Sunday, December 9, 2012

15 Minutes Play Blog Tour and Giveaway

Hello Everyone,

Yay!! Today is my day to review my dear friend Victoria's new book!!  First I must say that I truly LOVE this book and for many reasons...  Just look at this cover... this just sucks you in...

But having known Victoria and her style and her drive to create, this book not only inspires others, but will having you sifting through your scraps immediately.  

I was honored to have quilted many of the quilts in this book too!  So I was able to see them up close and personal.

Here we are at Quilt Market for the launch of her book... Yahoo!  She is personally autographing my copy.  I have read it and love it! 

I especially love the beginning where she speaks of her grandmother.  There is always someone in our lives that touches us in a special way and this is a great story of Victoria and her grandmother.

The book showcases quilts from Victoria and her "made fabric".  It is a great improvisational way to make a quilt and use up your scraps.  The best part are the results that it yields.

You will find many quilts that incorporate traditional designs with made fabric.  This quilt is a stunning example, don't you think?

Two of my favorite colors to work with are pink and green.  A couple of years ago, Victoria had a mini retreat in her loft.  We all brought along scrap fabric and put them in a HUGE pile.  Throughout the 3 days we all picked through and made many different projects.

Here is mine...

The focal point is Mary.  This is a piece of fabric that Victoria had made on Spoonflower and had given to each of us to use.  I decided to make a mini quilt with it as the focal point using mostly pinks and greens.

Then I proceeded to create "made fabric" and border Mary with this fabric.

Wonky piano keys surround Mary.  This process is fun and really has fantastic results. 

I encourage you all to give it a try. Break out the scraps... just dump them on the floor like a pile of fall leaves and JUMP right in!!!

 This book will give you the chance to spread your wings and fly with your scraps!  If you would like to purchase a copy you can get one in my shop here, all the proceeds will go to Victoria's charity City Harvest.

But you can enter to win a copy of 15 Minutes of Play by leaving a comment on this post and tell me what color you use most in your quilting projects. 

 All U.S. entries are eligible for a hard copy of the book and International entries will be eligible for an electronic copy.  

The giveaway will remain open through December 11, 2012.

Don't forget to go to all the other blogs on the tour to enter as well.

Nov 27: Bonnie Hunter

Nov 28: Alissa
Nov 29: Pat Sloan
Dec 3rd: Generation Q
 Dec 6th: Scott Hansen
Dec 7th: Amy Ellis

Dec 8th: Rachael daisy
Dec 9th: Jackie Kunkel
Dec. 10th: C & T Publishing

Good luck!!

Until Next Time...



Ella said...

I love grey!

Maria Kievit said...

I love to use blue both light and darks in my quilts. Thanks for another chance to win this beautiful book.

Jean(ie) said...

black is a constant in my quilting. Although I do love me some color. Lately it seems to be blue.

DianeY said...

I use a lot of bright colors and the one I use to breathe is light gray

Jenniffier said...

I often use blue!

B Greene said...

I am heavy on blue and gray, but use more Kona Snow than anything else. Thanks for the chance to win this wonderful book!

Rina Mason said...

I tend to use blues a lot. Every shade from navy to aqua. Thanks for the chance to win what is sure to be a fantastic book.

Debby, crowefan0517 said...

I have heard quite a bit about this book. Hoping to win so I can check it out myself.
Thanks for the chance to win!


Pat V. said...

I seem to use a lot of green!

Cathy said...

What a terrific book!! Although pink is not my favorite color, I seem to be using a lot of it lately!

Julianne said...

Hi Jackie! I want a copy of this book so bad! Seems I am always reaching for black to put in my quilts!

CapitolaQuilter said...

Looks like a fun process and great book. I've been hooked on blues these day - thanks for asking!

Kathleen said...

Hi, I am drawn to orange! Kate

Jodi - usairdoll said...

Saw this book at my LQS and had to take alook through. It's a beautiful book and I love her story and pictures about her Grandmother.

Thank you, Victoria and C&T Publishing for an awesome giveaway and a chance to win.


Andee said...

Blue? I am not sure!

Jolanda said...

My favorite colour is blue al of his tints. I like this book because I want to show it to my quiltfriends and tell them what you can do with te scraps.

Monika said...

The favorite color for my quilting projects is RED :)

Jackie, have a wonderful Sunday!

Cathy @ CabbageQuilts said...

I adore V's amazing work and her book would be incredible! Lucky you to know her so well! Any colour suits me as long as there is a lot of it!! xo

Наталия Балабанчук said...

