Hello Everyone,
Organization, that is such a key for me to keep me going. To use up the space I have efficiently is a huge help. Ikea helps me to do that. So, I will take you on a little tour of my studio and show you the Ikea pieces that keep me going....

This first piece is a Besta unit. It is meant to hold your TV unit on top. I didn't choose casters, just the legs.
These units fit perfectly under my long arm and hold lots of the products that I carry in my shop. You can get different combos with drawers and doors too.
I am sure that many of you have seen these pictures of my personal stash. Kind of crazy isn't it?? Well, Ikea shelving is at it again. These are the Expedit bookcases and I literally have them all over my studio. Holding my fabric... see Stephanie's Oak Park Bag hanging there?
Holding more fabric. I love the size of the little cubbies. They are perfect so that your fabric doesn't flop over. However, mine does get a little messy because I tend to play with it a lot. See Stephanie's Prickly Pear bag there....
More Expedit cases, but this layout has the desk extension which I love and is a great place for my sewing machine and studio cat!!
These two units are Varde and are part of their free standing kitchen cabinet line. I have another one in the studio too which holds my AccuQuilt Studio Cutter. Sorry, forgot to take a photo.
The shelves above the units are Lack. They are really handy and I am constantly using them. One of the nice things about Ikea is that many of their products come in different colors to suit your needs. Plus the prices are pretty reasonable. You just have to do some of the assembly.
I hope you have enjoyed this little tour. Maybe it has even inspired you to take a trip to Ikea.
Until Next Time...

I agree, IKEA rules!!! We have quite a bit from IKEA in our house, bookshelves, shelves, beds, couches etc. The good thing about it is that it has a reasonable price and they have a lot of fun stuff.
Wishing you a wonderful weekend!
By the way, I got my fabrics the other day. I cant believe how fast it is from US, almost as if I bought it here. They were great, the green was gorgeous!
Oh yes, I really enjoyed the tour through your studio! It gives me new ideas, since I am still reorganizing my room.
Love the studio cat (o:
I love IKEA too! I saw that varde island in another studio somewhere in blog land...and its been on my "someday" list for whenever I have a room big enough to hold it!
Ikea is one of my most favorite places to visit for organization inspiration!!! Their things are USEFUL, affordable and FUN. Thanks for sharing with us, Jackie. ; )
I heart IKEA. Thank you for sharing how you stay organized. I've wondered how online sellers without bricks and mortar shops store their fabrics/books etc...I imagined a dining room piled with bolts. I really like the cabinets your cutting mat is sitting on. I love how you display your handmade bags. :o)
Jackie, thanks for the tour of your studio. I also have a Varde which is wonderful. I originally found a photo of one on Flikr. In the photo, the front of each drawer was filled with a small piece of Foamular and covered with a rainbow of batting padded fabric. It's a wonderful look. I have the foamular cut inserts for my drawer fronts but have yet to cover them in fabric scraps.
Your studio is amazing! I dream of having a work space like that someday. My one desk that I have my mat and sewing machine on is from Ikea. (I live in Italy for now and luckily they have Ikea's all over the place over here. Did you know in Sweden and over here in Italy they pronounce it EE-kay-uh?) Thanks for the tour!
I have studio envy Jackie! What a fantastic space to work in!
I love your studio! Ikea is lucky to have their furniture in your beautiful studio. (but, who can do without Ikea)
Your studio is wonderful. I've just taken apart my sewing room and turned it into a bedroom for my niece. All is stored in slightly accessible boxes in the basement. I do still have the dining room for sewing so I am not all that bad off and my niece is very happy with her room.
IKEA! I recently "schooled" dear daughter in my approach to visiting Ikea. It takes three trips in and out for every visit. First (and I get there before they open), head to the fabric section and get any fabric cut, wander there briefly and go directly to retrieve the planned purpose of the trip (last time it was a desk). Pay and go to the car. Second, wander back through the whole place focusing on whatever small accessories might go with the previous purchase. Pay and go to the car. Third, go to the marketplace for a cinnamon roll and coffee and any other edibles. Pay and go to the car. Done! :-) hee hee Love my Expedit and my sewing table with adjustable legs. I could kiss the Ikea people every time I sit at the table.
I love the cabinet you have your cutting mat on!
Thanks for the inspiration...I am going to have a little studio when the basement is finished...I will definitely be going to Ikea.
I have the same sewing machine as you...trying to learn to FMQ on it...she doesn't seem to like it.
I think I'm going to cry it's so beautiful!! LOL. Scott and I are actually going to Ikea in CT tomorrow. I don't think he knows what he's getting into. It was his idea too!
It's finally quieting down around here. Hope you had a wonderful summer. I think we're do for another fabric road trip this fall.
Take care,
I love IKEA! They didn't have any in Utah and I used to always make it a point to shop at the Arizona or California stores when I was on a trip. Then they built an Ikea in my home town of Draper, RIGHT AS I WAS MOVING. I was so sad! I always go there when I go back to Northern Utah for a visit. I have IKEA shelves in my closet that hold my stash fabrics too.
Thanks for the studio tour. It's fun to see where you create.
I have yet gotten to Ikea but recommend it to the boys all the time for their furniture needs. They have gotten useful things there. But I understand the pieces do not move well to a new home. I'm afraid if I go I'll come home with way to many fun things!
Its nice to see that another quilter has a 'studio cat'; in my case, its 'studio cats". My sewing machine sits on top of an old desk that my Dad and I fished out of someone's trash years ago in the snow. We brought it home, sanded it down smooth, repaired it, stained and sealed it. I've had it since high school; I was so happy when we got a home on the East Coast and I could bring my desk from Dad's house to mine. Anyway, the desk isn't big enough for the cats to lay on anymore, so they tend to lay on my ironing board. I think they like the height too.
