Hello Everyone,
Now that the Time for Tea swap has concluded, at least for me and my partner, I can reveal the quilt that I made for Melanie. She already has it hanging in her kitchen. Go check it out here.
I had such fun making this quilt and absolutely love it. And as an extra special bonus it qualifies for two groups that I am participating in.... Nothing But Scraps (because that is all I used) and Project Improv (because the border was all improvised). I hope this is right Anina and Jacquie.
Any way onto the pictures...
The label...
Close up of one of the teapots...
The quilt....
Enjoy Melanie!!
Okay, so onto some non-quilt related pictures. I wanted to share with you some ducks/geese we ran into while on our trip to AZ. This first one was in a pond at a restaurant. I just loved his hairdo. Never saw a duck with anything like this. I need to find out who his stylist is.... LOL!
Until Next Time...

Wow the teapot quilt was made from all scraps! I'd love to see your stash. :o) It's just beautiful and I know Melanie loves it.
I've never seen a foofy haired duck.
cute quilt! love the scrappy look
The quilt is so cute!
The tea quilt is absolutely the cutest quilt ever! I just love the colors you chose and the tea inspired quilting is the finishing touch. Lucky Milanie!
Your teapot quilt is so cute Jackie -- I love the bright happy colors. And that's a great pic of you holding a goose!
the teapot quilt is so bright and cheerful. It is great for a kitchen wallhanging.
I have never seen ducks or geese with hairdo's like that! It sure gives them a personality.
And to hold Mother Goose, what an honor! My only memory of geese is me being about 4 years old and they were chasing me trying to nip the backs of my legs.
eeek! this is sooo cute!!! melanie must be one happy swapper!
Just love the quilt you made for your tea swap partner! Love the ducks as well!
i'm really impressed that you had the nerve to hold that goose. i'm terrified of geese - even when they are five feet away from me and quacking. but that goose looks docile in the photo with you. i think it stems from my childhood when we would go to the park/pond to feed the ducks with bread and the geese would swarm/storm us and quack and peck and it was frightening, we would scramble up on top of the picnic benches and yell at the geese and throw our bread bits as far away from ourselves as possible to try and get the geese to move away.
That's my story and i'm sticking to it. =)
Love the teapot quilt! So colourful.
Oh your quilt is great, i love bright colors, you two sure sent each other fun and thoughtful gifts!!
The goose, well, glad YOU were happy!!
Love the bright colors! the teapots are too cute!
Also, I've never seen geese with the beehive hairdo before either.
I love the tea quilt! So cute! And love the 'do' :o)
Jackie, I love this quilt! It's so bright and cheerful and makes me happy just looking at it.
You have made a beautiful teaswapgift for Melanie, I love the bright colours.
More secrets on the way, Ok I will be paciently waiting, he he...
cute quilt! The color is cheerful.
Melanie must be really glad to have partner like you :)
I always afraid of geese. One of it had ever run after me so badly when I was little girl even though I didn't annoy it so since that moment I always stay far far away from any kind of geese!
Oh my gosh!! Your tea pot quilt is gorgeous!!!!! Love the colours, love the tea pots, love the borders, love everything about it!
Fab, love the teapot quilt and love the goose...my children have called me Goosey for a few years now, it started off as Mother Goose then the Mother bit got dropped and I am known as Goosey to friends and family!
Love the stuff you have made on your blog, I'm going to have a better look at it now.....
Lucky Melanie. Your teapot quilt is wonderful. It's amazing what can be made from scraps. Well done.
How funny are those ducks!
I LOVE your tea pot quilt! great swap :)
My grandmother had a goose on her pond when I was growing up. He wasn't nice. He would chase you and do that goose honk. My dad always joked someday we'd have goose instead of turkey for Thanksgiving.
So pretty! And it fits into so many categories.
When we were in Maui we saw all kinds of strange ducks too. They must all have the same hairdresser.
Thanks for the encouraging snow words. I am so over winter right now. Loved the tea pot quilts and that backing fabric is so cute. I am a tea driker so I'm going to have to make me a tea cup or tea pot quilt.
Jackie your tea swap quilt is just fantastic, I received my gift today from Sherri and it was just awesome..how much fun was this swap..
What a great teapot quilt!!!
Hahaha... that goose is sporting my "morning hair"! Darling tea cup quilt!
Ahhhchooo. Not to worry - you won't catch my cold. I'm wearing a mask. :o)
I'm crazy about that quilt! It's gorgeous. Love that goose too.
What a fun post! I am cracking up at you holding that goose! I never knew Mother Goose had her hair done like that. :-) But I do adore everything Mother Goose.
Your quilt for Melanie is PERFECT. I know she was trying to make her kitchen "lovable" again, and I'm sure your adorable tea pots helped! I'm heading over to her blog to see what she said about it..
Beautiful quilt for Melanie! Very colourful and ideal for a kitchen...I'm sure she loves it.
Love the goose pictures... :o)
Oh that is too CUTE!!! Love it!
Your teacup quilt is gorgeous!
Love the teapots and cute label! How did you make it?
Your teapot quilt is stunning... Melanie will have a lot of happy teatimes looking at that one in her kitchen...:o)
I absolutely love your teapot quilt. It is so fun and cheerful. And using it to fill so many requirements was very smart of you.
Love your scrappy, stashy quilt! I am a bit terrified of geese, having been pinched a lot by them as a child, so good for you! You are brave!
I love bright quilts and those teapots are so nice. The only ducks I ever came across were not friendly and a friend had one that was in love with a bucket so you couldn't go near it!
Love it. She is one lucky lady. That duck is darling!
The tea pot quilt is great, and those stylish ducks and geese are adorable. I can't imagine what it must have felt like to hold one!
love that teapot quilt...lucky melanie. It is wonderful.
I love the bright colors and fun design of your teapot quilt! Beautiful work !!
I know I am a little behind on keeping up w/ YOUR posts, but OMG........that teapot quilt is fabulous!!!!! Great color combos! And the quilt motifs?! Do you have more hours in your day than I do?????? And all scraps?! Show off! :)))))))))))))))))))))))) (Seriously, nice work!)
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