Surprisingly for myself it is beige...

Anonymous said...

I love this book, she has some really unique ideas. Would love to win a copy! - Andrea Diamond

Anonymous said...

Guess it would have helped if I read the directions, I have always been addicted to blue, although latetly, I have tried to get outside of my box. Andrea Diamond

Karen - Quilts...etc. said...

I tend to use a lot of blues & greens or red in my quilts but I don't do it on purpose but overall I use all colors because I use a lot of scraps too

Lisa England said...

I use a lot of blues. This book looks like fun! I guess that's the idea.

Gabriele Yorlano said...

Ooo, would love to win this book. I love modern quilts. I like the ones with grey backgrounds.

Michele said...

I use blue the most. V's book is on my wish list.

Donna said...

My favorite color is green but I guess I mostly use blue. Go figure.

Lucky Duck Dreams said...

Green is my fav color but I use a lot of gray

Jenny said...

im mostly using creamy neutrals right sure that will change though. love v's strong use of color!

smithcindyk said...

I use a lot of blues. The book looks great!

cinzia said...

I use alot of white because it really showcases all the bright colors i like to use. Yellow is also a favorite!

beaquilter said...

looks like a fun book!
I love blue and tend to use it a lot, also reds.

Johanna said...

I tend to use a lot of brown. Other times, I love a nice bright pink and green combo!

Sandi1100 said...

I just love this book!!! I seem to use a lot of pinks and blues. Thanks for the chance to win a copy of this book.

Jayne Honnold said...

I always claim that I have no favorite color - only one color I generally DON'T care for - orange. That said, I have made a predominantly orange quilt. Hmmm, I think that I have mostly used blue in the quilts I've made, so I think blue is my go-to color. The book looks very interesting! I appreciate the chance to win a copy!

Teri said...

Love the bright colors in this book. I was doing some improv sewing last night. I haven't done so in a long time. I forgot how much fun it is. I tend to gravitate toward bright saturated colors.

Becky said...

Sounds fun. I mostly use green. My favorit color!

Anya said...

The book looks wonderful! What color do I use most? That's a hard one to answer -- most of my quilts have lots of fabric in them, so almost every color is used in one way or another! Thanks for the chance, Jackie!

Mary W Quilts said...

I love pink! And I love aqua! But I seem to use a lot of purple I'm quilts... Weird, because if you ask me my favorite color, I will say pinky and aqua. Thanks formthe giveaway. Mary

Jitka said...

I prefer useing red.

Mommarock said...

I would say I use reds the most.

Anita said...

Blue and green are my favorite colors in a quilt, but I can also make a quilt without any of these colors. The color choices depend on the design and the pattern.

Mike Pearson said...

I'm totally green in my quilting :) love the pink and green combo... also like green and purple together :)

Annette S said...

I tend to use blue and green in most quilts. Though the more scrappier the better so a chance at Victoria's book is great! Thanks.

Kelly said...

I love all colors, but tend to use more RED than anything!

Ruth said...

After looking around at my quilts I think I have to say I use more red than anything else. It is there in some form in almost everything but the black and white quilts.

Allison C said...

Lately it has been white, but I prefer grays because it doesn't look at dirty or worn out after a few washes.

Gene Black said...

I use lots of colors (I Like it BRIGHT and BOLD) But I gravitate toward blues. More of my stash is blue than any other single color.

cynthia said...

I lean towards using blue! Cool, calm, even sad, but I love the blues.

pcflamingo said...

Lately I have been using a lot of blues, from light to dark. I quilt for charity and we get a lot of cute girly quilts but not so many for boys, so I try to balance that out and make some that are boy-friendly.

Sherry said...

I love using all shades of blue in my quilts. I am pretty much a beginner so my list of completed quilts is not that long.

Exuberantcolor/Wanda S Hanson said...

I use a lot of the warm colors and probably red is used the most. This looks like a great book!

Mary on Lake Pulaski said...

My colors for quilting are all over the place, but I probably have the most blue in my stash.

Sallie said...

Blue. Thanks for the giveaway!

giddy99 said...

I'm a newbie, and the quilts I've made so far are specific to the recipient, but I'm longing to make one with bright colors (rainbow)!

Nancy said...

I love purples!

Kathryn said...

Lately everything I make seems to have a touch of red.

Flo @ Butterfly Quilting said...

I love colour!! So not sure I have a favourite, but when I look at my pile of finished quilts, Yellow seems to be a common thread!
I would LOVE this book, thanks for the chance to win!

