Hello Everyone and Happy New Year!
This is what I hope you have been awaiting, my 100th post! Yes, my blogiversary has long come and gone in November. Oh well! So I thought I would do something special.
With the holidays, I am sure you all have been busy or sick like I was. Now I am busy again working on projects. You'll see them in posts to come. But first to the rules of the giveaway and the PRIZES. Yes, I said prizes, 3 to be exact!!
1. All you need to do is comment on this post before January 9.
2. You MUST have a way for me to contact you. NO Anonymous posts will be entered.
3. Of course, please spread the word.
1. First prize: I will quilt an edge to edge design on any quilt top, of yours, up to a twin size. I will include the batting and the shipping back to you. Yes, for FREE! You just have to get the top and backing to me.
2. Second prize: I will quilt an edge to edge design on any quilt top, of yours, up to a lap or baby size. I will include the batting and the shipping back to you. Yes, for FREE! You just have to get the top and backing to me.
3. Third prize: This prize is pictured below. It is TWO books and a jelly roll. The jelly roll is from Moda. It is April Cornell Sunshine. This line was out a few years ago and you can no longer purchase it. You will get all THREE!! So take a look:
This giveaway is my way of saying THANK YOU to all of you who read my blog. Also, to thank you all for the wonderful inspiration you have given to me over the past year from reading your blogs.
This year it is my intention to continue to inspire you with lots of quilty posts and pictures. I have in line a tutorial, and some well deserved thank you posts for all the generous bloggers and non-bloggers for their generosity in donating wonderful pillowcases and fabric for the Hole in The Wall Gang.
And as usual, you can continue to read my monthly newsletter for inspiration and checkout my gallery for wonderful quilt pictures. Also, I am hoping to have an announcement this year that you may be interested in, so stay tuned!

«Oldest ‹Older 1 – 200 of 203 Newer› Newest»I just know I can't be the first to leave a comment but if I am I want you to know how much I truly enjoy your blog (even though I do not have one of my own) I love visiting and seeing what your latest is :) Please consider me in the give away amazing as it is!!!! Thanks and CONGRATULAIONS!!! Kathie k.butbee@att.net
Lots of blogs have giveaways, and I tend to shy away, as they aren't things I NEED RIGHT NOW! Your giveaways are very generous, and any one of the 3 would be welcome.
Love the inspiration from your posts,
Happy New Years,
This is a very generous give away. I've enjoyed reading your blog! I'd be happy with any of the prizes!! Thanks so much.
Wow! I can't believe your giveaway! I am looking for someone to quilt some tops for me (as I haven't learned how to yet) for Quilts With Love. They will be sent to Iraq to the troops. redtosew ypmart1@yahoo.com
Congratulations on 100 posts. I really enjoy your blog too, and all of the comments you leave me on mine. What generous prizes!
What a great give-away! As a quilter I know that this is worth it's weight in gold!
Cogratulations on your 100th post! You ahve a great blog and I look forward to the next 100!
what a generous giveaway, jackie! since mom has a long arm, i get my stuff quilted for free? but, oh my, i would love those books and fabric! congrats on 100 posts...i am so happy to have become your friend! ☺
What an amazingly generous giveaway! Please enter my name!
Congratulations on your 100th post.
Now I'll HAVE to make that new quilt I'm thinking of! Great prizes.
congratulations on your 100th post! i'm looking forward to reading the next 100. cheers, toni :O) xxx
Congrats on your 100th post. You are very generous. Thank you and Happy New Year.
I must say how much I enjoy your blog and your inspiration! If it were not for you I would never have started a blog. I wonder when I'll reach my 100th post???
I started working on your pillowcases for the Hole in The Wall Gang. I hope to mail those out to you this early this week.
Keep on Blogging - Kathy
congrats on your 100th! I'd like to win the 3rd prize :)
Congratulations on reaching 100! I'd love to win one of your prizes...
Congrats on 100!!! This is a terrific giveaway...thanks so much for sharing all of your creativity through blogging! (And for such a generous giveaway!)