I don't have any Ikea - no store around here. I have seen it on line of course. I don't have room for a stash like yours - great ideas for storing the items for your on line shop - wonderful array of fabric that you have.
Wow Jackie! You are so lucky to have such a wonderful studio.
I have two of those Besta units too. And IKEA has cute little plastic totes with lids that fit into the shelves REALLY well.
Are those free standing kitchen units a good height for cutting on?
I'm using my dining room table but it's way too low.
I went with prim furniture and what I had, so my room is a bit of everything. Would love to have a better cutting table with space underneath, for now I have a large table. Wonderful way to hold all of your stash and books and be able to find it.
You are a lucky woman!!!!! Your studio is awesome. I've never been to an IKEA before, I think the closest one to me is in Atlanta. My daughter has one in Charlotte, I'll have to go sometime. Thanks for sharing - it's wonderful.
You're so lucky -- we don't have an IKEA close to us, but I do love them. My first ever IKEA visit was to the one by Newark Airport -- not much would fit in my suitcase LOL. All of your storage looks great!
Wonderful to see all your storage and Ikea--makes me want to visit an Ikea store, but sadly none are nearby. Thanks for sharing and planting the seeds for new storage ideas...
I love IKEA in your studio too! I wish we had an IKEA near us. It seems like they have the best storage units, which seem to work perfectly in your studio space. I think my favorite is the one you use for the cutting counter - gorgeous drawers on that one!
I am so glad you shared because I'm really loving the Varde unit. I may just have to get one whenever we find the house to call our own.
I adore IKEA. Our whole kitchen was done from IKEA, 2 summers ago, and it turned out fabulous. We also have I think 6 other large pieces (desks, dressers, entertainment units) from IKEA. My problem is that my studio/office is SO small that any storage I bring in really has to be tiny (I'm in about a 10x10 room, and the only unbroken stretch of wall holds my design wall). I am due for a major overhaul in there, though, so I may be tripping to IKEA in the near future!
ps--I am in drooling awe of your space!
Smart way to use the space under your longarm. I love Ikea too. I have the Varde unit as well and it's a perfect height for me. No more back pain from cutting. It's also great for storage.
Ikea's definitely the best thing for storage solutions! I love that you've used the kitchen cabinets for your cutting table.. the drawers are so great to have.
One of my dreams is to visit an IKEA store.
It's looking like I will have my own sewing room (instead of the living room) later on this fall or early winter. I want to refinish the wood floor and paint. Thank you for sharing what you have and the names. It will help me when I begin shopping for storage for my new sewing room.
IKEA is comming to my town in October and I am so looking forward to it.. But I do not intend to go there the first week they are opening.. You have a lot of great stuff to store all your fabrics. Nice to see that someone else have a lot of fabrics too. My stash is small compared to yours ;-)
Looking at all that gorgeous fabric, you sometimes forget to notice the great shelves underneath them. I especially love the cabinet under your cutting board. Very nice.
you make me want to go out and reorganise my sewing room now...But I agree, Ikea is great for this sort of thing and our house is full of expedit and billy!
I love IKEA stuff..thanks for sharing your quilting studio with me!. love to see all the fabrics in your stash. can I live there?
Jackie, your fabrics look great on the IKEA cases. I too am fortunate t have IKEA cases and I couldn't be happier.
Now I have Ikea AND fabric envy!! Your stash is amazing.
Seriously, delish fabrics beautifully organized. Thanks for a peek into your lovely studio.
Best Wishes & Happy Quilting =)
Love the whole thing, so clean and colorful. It looks like a wonderfuly cheerful place to be which must be why you get so much done!
Hi Jackie I love your studio and I love Ikea and have gone there for years. We are moving and the room I will be sewing in is a renovated attic so I have slopping ceiling and very low walls so I will take some ingenuity to get the proper pieces for it but your studio has given me some ideas. Thanks
Loved seeing your studio and store. The storage units from Ikea look fabulous. Might have to make a trip downtown to the Ikea store:)
So fun to see your place. Lots of fabulous storage and beautiful colors to inspire
Thanks for sharing Jackie. You have a great space.
amazing studio and work space!!
You're very lucky to have it :)
I love your IKEA set up. The room looks huge too!
Very, very nice.
Mmmmm I think I need to re-organise again...trouble is, as I tidy up - I cant find where I put thing...its very annoying this maturity :) I do like how your shelving works...
What a great set-up. Ikea stores are so much fun -- and you've really put their products to good use!
What a great set-up. Ikea stores are so much fun -- and you've really put their products to good use!
Where would we be without IKEA? Your work space looks great. Ros
Nice Space Jackie!! I love Ikea too. I have some Ikea cabinets, but I've had my eye on that Varde cabinet for awhile now. It looks like the perfect height for your cutting mat.
beautiful studio and studio cat! We don't have IKEA - they have such useful furniture!
Your studio is so beautiful and so well organized! I love Ikea too. Their designs are so simple and practical!
Lovely place to work, Jackie! I love all your pretty, colorful fabrics...and your shelving is great. Ikea is a long drive for me, but may be worth it!
Wow - your trip to IKEA was very productive. Can't wait to see it "in person."
What a wonderful studio! I know you'll have lots of fun in there.
Never knew Ikea made such great stuff -- thanks for the eye-opener. I plan to visit their web site (or store) soon.
(They should offer you a commission . . .)
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