Swedish Scrapper said...

A bit of orange sneaks into almost every one!

Kathy said...

Good morning
This is the first time I have ever commented on a blog. I like to use the color black a lot. I really didn't realize this until you asked the question. I hope this is a lucky comment...the book looks great.

Lynn said...

Great looking book! I love both your blogs. I use many colors but orange shows up often.

JustPam said...

Lately I have been using white as my constant. I love the way it looks with the brights that I am in love with now.

Hannah said...

I think I use every color, purple the least. I could use the book, I have a lot of scraps.

Stitches said...

I always seem to go to the "greens".

Mina said...

My favorite quilt color right now is blood red - it just seems so bold and has alot of energy to it.

Linda Nelson said...

I can't seem to get away from the greens!

Gunilla.B said...

t used to be purple but I am leaning more and more toward orange.
Gunilla in Sweden

9patchnurse said...

I really love brights. If you want to know what color is probably in every quilt, it would have to be red. At least a little bit in every quilt.

Elsa said...

I noticed a theme in my quilts and didn't even realize it till I had them all laid out ~ every one of them has a mustardy color in them. I guess I really like that color (teehee).
Thanks for the chance to win this wonderful book ~ Victoria is an inspiration!

ritainalaska said...

love to use my greens and manage to get some green in in every piece i make.

regan said...

I usually have some amount of orange in every's my favorite color. The quilts that don't have it.....they just seem a little off to me! lol

Anonymous said...

Black seems to tie everything together for me!

Anonymous said...

My fave colors for quilting at the moment are warm neutrals in all values, from ecru to coffee. Like buttahhh.....

patricia said...

Red. Everything has a touch of it but I don't do it on purpose.

Ellen said...

The color I use most in quilts in purple. It's my favorite color second to orange and I try to use both in all my quilts

Anonymous said...

The color I use most is brown, not by choice mind you, but I am part of two repo groups and they seem to use brown as their neutral.... when sewing repro I like blues which are not very in at the moment. Let's talk book.... would love to have this one!

Catskill Quilter said...

I am always using teals and oranges!

Jeanne said...

RED! In every quilt!!

Would love to win a copy of the book ~

Anne said...

I love red.

Wendi said...

What a great giveaway! I play mostly with the blues and yellows. Thanks
Wendi M.

James P said...

Red is my go-to colour for quilting. That includes pink, of course!

Anonymous said...


noga quilts said...

I guess the color I use most is red, because I love this color so it's the dominant color in my stash.
Great book, thanks for the chance to win

Lisa said...

I use a lot of orange! I just love bright colors and use them often. Thanks for the give away!

goecker said...

Lately black/white have been the color I use in quilts. It gives he quilt great contrast and wonderful binding.

Unknown said...

I seem to use golden yellows in most of my work... a happy color for me. And today is my birthday!

O'Quilts said...

love those golden yellows with red...

teachpany said...

I think I use blues and purples the most. Blue is the largest section in my stash, too, but not as many purples. I can't wait to see this book! Thanks.

Jean said...

I use a lot of blue, and also a lot of white tone on tone as background fabric.

Beth said...

I use a lot of barn red.

I am really looking forward to this book. Winning it would be thrilling!

the girlfriend gap said...

pinks and reds. Victoria's book looks awesome. I would love to win a copy. She is doing amazing things with her 15 minutes of play. I have been following her blog . Janita

NancyB85374 said...

I use a lot of brown. I would love to have this book.

JoyceLM said...

Green is my favorite color so I use it alot. Thanks for the chance to win.

trudys_person said...

I don't know what colour I use most - maybe pink or black or grey. But I love orange! I think it has a place in every quilt! Thank you for the giveaway!

Linda said...

I would probably use purple and green. Thanks for the giveaway.

Unknown said...

I use a lot of red-purple. But I'm starting to expand into my stash and recently am more focused on earthy tones.

Thanks for the chance to win this cool book.

Patty said...

I use a lot of green. Looking thru my scraps I realize that I almost never use blue. It's fun to look thru my stash and see what colors I have more of.

Chris said...

Hello! You are such a talented artist - I love all of your quilts in V's book! Which, I agree, is a must-have book for any quilter! Most used color has to be green - I love lime green and sage green, but some shade of green shows up in most of my quilts - it's my favorite neutral!

Carol Sc said...