Wow, thats a very generous giveaway. I'd love to enter though I'm not sure what we will do if I am lucky enough to win. I might have to re-gift to a Northern Hem blogger. Well done on reaching 100 posts. Cheers, Julie.
Hi Jackie. Congratulations on achieving 100 posts. I always enjoy seeing what you (and Rolo) have been up to. Your giveaway is very generous ... fantastic prizes.
Looking forward to your next 100 posts.
congratulations on reaching 100 posts, I enjoy visiting with you often. I can't believe what a generous giveaway you are having, to win would be such a blessing.
WOW..what a wonderful contest you have set up. Please count me in! Congratulations on your 100th post and I will be staying tuned to see your tutorial.
What a treat for me! I found your blog tonight. I've been collecting black and white fabric for a year or so. Seeing all of your wonderful quilts makes me want to start today! Congradulations of 100 blogs. Rewarding others instead of yourself for 100 blogs is quite unique. Your prizes are great! Please include me. I'm here to stay anyway!
WOW! What a generous giveaway!! Absolutely amazing prizes! All 3 of them :)
Congratulations on your 100th post and on your faboluos blog! Looking forward to 2009...
congrats on 100 posts!
I enjoy reading your blog and seeing the pictures of the quilts!
WHAT a grand prize (S) your giving away
thanks!!!! best giveaway I have seen on a blog.
looking forward to your announcement and your posts in 2009
Happy New Year
Kathie in NJ
Congratulations on your 100th post. What a terrific and generous giveaway. How wonderful to have something quilted by you OR the wonderful books and beautiful fabric roll. It has been so nice getting to know you.
Happy100thpost! What wonderful gifts you are giving away! I would be happy to win any one of them! Please enter me in the drawing.
OOO what a wonderful giveaway. I have a quilt all picked out and I LOVE the sunshine fabrics. Do I want to be first, second, or third....... They are all lovely prizes!! Thank you so much!
what a great giveaway - you're so generous! thanks for your blog, it is so inspiring. happy new year!
Wow Jackie, what a great giveaway and so generous!!! Count me in. I think we are all inspired to get lots done in 2009. Wishing you the best for this year and happy belated 100th post!!
I just found your blog and I already love it! What great prizes! That jelly roll is just beautiful! Thanks so much! :0)
Congratulations on your 100th post! I would be so happy to win any of your three prizes. They are very generous!
Wow makes me want to get on a small quilt for quilting! HOLY COW!!
Happy 100 posts! Thanks for all the inspiration.
Congrats to you for a fine blog and inspirational quilting. I would LOVE to win some quilting from you so sign me up!
this will be simple, PICK ME!!!
Conbloggerations to you Conbloggerations to you Conbloggerations dear Jackie lalalalala....how exciting this is for you...I have discovered your blog from the whirlly giveaway how much fun is this world wide webster something has finally gotten me to actually quilt at home...I have a Wednesday night group of ladies and that was it for 7 years count um can you believe it ok Im babbling so see you soon and god bless....lani
What a great giveaway! An awesome way to start out the new year. Congrats on reaching this milestone. I hope you pick #35!
What a wonderful way to mark a year milestone! I can't believe all the wonderful gifts you are giving away! Happy new year!
Happy New Year Jackie! and congratulations on your 100th post.
I'm hoping to hand quilt my unfinished tops, but please count me in the draw for the third prize. They look like wonderful books and fabric.
COngratulations on your 100th post! I just saw that you have my quilt up on your site now. You got a much better picture than I did. I still don't have the binding
on :( I am being kinda slow that way. I just took ALL the Christmas/holiday decor down and that took about 4 hours to pack away and move furniture etc. I think I will be getting back to sewing here today real quick. I could definitely have another quilt for you to quilt LOL. Actually I have one I'd like to send to you. I made the top about 6 years ago and my mother in law made one too. I quilted hers' and then pooped out on mine. I think you could do something special with it. When can you schedule me in for that one? It's size is...46X55 and it has appliqued flowers. I should email you a picture and all the details separately.
Happy New Year!!!
I am slowing getting into machine quilting but have not mastered it by any means!! I would love to be entered into your drawing... Thanks!
nici826 at yahoo dot com
What terrific prizes! Congrats on your 100th post.
