors in your drunkard's path! and yippee on the pillowcases! that is just wonderful! ☺
I love the colors in this!
I love the graphic look of the stripey fabrics.
Beautiful! Love the green and blue fabric together.
Beautiful, beautiful quilt, I love it especially the green and blue colours..
ohh drunkard's path is a challenging block...your's make it look so easy!
Neat-o! (Do they have the "extra" arc that can go in the middle?)
Lovely quilt! The color combo is fabulous! Great news about the pillowcases.
What fun colors! What a cool tool...
Oh wow. So interesting. Good idea.
So pretty!
I love this design. I made one myself in liberty fabrics:
Yours is lovely.
Andi :-)
Jackie - Your quilt looks great! The AccuQuilt "seams" to make the cutting for the drunkards path really easy. I am not a big fan of cutting all those curve pieces with a rotary cutter, and heaven forbid using scissors!
I am so glad I was able to help out with the pillowcases for the kids. Be sure to let all of us know what the next pillowcase goal is.
Oh wow! Those Accu-cut pieces are SO cool! What a way to do it. The quilt you've put together is stunning!
Not ordinary indeed! It's just beautiful Jackie -- I love the blues and greens together.
Hia Jackie,
I tried to reply by email a couple of times but it bounced.
Yes your thoughtful quilt is so lovely in the kitchen. Even now I keep
going in to look at it. It is Art!
The headband was just a little thing in case you had long hair you
needed out of your eyes to cook. I am glad your son liked it. I just
measured a head, put on the stitches just short of that length, so it
wouldn't be loose, then did a couple of rows of stocking stitch then 4
row repeat until it curled nicely then ended with a couple of rows of
stocking stitch..
Row 1- Knit
Row 2-Purl
Row 3- Knit 1 "Yarn forward knit 2 together" repeated knit 1
Row 4 -Purl
My son sadly is still in the teenage habbit of keeping his hair over
most of his face. LOL
Hi Jackie,
Your new drunkards path turned out great. My brother got my grandma's made by hand. Would love to tackle that quilt one day.
I've been catching up on my bloglist and have to tell you your crazy teapots had to have been a hit. Love the quilting and colors.
Keep Stitchen'
I just browsed a book that was all about this pattern. And of course, Jackie -- your sense of color and direction just make this pattern/quilt sing!
You are so proficient, when do you sleep?!?
I really like the look of DP quilts but they look so difficult. Yours looks great!
Beautiful quilt. It reminds me of somewhere deep beneath the sea. Your work is always fantastic.
I love this block! I must learn it, I must! Great block = great quilt!
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