I think my favorite color is green, and I use a great deal of it in my quilts --- but also lots of turquoise and orange --- and sometimes so many scraps, it's hard to pick the most common color.

AP said...

Denim blue :-)

Pamela S. said...

My fave is yellow - all different shades as it brightens any quilt!

Aliza said...

The colors I use most at the moment are black and white...

Karen said...

As much as I hate to admit it, I have been in a brown phase for about the last 10 years!! I'm trying to get out, but kinda still there :). Thanks for sharing, can't wait to see the book.

Salley said...

I am using a fair bit of mustard! Its my new grey....... without being "in your face-Yellow" I would love to see this new exciting book by Victoria

maureen said...

My colors change constantly. Looking at my scraps though- I have an awful lot of greens and pinks. So I guess I've been using a lot of green and pink.
Need to use them up!!

Anne / Springleaf Studios said...

Love your quilt. The pinks and oranges are great. I probably use some kind of green in many of my quilts although hot colors are making a big presence lately.

Sharon said...

Love your quilt! I lov to use orange in my quilts for a splash of color

Julie S said...

I would have to say red. Not this it is my favorite color, but it just seems to make it into my quilts.

quilter501 said...

I love to use grey dotted....then it can be the unifying color throughout.....I have bought bolts of it for use in crazy colored quilts. I adore these quilts and hope to win the book

Spanishlady said...

I have been waiting for just the right book to complete my first scrap quilt and this is it!


Debbie said...

I seem to be using a lot of pink and brown lately. Would love that book.

Spanishlady said...

Forgot to add my colour...burnt orange.

Joye with an e said...

My favorite color is red but I use lots of different colors quilting. Depends on the project. Thanks!

Marcia W. said...

each quilt needs a little bit, or sometimes a whole lot, of blue in it
Thanks for the giveaway as know will learn a lot that I can use from Victoria's book

Nancy said...

I am surprised to realize that I use a lot of white/natural colors, nearly always as background to other colors. And then all the other colors show up, though not necessarily in the same quilt! Thanks for sharing your thoughts about the book and for offering the giveaway.

Tami C said...

Green is my go to color for most things. I love all kinds of greens, especially avocado. Thanks for the chance to win!

debby said...

Lately I seem to be using yellows and blued

Fran Adams said...

Having quilted since the 1960's, I have used most color combinations sometimes bright and colorful and other times neutral and quiet. It is mostly driven by the project but I must say that I like the scrap quilt the best multicolored pattern with a neutral background.

Tamie said...

This looks like a great book. Thanks for participating in the tour.

Andrea Schnur said...

I use brown in alot of my quilts - because I like doing soft colors, the brown helps with definition - yet isn't as striking as black - but yet gives the same effect.
Hey Jackie - Again.. Congrats on your NEW SEWING STUDIO - I just love seeing the posts about it.. You have a bright outlook ahead of you friend! I forgot to tell you, I saw Victoria at Festival - and I told her I only knew about her - through the great words from you..

Sherri I said...

The color I use most in my quilts has to be some shade of blue.


Wendy said...

I do a lot of blues and greens but am trying to branch out. Peach, salmon and yellows are close seconds.
Thanks for this opportunity.

bairdmtn said...

This book looks just yummy! My favorite color to use is red! I LOVE red in everything and use it in every quilt I make!

janet yatska said...

I would have to say I use red the most in all my quilts.. All shades. Thanks for the chance to win the book.

Unknown said...

I don't have one dominate depends on the design and other colors. Perhaps red seems to sneak in most of my quilts.

Anonymous said...

I tend to use a lot of blue. A deep blue. I stay away from baby blues.

epban said...

I seem to gravitate towards aqua!

Diane said...

Currently I use a lot of grey and yellow.

hafza said...

I love to use red and pink! Thanks for the great giveaway.

Podunk Pretties said...

White for the background, it makes the other colors jump of the quilt!

Jean Williams said...

I tend to use shades of green.

Linda at Roscoe's Ma said...

I seem to use a lot of black in my quilts. I am always thinking about green and pink and orange and purple though. Oh, I would love to win this book! Thanks for the chance!

Miss Jean said...

I use a lot of blue, in fact, royal blue and golden yellow have been following me around for years. Funny, those were my high school colors, hmmmmmm.......

Debbie said...

Thanks for those great photos of Victoria's book, Jackie! Orange is the color found most in my projects. I can provide a U.S. mailing address.

Hilary said...

I cannot resist putting yellow in every quilt .. it is like the light of the sun to me, I guess.
Would love to win a copy of the book.