Hey Jackie,
Love your blog but don't get to visit often and have not commented before.
Right now I'm in Hawaii wathching the rain and of course the rainbows can't have the latter without the first Have seen six so far this morning out my dining area window
How do you find all the time to do everything
great giveaways too
Happy New Year
edited to say I can't believe there are already two more Vicki comments and all of us spelling it the same way I'm the Vicki of Vicki and Shirley
O.k if I'm repeating myself it's because I think blogger ate my comment. What an awesome give away!!! Happy Blogiversary Jackie!!!
Jackie, congrats on your 100th post. I check in regularly to see what is new, and what Rolly is up to. Thanks for being an inspiration, an excellent top finisher and a friend.
Wow, Jackie! How very generous of you! I love your blog and, as you know, pop in over here all the time.
Congratulations on 100 posts!
Hi Jackie,
wow - congratulations on 100 - in words: one hundred! - posts!!!
Let me say thank your for the constant inspirations you gave (and give) me - I know I'm a bad commenter but I try to improve on that. Rest assured that I read and enjoy each and every post you write & that I often scroll through the gallery of quilts to get some inspiration.
And WOW - what a generous giveaway ...I'll host one myself, too to celebrate my first birthday (it's the day after tomorrow - time flies!) but it won't nearly as great as yours ;o).
Big hugs from over the pond,
congrats, my friend! 100 posts. way to go!!! grand doesn't even come near to describe how generous you are. thanks for all the inspiration.
Oh YES.. I have been waiting for this post!
Ok.. so will there be three winners then? We get a chance for one of the three prizes? I would love any of them!
Thanks so much for the generous prizes Jackie. It has been wonderful getting to know you over the past year. I think you were one of the first ones to comment on my blog. I'll post about your give-away tomorrow. :-)
what a wonderful giveaway......I have never had any of my quilt tops quilted by a professional. How exciting if I win!!!! Thanks for offering the great prizes.
Wow Jackie! What a generous giveaway! Congrats on your 100th post -- can't wait to see what 2009 has in store for you!
Wow Jackie! What a great collection of prizes :) Can't wait to see what more is in store in the next 100 posts!
seriously, the best giveaway i've ever seen. i would love to have one of your masterpieces. please enter me. congratulations on 100 posts!
Many thanks for your gallery. It is really great place for inspiration. It is important for me, because in my country very few peiple know about quilting. But some and me too - we love it! My congratulations about your 100 post! And sorry for my English:(
Wow, Jackie how generous are you !!! I have no tried any jelly roll yet, so everybody look like to love, maybe I have luck this time with your giveaway. I already have seen one of the book you say and even I had in my wish list!!!
Well, wishing you lot of love and quilt for the this New Year
Congratulations on your 100th post! Very generous prizes too I might add. If I am chosed I'd prefer the books and fabric since I don't have any quilts ready to be quilted. Seems I spend my time making baby quilts for all the grandkids around here! My hope is to be a few quilts ahead for either girl/boy, and be able to work on larger stuff this year....we'll see...
Congratulations! I applaud your dedication and enjoy your blog. Thanks for offering the wonderful giveaway. What sweet prizes!
Hi Jackie,
Congratulations on your 100th post! You are always so generous with your giveaways. Gee, I was just thinking...If I should happen to win, I would have to take up quilting in order to claim the prize. Hmmm...not a bad idea! LOL
I'll be doing a blog post later today and I will include a link to your giveaway. This, as always, is just too good to be missed!
Now how did I forget to enter this giveaway?! My gosh, how generous the prizes are!!! {{fingers crossed}}. Good luck one and all!
Wow, what a great giveaway! Congrats on your 100th post. ::raises toasting glass:: Here's to 100+ more! I just posted how I have so many tops that need machine quilting in my blog entry last night. It would be so great to win this! Thanks for all your inspiration and congrats again on 100!
Jen (CorzGurl14@yahoo.com)
WOW! This is a very generous giveaway! Sign me up!
