Hello Everyone,
I hope that you are all having a great week! I do want to say that all my thoughts and prayers go out to all of you in Australia. Please stay safe.
I know many of you are getting ready for Valentine's Day and so am I. A little more low key here though. Cards and gifts were made. All done!
I have also been playing with a new die that I received for my AccuQuilt. I just love this one, it has nice gentle curves and gives a fantastic result. Here is what I have done.
First, I chose black and white fabric that both had wonderful, brightly colored dots all over them. I have an extensive "dot" collection. I collect this fabric wherever I go. Then I cut equal amounts of each of the fabrics into the two shapes, shown below.
Great so far! Love them! You can see the shapes, when cut, have little notches to match the centers of each. This is fantastic when you are ready to sew.
Once I had them all cut, it took about 10 minutes, I started to sew the units together then placed them on the design wall. This was the first mix I had. I lived with it for a few days, tweaking it here and there.
Then finally settled on this design. These are all sewn together! It is now a quilt top waiting for me to quilt it! I love it!
This one is for a friend, but I think I will be making one for myself too!
In other news, you can now view my February Newsletter online here. I have some wonderful links in the newsletter, so go check it out. Also, my gallery has been updated again. Check in the sidebar, on my site, under recent additions. I hope you all have a wonderful weekend and I look forward to hearing from you soon.

That makes for an interesting quilt! Gotta think about this one!
I love your quilt! I have an Accucut Go! and love it. How difficult was it to piece the curved seams?
Wow, this looks terrific and very complicated as well!
I absolutly LOVE the fabric in the upper left corner in the first picture. I can't wait to see a picture of the whole quilt.
Great tool!! Love those fabrics. So bright and colorful.
Oh I love the fabrics you used and to have it cut with a notch, how nice is that!!
That is some funky fabric! Goes together so well. Looks good!
wow! it's fabulous! and the notch is genius! what is the pattern name? i must try to do something with curves this year - i love it!
Wonderful! Such a fun one. :)
Speckles, spots, AND polka dots. What's not to love? I do love curves.
Beautiful! Those curves would scare me to death.
I love the mod, drippy look of this quilt. Awesome!
Now there is one I woulnd't want to cut myself. I really enjoy cutting strips and squares but curves get pretty monotonous, cutting around a template.
Just curious, why does the fabric have to be prewashed for your AccuQuilt services? I prefer working with unwashed fabric.
What a fun quilt. Sure brings a smile to my face.
I have no words.
Ok, yes I do. THIS IS AWESOME!!! Polka dots and circles and swirls, OH MY!!! I collect polka dots everywhere I go, too. Wonder what it is about them? I love this quilt so much. I don't think I'll try to make one for myself, though- all those curves- yikes! Maybe you could make a couple extras and send one off to me? ;-D
Wow , amazing design and your quilt are very special. How big are the raw blocks? Just wonder!
I wish you a great weekend!!
Ooh! What fun! Love your dots and the drunkards path is perfect for them. My favorite is the one with eyeballs. It reminds me of Muppets and Cotton Monster.
Your machine is fantastic...:o)
And wow it seems to be a real treat to sew those together!! :o)
I know your polka dot quilt would be terrific... can't wait to see the progress. You must be love to 'play' with your cutting machine.
I was just sooooo crazy-in-love with the accu cutter that we got at our school for construction paper -- but this! Wow. Amazing. I just looooooooove the results you get with this and these incredible fabrics that you choose!
Wow - those curves and dots are really a wonderful combination. Fun to see what you are working on - thanks for sharing!
Great fabrics and a great layout!
WowWhat an amazing quilt! I havent tried curved peicing yet. Wish I could come to your classes to learn!
Rosalie xx
LOVE those curves! How nice that they are all cut so perfect too! Your top looks great :)
You brave woman, you! Look at all of those curves...and they actually look curvy! Good job.
That pattern is awesome!
you sure are a great quilter! this is going to be a piece of art!
the shapes look so sharp.
Very, very clever Jackie! I love the new pattern your blocks make!
I love the dottie fabrics!! A great way to chase away these winter grey days. I myself am still "dottie" over here -seeing circle shapes, that is, as I am still plugging away at my applique quilt. I finished block #14 at 2am this morning. Only 2 more (big) blocks to go. (Then many many smaller ones, but I would think they'll come together faster than the bigger ones.) I had already cut the fabric for #15 during a creative time so I really only have 1 more to assemble. Kinda sad - sniff. Have a great day!!!!!
I just love all those happy fabrics! I can see why you'd want to make a second one!
Oh my that looks so hard to do. A wonderful design. Much more talent than I have.
Wow, that is amazing!!
That would be so much fun to have a design wall to use lik that! I really like how that quilt turned out.. terrific pattern. Isn't it fun to play after getting all your "work' done?
I LOVE that!! I saw a new portable acu-cutter at my lqs the other day and now I want it lol!!! Great colors and the dots are just perfect!
oh jackie...this is spectacular...and the notches for piecing it together...what a time saver. i've always wanted to do something with circles. do the dies come in different sizes?
I want an accu-cut too! No, I MUST have one!! sigh...not enough overtime yet!! Your project is lovely.
Wow!! What a spectacular quilt top. Love, love it!!
Love the dots and the modern twist. Really different.
I was interested to see your shapes with little notches on them as I've recently discovered this way of making drunkard's path blocks. It really is pretty easy, isn't it?
I always check out blogs that Wanda suggests. The Accuquilt cutter is amazing to me and fabrics you have chosen are wonderful for all your curves. I will check back to see your finished project.
what a great design - and the fabric is so perfect for it. I look forward to seeing the end result :)
I'm so glad I found your blog. I love your use of color. I guess we are drawn to some of the same patterns. I also did "winding ways" in B&W and "strips and curves"in complements. Have a look.
Not familiar with this pattern, first thought it was Drunkards Path. Love the curves, is this shape available in your cutting service? What size pieces of fabric and what size does it finish at? I have a collection of batiks that would look great (I think) in this pattern.
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