Rhonda said...

I use a lot of green when possible. I just love that color. And I have a large collection of it varied shades!!

Anonymous said...

I thought my quilt favorite was dark blue (though I've fallen in love with deep reds and created or highlighted quilts around it), but lately my stash keeps growing shades of brown, which surprises me no end as it was once a least-favorite - go figure! Victoria's book looks like a great way to find out what they can all do together - thanks for offering the giveaway!

Tricia said...

I use aqua the most.

Cecilia said...

I seem to use a lot of blue. This book looks very interesting. Thanks for the chance to win a copy.

Jeneta said...

White, though I have a few projects planned that will use grey!

LizA. said...

No question --red!

jrt14 said...

I like the color blue and use it a lot in my quilts.

DeborahGun said...

I seem to be drawn to bright pink at the moment!

Karen@littlebirdiequilting said...

I've found that I use a lot of greens in my quilts, which is ironic as green has never been my colour of choice!

Terry said...

The color I use more often is blue but it's weird because I really like orange. Orange is not used often in my quilts though. Thanks for the chance to win.

patty a. said...

I use a lot of white/creams and black/greys, but no color is off limits. It all depends on what I am doing, but my go to color would be Kona Snow.

Regina said...

I love any shade of blue but I also use alot of cream and tan.

Sandielynn said...

Most of my quilts are made for granddaughters, so PINK is a biggie for me! Thanks for the chance to win!

Vicki B said...

I love blues and would love a copy of Victoria's book.

janequiltsslowly said...

I've been using lots of yellow to orange lately.

Anonymous said...

You know GREEN is my favorite. I'd love to win a copy of Victoria's book. Lord knows I have plenty of scraps laying around!!!

virgdale said...

I am a red person, always put a piece of red in somewhere. What a fun book!!

Lynn Douglass said...

Turquoise and lime are my "go to" colors. Since joining the MQG two years ago, I find I'm using orange a lot, too! I'd love to win a copy of Victoria's book!

Nancy: said...

I think I use all colors, but if I have to choose one, I guess I use a lot of blue

Poppyprint said...

My scrap drawers are busting out on all sides. I would love to see Victoria's ideas! Thanks for the giveaway Jackie.

Kathy H said...

I use blue the most in my quilts.

Stina Blomgren said...

Happy holidays to you Jackie!!!!:0)
Colour ...PINK...;0)

Sylvia said...

I don't think there's any color I use most, although of course the neutrals are always useful. I've actually been trying to stretch myself and use colors I wouldn't normally, like orange and brown!

quiltmom anna said...

Jackie - I love all jewel tone fabrics though I also am a big fan of autumnal colors in quilts. I have been working with lots of batiks and tone on tone in recent quilts.
Thanks for the chance to win Victoria's book.
Warmest regards,

Elizabeth said...

The color I use most is blue. It just seems to go with everything.

Judy said...

Bright, clear colors. Orange, pink, purple and yellow. Any color that reads solid from afar. I adore scrappy quilts!

Unknown said...

Right now red, yellow, and black are my favorites. This book looks AWESOME! I am hoping I win, if not, I am buying it!!!

PamelaJ said...

I love bright fresh colours all depends who the quilt is for but have been using bright red blue yellow orange and green for littl boy quilts lately I love this book looks like fun as I love modern quilts .

vanessa said...

Fabulous book

Christina Gilman said...

Historically, it's been blue. This last year, I've really worked at using other colors, too. Tricky stuff, though, since blue and I get on so well!

Deb said...

I probably use more reds because I love reds and whites.

Michelle L said...

I love red. Fire red.
Thank you for the opportunity to win a copy of the book.

Angela N. said...

Yellow! while i love red and green too, yellow just has that look of happiness that i want all around me!! Thank you for the chance to win such an amazing book.

Elizabeth S in VA said...

I like reds & creams

Anonymous said...

I think I probably use blues most often. Thanks for the chance to win this great-looking book. Susie H

Carol Sews said...

I'm always draw to the brights. Doesn't match anything in my home but I love them! Purple is usually there somewhere.

Kimme said...

I tend to use a fair bit of red in my quilts. It just makes them sing.

Anonymous said...

Lately the color I'm drawn to most is aqua/turquoise/teal. Seems like it goes well with so many other colors.

vjwildman at yahoo dot com

Nancy Sue said...

I really like tans and dark rust colors, but somehow most of my quilts have a large amount of blue :) Go figure :)

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