(closes eyes and chants:
I am already thinking ahead to my 100th post giveaway... only 92 to go! LOL! I am really enjoying this whole blog world plus the black and white challenge, so thank you for being so welcoming to a newbie. :-)
What a wonderful giveaway! Please add me to your drawing.
Count me in your generous giveaway! How fun is that! Thanks
How generous! I promise to pay it forward if I win the 3rd place prize by offering Create Your Perfect Quilting Space as part of another give away. It's a wonderful book that has give me many valuable ideas.
What a generous giveaway! You blog is great too! I am still somewhat new to sewing, and not quite at the stage to even have a top/bottom for the first two prizes, but I'd love to win third prize so that I can practice! I've been wanting to make quilts for my children's beds. I've posted a link to your giveaway on my blog.
WOW, I'd love to win. How nice of you! Congrats on 100 great posts!
Wow this is truly a very gracious giveaway. I've never seen somenthing this great. Although I don't have any quilts ready to be quilted (and you didn't mention the time frame to use the quilting servie), I sure would love to try making something with Jelly Rolls (okey I'm a late bloomer). Congrats on the 100 Post!!! I sure there are many many more to come.
Please accept me into your drawing. Rae Ann
WOW! What a great find you are! nice blog! happy 100. Cheers to the next 100~!
Congrats on reaching 100 posts. Thanks for all the inspiration. What a great giveaway. You are more than generous with your prizes. Congrats again, looking forward to the next 100.
What an awesome giveaway - congrats on your anniversary. a.haun@sbcglobal.net
Oh Jackie,
what an awesome giveaway!! Actually I think I'm the one who should to give you gift or something, because I had have so many good things from your every post :) You know what, you're one of my blogging friend that give me the most 'strong influence' to learn sewing and I did! thank you Jackie for all....
Your every post and comment has already a 'giveaway' to me :)
Congratulations on 100 posts! What a fantastic blog and giveaway! I am so happy to have found your wonderful blog courtesy of Eileen's Attic.
What a fantastic giveaway - please add my name in - thanks!
Congratulations! 100 posts, that's awesome. What very generous gifts. Thanks for adding to the blogging fun. Looking forward to your next 100 + posts.
Wow lots people here today, kind of crowded!!
Congrats on your 100th post, I realy hope there will be many more to come and I truly appreciate your friendship Jackie. You are always there with a lovely comment..
Congratulations on your 100th post!! Blogging is great, isn't it!! You certainly are offering some nice prizes. When I read your first two prizes, I was like "wow"!! I would love to be a lucky winner and have tops in both sizes that need to be quilted so I am ready to win either one. I would be happy with prize number 3, and if someone eles wins, I will be happy for them! I won on Eileen's blog today so I am all smiles. See....... :-)
Congratulations on your 100th post and on your generous spirit!
Congrats on your 100th post.
Those are fantastic prizes.
Thank you for offering such a lovely give-a-way! Your blog is very nice and I enjoy reading/looking as often as I can. Hope your the new year ahead produces lots of wonderful quilts, Ani
Hi Jackie,
What a great giveaway you having. Any quilter would love to win this one.
Congratulations on your 100th post.
Keep Stitchen'
What prizes. I was positive I had commented but I couldn't find my comment on the list so here I go again. Lovely lovely giveaway. Congrats on your milestone. You are a help to so many.
Congrats on your milestone and what a generous giveaway you are hosting. Would love to be one of your winners.
Sandy in Nebraska
Great blog and fun giveaway. Enter me. Thanks
Congrats on your 100th post. ery nice giveaway and blog.
Happy 100 Posts!!!!
Happy 100 posts! Thank you for your wonderful posts and inspiration! You can reach me at my blog:
deckthehalls-christmas.blogspot.com or email
Thank you for the opportunity to win some wonderful prizes!
They are very generous give away you are very kind. Congratulations on your blog and I do love reading it.
I read your blog faithfully and always enjoy it. Thank you for putting so much of you into your blog!
Congrats on post 100. What a wonderful giveaway - one prize is great, but 3 winners - thats beyond wonderful. Please toss my name into the draw, I would love any of the 3 prizes.
Holy cow...lots of great prizes here. I was too late to get in on the B and W Challenge, but am enjoying seeing the progress of those that did get in on it;) Happy Blogiversary!
What a lovely and sweet giveaway.
Please count me in and head over to my blog where I too am having a giveaway. Click on January 1st.
Would love to win. Thank you!
What a terrific give-away - but I suppose it is just open for americans? Anyway, congrats to your 100th post!!
Agneta i Sweden
How could anyone not possibly want to enter this giveaway??! The prizes are fabulous! Love your blog, and congrats on 100 posts!
What a truly generous giveaway!
Wow Jackie! this is lookin' exciting! I already have a quilt top to be quilted and mmm would love the books and jelly roll!!! I saw the sewing space book featured on a blog just yesterday! Thank you so much and thanks for your great blog.
Happy 100th Jackie! What a fabulous giveaway!
Congrats on your 100th post! And what great friends you've made in blogland! I have a few UFOs that would appreciate a free quilting! When you have a moment, call me about that tutorial!
Congrats on the blog posts...and thanks for sharing your customer quilts with us! :)
You have an awesome blog. Congratulations on 100 posts. What an generous giveaway. I have my fingers crossed, I am almost finished with my Butterfly Garden quilt :-)
This is a wonderful give-away. Thank you for sharing your talent with us. I have enjoyed reading your blog and am working on a black and white quilt. Take care and God bless, Cory
Congratulations on your 100th post and wow, what a give away to celebrate.
Truly a grand giveaway! Bless you for your generousity!
Wow - these are some serious prizes! What a great giveaway! Happy blogiversary!
congrats jackie!!!
what an amazing giveaway!!!
i feel lucky just to enter.
thank you for hosting!!!
AMAZING giveaway!! I love all three prizes! I hope I win!
Happy 100th!
Congratulations Jackie!!
What a generous way to celebrate this milestone! Your posts always bring a smile to my face; especially while I'm traveling for work.
Happy New Year!
Wow, you are incredibly generous!
I've never seen a giveaway like this before. It was great to go through your blog. You make wonderful things!
Oh MY GOSH! Are you kidding me! What a FABULOUS giveaway! So very generous! I hope I win, I hope I win, I hope I win (said the obnoxious girl in the back).
PS - I love your blog, I'm so happy to have found it!
Congratulations for your 100th, and I hope I win the fabulous 3rd prize, please.... pretty please. Ta
Wow, what a great giveaway! I would love to win any of the prizes!
Congratulations on your 100th post. I'd love to win. Huggs and a good Year.
I enjoy your blog and wish I had more time to try some of things you have made. Please include me in your give away and thanks for the give away.
What fabulously generous giveaway prizes! I would be most blessed with any of the three!
Thank you!
Doris in Des Moines
Wowzers, working so hard to get a top pieced ready for my Mum and Dads ruby anniversary quilt. Quilting would just be the bestest prize ever. So glad to have found you from Purple and Paisley, looking forward to reading the next 100 posts. xx
CONGRATULATIONS on your 100th post. I would absolutely love to win third prize!
Cogratulations on your 100th post! This is a terrific giveaway..Please, yes I like to be in your drawing!
Congratulations on your 100 posts. I have enjoyed reading your blog. Please count me in on your giveaway.
This is so very generous of you. I hope you have many more posts!
Congratulations on 100 posts. I don't have my blog up and running yet but I am working on it. How very generous of you to offer three givaways'. I will exclude myself from 1st and 2nd as I live in New Zealand, but 3rd would be a wonderful bonus if I should be so fortunate.
Yay...100 posts. it seems I'll never get there! love your blog. And woweee, are you ever generous in your celebration?!!! Happy New Year!
Wow,A 100 posts! Hope I get there some day. vpaquette@yahoo.com
Congratulations and what a wonderful giveaway.
I'm new to bloging but have entered a couple of contests. I've never seen a prize as impressive as yours. WOW! Congrats on your 100th post.
HOW DID I MISS THIS, JACKIE?! Methinks my erratic RSS feed is to blame. CONGRATS on your 100th post!! I love your blog and you're such a sweetie! Here's to many, many more blog posts!
Congratulations on your 100th. Your give away is very appealing. I hope I win. thanks for offering it!
I would love to win your drawing!
This is the best giveaway I've ever enteres. I enjoy your blog and get lots of inspiration.
Jackie, you are so generous and kind. That is just one of the reasons I love blogging with you. Congrats!
I really enjoy your blog. As a beginning quilter I love to look at blogs and imagine that one day I can will be able to do these beautiful quilts too. Congratulations on your 100th post.
What an amazing giveaway!! Your work is fabulous and I would love to have one of your designs! Love reading your blog!
wow I whole 100! what great prizes you're offering too... Hope the next year is just as productive for you.
Wow - what a generous give-away. I enjoy your blog inspirations - happy creating and happy new year!
Hello, I am enjoying your blog and your generosity here. You'll make some lucky winners very happy!
Thank you for the giveaway. Add my name to the list as I have quilt tops that need quilting in all sizes. :) Linda
HI jackie,
What a lovely set of things to do to quilt a quilt for someone else as a giveaway.
100 is a nice milestone- Meeting other bloggers and reading about their quilt experiences is often inspiring.
I hope that you have many more opportunities to continue to post.
Regards from a Western Canadian Quilter,
Happy 100th! I hope you have enjoyed your blogging as much as we have! I would be delighted to be entered in your giveaway.
wow what a very generous giveaway, I was directed to you via another blog. Thanks for sharing and please count me in. Happy Quilting
Congratulations and Happy Anniversary! What an awesome giveaway and a great blog.Please enter me for your drawing. Wishing you a successful and happy New Year!
Wow ..........100 not a bad innings ... Congratulations ....see you for the next 100 have a nice day
Oh I'm so glad I didn't miss this!! What a great giveaway! Thanks!!
PS your blog is so fun! I'm going to follow you!
Hello from Norway.
I am so happy that I found your blog. I have i quiet day at work out here on a offshore oilrig in the North sea, so I will spend some time in your blog.Can`t wait..
Congratulation on your 100th post! It is so generous of you to give such wonderful presents!
I love your blog and what a nice thing for you to giveaway. Thanks!
How Exciting! I've been looking for someone to long arm quilt my work! You wouldn't believe the stack of unquilted things that I have in boxes all over the place! And the books look like fun also. So sign me up for this amazing offer! Bless your heart for being so generous!
I could have sworn I posted already but it must have gotten lost in space. Congrats on your 100 posts.
Obviously you can tell how many people really do enjoy your blog:)
Congrats on your 100th post! I just found your blog through a friend who got your pillowcase pattern. Love your blog - have added it to my bloglines!
Count me in. Glad to hear that you are feeling better. Congrats, and I so look forward to viewing your blog.
Having just celebrated my 100th post, I know what an accomplishment that is. It's not as easy as it looks. Congratulations. I've got my baby quilt tops all ready for the prize!
Zip-A-Dee-Doo-Dah-Day!!! Count me in!
All three of your giveaways are very
generous. It would be a pleasure to win any one of them.
Thanks for an opportunity to win!
You have a wonderful blog and many beautiful quilts!
Thanks and congratulations! Julie
my goodness, what wonderful prizes and how generous you are with your quilting services. I have several tops that could be quilted so I have to say, please add me to the drawing.
Robin in Virginia
You are very generous to offer such prizes for a giveaway. I have enjoyed reading your blog.
Wow! what a fantastic and very generous give-a-way! Cheers on your 100th post and good luck to all!
Lucky us! What great gifts! Love your blog -- thanks for all your dedication! Happy 100!
Congrats of 100 posts. I enjoy your blog. Thanks so much for all your inspiration.
What a generous giveaway. Keep up the lovely blogging, you entertain my lunchbreaks.
Wonderful very generous giveaways! All 3 are exciting! Congrats on your 100th post!
Congratz on your 100th post!
What a very generous group of prizes you are offering up for your give-a-way, anyone would be so very lucky to win!
Thanks for a give away chance. And, great looking stuff on your blog.
Congratulations on your 100th + posts! Very nice site. I've enjoyed wandering around it ..Thank you so much for such a nice give-a-way!
Happy New Year to all
Your quilt gallery is awesome!!! You do excellent work. I am so happy to have found your blog and website. Gena in Dallas
Thanks for entering my name in your very generous giveaway. I haven't visited your blog before but it looks so creative I am adding it to my daily reads. Thanks again, Karleen rtnkt@charter.net
I enjoyed reading your blog and will be back again. Congratulations on the milestone!
Happy 100th post...I have enjoyed your blog for along time and would love to win...Thanks for the great give away..Toni
I have spent a lot of time with you here on your blog and have learned a lot! It would be really fun to be a winning part of your 100th post celebration! Congrats!
Happy 100th! Love your quilts. You must stay very busy! I would love to be included in your give away. Any one of the prizes would be exciting! Nonetheless, I will continue to enjoy reading your blog....especially looking at the pictures. thanks for the inspiration! Sally jspwarren@aol.com
Great giveaways!!!
Congrats...Happy 100th post!
congratulations to your 100. post.
I like your quilts.
They are wonderful.
Marion from Germany
Jackie, happy 100th! That is quite an accomplishment. I love your blog, thanks for inpiring me. I loved your friends' project photos too, how nice.
Congrats on your 100th post ... blogging is so much fun.
Nice giveaway .... please throw me into the hat. Thanks.
Congratulations on your 100th post. Very generous giveaway!!
Whauw! congratulations!! on your 100 th post and with so many comments!
Up to the next 100!
Congrats on your 100th post!
Oh my, you are a very generous girl! I would LOVE to win anything you have mentioned - THANKS!
Congrats on your 100th post. Looking forward to your tutorial.
Happy 100th Postaversary, Jackie! MY, that's SOME loot you're giving away. I already have my prize... your friendship and the inspiration you always give!
So glad I got here on time. Your blog is just lovely. Glad I found you. Thanks for the chance to win!
I have been enjoying your blog, and cannot believe it is you 100th post and that you are so ever generous in your give-away. You have a wonderful new year. Dee - jessibir@hickorytech.net
Oh my word! This is a crazy, amazing giveaway! You are so generous to be willing to do all this. I really hope that I win and thank you so much for the chance.
Congratulations on your 100th post. I enjoy your blog and so wanted to let you know. Your giveaway is awesome.....and I happen to have a few unquilted tops.
Hugs, Barb
Hi Jackie,
Like others, I don't have a blog, but love seeing what you are doing - you are so creative! Since I have three quilts waiting for you here to quilt, I will hope that my entry might make it to the top spot! Hugs to you! Karen jasper64@optonline.net
What a generous giveaway. Looks like I just made the deadline for being incuded. Thank you
What a great giveaway!!! Congrats for your 100th post.
Ok, I think my computer crashed on my previous comment; so will try again...
Congratulations on your 100th post. Love your blog!
Happy New Year!
Let me know the link on the pillowcases and I will be happy to help.
oh my.....this is just to wonderful. Keeping fingers and toes crossed and many congrats on your wonderful posts. XXX Annelies
Hope I'm not too late to enter this giveaway. what with the time differences. if i am and happen to win anything ,if I should be so lucky, I think the last prize would be best for me because I have not any quilts in the making. Congrats on your 100th post
i love your blog and enjoying seeing all the quilting content thank you vbarton24 at gmail dor com
Count me in on this wonderful giveaway. Happy 100th!
I just found your blog thru Jacquie and her improvisation log cabin charity block group. I will be looking forward to reading your previous posts to catch up and look forward to see the quilting of the charity quilts.
What a wonderful give away!!
your blog is inpirational enough ... and this would inspire me to actually assemble my blocks :-)
Very generous!!
Looks like word is getting around, great giveaway!
100 posts is awesome, as are your quilts!
You are very generous to giveaway fabulous prizes such as these. Congratulations on reaching 100 posts. I like your blog and am making notes for myself to improve my quilting which I am very new to.
I love the work you do and would love to be entered into your giveaway only I don't quilt (or at least not yet!!) so prizes 1 and 2 would not be for me but prize 3 is just what I need!!
What an incredible giveaway ... I can only dream of winning, but dream I will!
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